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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hello! I have a quite powerful laptop MSI GX60: CPU: AMD A10-5750m ES\QS @ 3.5GHZ (overclocked) GPU: Radeon 8950m RAM: 16GB DDR3-1600 SSD: 256GB SanDisk Extreme Full-HD display The problem is that DayZ on minimum setting runs smoothly only in fields or in wilderness, while in any decent town fps drops dramatically, even without zombies (1-3 zeds can't be taken into account). If I raise settings, performance drops insignificantly, so the problem is in CPU mostly. I had the same performance issues around 6 months ago, while on start DayZ SA ran much more smoothly. Unfortunately, this game is unplayable with such a low FPS and "unoptimized" DayZ mod runs much better for me. Heck, even ARMA3 DayZ mods feel more comfortable (while mooore buggy). Are there any major performance fixes planned? P.S. I started playing DayZ when there were around 16-20 servers in total and DayZ had no more than 5k subs, now me and my team want to return to this game and I started scouting the situation.
  2. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    It's more like "i have my time to spend on better things than searching old Rocket's posts and videos (many of them were deleted for Bohemia youtube channel)" And who says I'm playing DayZ SA? I'll give it a try in 3-4 month, and then another 3-4 month break until me and my clan will be able to to rent a serer of a stable SA version and settle there for years )
  3. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Dude, a mediocre consumer doesn't need excuses, he needs a result. If he doesn't get what he expected for the money he paid, he gets pissed off, and the dev studio gets a bad reputation. You want me to search for old posts? Let me remind you about zombie rework and "network bubbles" that were supposed to fix 2 core issues. Have they fixed? Maybe in some way, but there are still almost no zeds and server pops is limited to 30-40 ppl. Aside from this I don't want to datamine for old videos and posts.
  4. You know, it sometimes hurts to see how some superloyal fans of DayZ and ARMA franchises leave sarcastic comments: not because those comments ARE sarcastic, but because they have a valid point. For example, Wycc220 (Shustrila\Шустрила) (his DayZ letsplays brought thousands of new Russian-speaking players to community), has recorded hundreds of hours in DayZ-Mod, most of his vids have over 100k views, some had 500k-700k. His recent video about DayZ-SA was bitter and full of sarcasm/skepticism.
  5. I've seen those numbers: 3 million subs in DayZ SA 1 million subs in DayZ Mod Which literally means that a considerable part of those 2 million players bought DayZ-SA expecting a more or less finished game with possible bugs. Another reasonable part has been expecting the SA to become on par with the Mod in a year. But I'm pretty sure that around 500k DayZ players are a loyal fanbase that waits patiently for their perfect game =)
  6. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    it is. It does. Quoting separate phrases doesn't add them more sense, right? DayZ SA is not the game that was promised 2 years ago and it's superslow development progress hurts Bohemia's reputation a lot. Edit: I'm just patiently waiting for the Game to be playable in the way the Mod was. I'll buy a new PC (not for DayZ only) and test other survival sandboxes, as most of current DayZ users that enjoyed the Mod would.
  7. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    I don't regret I've bought DayZ SA, but I feel confused when I see a lot of new cosmetic stuff added while there is no visible progress on core mechanics that made Mod so popular: zombies, performance, vehicles, stability, bugs and cheaters (met a speedhacking\teleporting guy recently). All those features have one root: a proper engine (not only rendering engine) is vital, while devs were going to mod slightly an old VBS-2 engine and add a lot of stuff. Another bad thing about prolonged SA development is that a lot of games on the same thematics are in development: while some have failed, some seem to be a fail, few of them (won't name them) can cripple DayZ authority even more.
  8. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    I guess you missed my point: DayZ SA has been in development for 2 years. Still, some glitches in SA version persist from ARMA2 Mod: ghosting zombies, texture artifacts, some buildings exploits, dupe and so on. Yes, the new map is beautiful, new weapons look cool, inventory is far better, new gearing system, new healthcare system. But afrer 2 years of development the game still fails to deliver survival elements! This is what bad! And mods, while having rudimentary (compared to SA) gearing and health system, can offer you a zombie apocalypse survival. So, from a point of a common consumer, why should I pick SA over mods (esp. ARMA3)?
  9. zak.preston@gmail.com

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Don't want to offend anyone (I'm a huge fan of DayZ series), but look: Breaking Point ARMA3: after a year of development looks like a standalone game in BETA stage: yes, glitches, yes stupid zeds... BUT! The game runs twice smoother than DayZ SA, has reasonable zombies that don't ghost through walls\floors, has vehicles, basic bases huge (I mean HUGE) maps (including custom) with 65-100 players.Epoch ARMA3: completely on par with DayZ SA after 4-5 months of development. They have same problems with zeds, lots of bugs, glitches, some decent fps drops. BUT! They have base building, missions, NPCs with stuff to buy, currency system. Oh, and a group system. Not that all those features are needed in SA, but still those are a lot of work. As a customer, why should I take in consideration those modvs standalone debates when mods that in development for far shorter time have much more content and much more stable than DayZ SA? I still wait for new renderer, overhauled zombies, bases, more vehicles... But mods do all that much quicker and with far better quality. P.S. Northern parts of the SA map that had the most recent updates are godlike: they look and feel much better than old regions, especially South-Eastern.
  10. I'm desperate to find a PSO-1 scope...
  11. Because they may have all fresh drivers, clean Windows (without 2-3 antiviruses, cleaned up system drive and they don't render video on background), a better SSD or even a better provider ))
  12. 25-30 FPS in wilderness, 5-10 FPS in towns. AMD single-core performance is lackluster, and while you can overclock AMD desktop CPUs by 20-50% and catch up with lower i5 processors, most laptop CPUs aren't overclockable.
  13. Modern AMD CPUs are only worth for for gaming when overclocked to 4.5GHz, sadly. Even than they struggle to compete with i5 CPUs in many games. I bought my AMD gaming laptop MSI GX60 only because I love AMD , but I didn't expect that their top laptop CPU would be so much inferior to Intel CPUs...
  14. I agree that SKS seems to be a better all-rounder weapon, while Mosin with 8x scope is the best sniping weapon ATM. But it's still a matter of preference. Mosin vs SKS is more equivalent to M24 vs M14 comparison in DayZ-Mod. But I would grab AK74 or AKM with PSO-1 scope any day over SKS.
  15. MSI GX60-1AC CPU: AMD A10-5750m ES\QS @ 3.7GHz (OC) GPU: Radeon 8970m (900@5000MHz) RAM: 16GB DDR3-1666MHz CL9 SSD: San Disk Extreme 256GB HDD: Seagate 5400RPM 500GB Disp: 15" 1080p OS: Win8.1 PRO Settings: medium, no AA, Bloom, Shadows, AF and so on. FPS: 25-30 in wilderness, 5-10 FPS in towns. My CPU is the problem =(
  16. Actually Mosin rifle can't be compared to SKS due to significant difference in effective range, accuracy and damage, mostly due to available attachments in DayZ. It's strange to see how rare most types of ammo are compared to actual guns and especially mags: you can find 1-2 1911 pistols but not a single .45 bullet. I guess it's a small balance flaw, nothing more.
  17. There are millions, maybe even tens of millions SKS rifles in Ukrainian military storages. SKS is by far the cheapest rifle you can buy in store, alongside with Mosin. The second cheapest weapons are hunters versions of AKM/AK74, limited to semi-auto mode, with 10 bullets mags and no slot for bayonet.
  18. For my 20-3 hours in 0.52 I've found SKS mag only ONCE, and I've found a drum mag full of 7.62x39 bullets ony once too. There is something wrong with this. As someone who lives in Eastern Europe I can confirm that SKS is one of the most popular hunting rifle due to low price and cheap ammo.
  19. zak.preston@gmail.com

    Please Fix FPS

    Could you please specify minimum and medium user PC config for DayZ SA you are aiming for?Are there any plans for x64 client (not only server)Will optimization include excessive multicore and multithread usage?Will there be any optimizations for hexa- octacore CPU's, since DayZ is also planned for PS4 (with it's 8-core CPU)?
  20. zak.preston@gmail.com

    Please Fix FPS

    The sad thing about DayZ-SA performance is that we have such a low FPS without zombies! In DayZ-Mod the main issue with performance in towns were zombies (and some loot had minor influence). I don't want to look grim ore too skeptical, but I suspect that new render won't solve even 1/3 of FPS issues. Just look how BIS worked to fix zombies and how the tied to create a "network bubble".
  21. you forgot about hats =))
  22. Hello, fellow-survivors! I've bought my ARMA2 key and joined DayZ community when there were around 20 servers in total (only 2 Russian servers for example), guess I was in first 3-5k subscribers =)) I've encountered a lot of frustrating and disappointing situations, bugs, glitches, cheaters, sudden and silly deaths (bridges, rocks, doors, trees), but nothing of that compares to the enjoyment I got from this game. Thanks to DayZ I've made friends with a lot of nice and adequate guys and girls all over the world (Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, France, Great Britain), with some of them I communicate even now. I had around 3-4 accounts in ARMA2 just to store some expensive gear and be able to loot my alt's dead bodies. When DayZ SA launched I instabought it within an hour, and don't regret it. Guess I proved enough evidence to show that I'm quite a loyal member of DayZ community. Recently I tried to play DayZ SA after a half-year break, but got disappointed by extremely low FPS I got on my gaming laptop. I do understand that laptop's specs are far inferior to PC's ones, that DayZ is in alpha stage and it's quite unfinished. I've even read that DayZ will receive a new engine, and it might (and should, btw) improve performance. The only thing I would like to ask devs is to take in consideration medium-priced laptops as a minimal configuration that could run DayZ on lowest settings with relibale 30 FPS in town when they release game. One sad example from my experience: Currently I'm working as a devops in a gamedev studio and sometimes I take part in developer's meetings. The company I'm working in is developing yet another TPS-MOBA game (like Smite) for browsers on Unity Engine. Every single programmer, artist or QA has a high-end HP workstation with a Quad-Octacore Intel CPU and a professional NVidia Quaro GPU with tons of RAM, SSD Raids and so on. Testers have a quad-core Intel CPU and an acceptable gaming GPU (GF660 - GF770, depending on how the rigs are). Development of the game and internal tests went quite smoothly, until we released a closed "friends and family test", where most of responces were absolutely negative in terms of client's performance. The game was extremely poorly optimized for any dual-core CPU and low-ended GPU. This has set back the project for a half a year at least, since casual players, students, pupils or people from poor countries couldn't afford themselves an expensive upgrade to play our game and we potentially could lose around 70% of subscribers. The problem was that none wanted to test the game on low-specced PCs, laptops and different fersions of drivers before the game got a pre-alpha status. Another example is Planetside 2 game that lost a lot of potential clients due to low optimization on start. They had to optimize heavily the game later, but it could not repel the damage taken to their subs base. UPD: Current mediocre gaming-capable laptop's config is: CPU: i5 dualcore Intel or A8\A10 quad-core AMD, which are comparable to cheapest desktop CPUs GPU: AMD Radeon 8750M-8870M or NVidia 650M-760M RAM: 4-8GB
  23. So, i tuned down most setting on minimum, added startup params, edited configs and I really got a nice but unsufficient 5-10 FPS boost. But the best thing I've noted is that there are no fps issues shortly after server restart. I mean that FPS holds on fair 35 rate, no shutters and microlags. On a sad note: I do understand that people want new weapons, new features and more "shiny dingies" (c - Risen 2/3), and I doubt game designers can be seriously involved in game engine coding process... But some or (even most) features may stop working as intended after a serious core update.
  24. I've played for around 10-15 hours in total after 0.50 release and I have found 2 mags on CZ-575 (don't remember for sure and 1 pistol + mag CR-75. No ammo, no mags. Retiring until DayZ SA is more comfortable to play.
  25. I didn't realize that DayZ SA works with DX9 0nly o.O I'm not sure if DX11 will decrease system requirements, but I do know that their engine lacks native multithreading and efficient memory usage. The real promsing thing is that they are going to port the game to PS4, which is comparable to the lowest-tier gaming PC. We have a good example of SoE that optimized Planetside 2 for PC heavily while working on PS4 release.