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Posts posted by TheEZ3L

  1. Actually, i was camping Military Base hospital roof, some 2 guys passed, Quickscoped em (yeah i did it :D)

    After i killed them, i full drank a canteen to  celebrate before i go to loot them, ended up i fell on the ground and randomly started to slide forward, when my body kept sliding like a glitched noclipping zombie corpse, i fell off the roof, died.

  2. ahahahahahahah






    Shrub Rocketeer ™

    shout 'plese no i must halp frend i give you all backpack and moto helmet ALL MY GEAR for you'  but he dont listen and do 2 more shot in my face i WAS DONT SURVIVE


    my frend say 'why you give him gun and ammo? you are trust too much shrub' i was say 'yes i am trust all person if they say because i dont live my life never trust and always paranoid better to die with open heart then live with always the fear' but he say 'NOW I AM DIE FROM SICK YOU ARE SHIT FREND' and he RAGE quit temspeak and block me on steam

  3. There are a lot of reasons for this,

    Have you gotten bitten by a zombie 30 mins ago? Sometimes you lag out and die after 30 mins of the "supposed" death (Delayed death?)

    Also i'll second Eadaif.

    There's a possiblity you were infected (dunno if its implemented yet)

    Or hmmm probably bleeding, posioned?
    You sure you randomly died? It's a bug then. 

  4. Thank you for reading this. I appreciate this. 

    Hmm... Are you a guy that just googled my thread? Meh. Post so your voice get heard! Whatever. Now the problem is:



    I bought DayZ SA 1 Week ago, didn't take too long to take the hang of it, as im a previous ArmA player, DayZ were fine since i bought it, till today. 


    Desync becomes 500000000000000

    and ping becomes 5000000000 too



    please if you need some information comment below



    my net speed is 5 MB

    im in Jordan
