★★★★ SHADOW CORPS GAMING NETWORK ★★★★★★★ www.shadowcorps.us ★★★★★★ TS3: voice.shadowcorps.us ★★★ We are military clan looking for players that have same goals as us. We are looking for mature players with a good behavior, however a good laugh is sometimes much needed. Our goal is to kill bandits in-game and search for other survivors. We happily accept anyone who wishes to become a part of our organization. We like to have fun, and we still like to work as a team. The Shadow Corps is all about tactics on missions, and we do our best to stay alert and watch out for AI's and Bandit players. If you feel that you meet our requirements, and that we meet yours, be sure to drop in and talk to us more about becoming a member. We are a small clan of 5 right now, making up a merely small platoon. We are working towards bringing more in, and letting the Shadow Corps take it's toll on the idiot bandits. ★★★ Copy this and fill in your answers, and E-mail to one of our recruiters listed at the bottom of the message. ★★★ 1] Nickname:2] Region(Country):3] Are you willing to be active:4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone:5] Steam name:6] How long have you been playing DayZ Epoch:7] How many Clans have you been In:8] Previous experience:9] How many bandits have you killed:10] Are you willing to help other players:11] What's your strengths/weaknesses in-game: ★★★★ REQUIREMENTS ★★★★ 1) You have to be older than 17.2) You need to be an active member.3) If your going inactive you need to tell us, too much inactivity will get your removed from our group.4) You are expected to follow our rules, they are all required before joining.5) Be mature and respect other members within our community.6) Dont act hostile ingame unless your opponet gets hostile first.7) Help people ingame because thats one of our lesser objects.8) You're expected to follow orders that are given from higher ranking members.9) Dont ask for promotions.10) Once you get accepted you will be required to join teamspeak and get sorted out. ★★★★ RANKING STRUCTURE ★★★★ ★★★ Commissioned Officers ★★★ Senior Commanding Officer - SCOCommanding Officer - XOColonel - ColLieutenant Colonel - L.t ColMajor - MajCaptain - CptLieutenant - Lt ★★ None Commissioned Officers ★★ Sergeant Major - Sgt MajStaff Sergeant - SSgtSergeant - SgtCorporal - Cpl ★ Enlisted ★ Specialists - SpecLance Corporal - LcplPrivate First Class - PfcPrivate - PteRegular - RglCadet - CdtRecruit - Rec ★★★★ RECRUITER CONTACT INFORMATION ★★★★ (Senior Commanding Officer) - }SCGN{ SCO.Phoenix13:
[email protected](Commanding Officer) - }SCGN{ XO.Demar6194:
[email protected](Major) - }SCGN{ COL.wish:
[email protected] ★★★ Contact: Contact Info Teamspeak: voice.shadowcorps.usWebsite: http://www.shadowcorps.us/ (Website is in use and active) DayZ Epoch Server IP: Epoch Sauerland - Arma II OA BETA 125548) Important! Look for replies if you have a application pending.