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crazy mike

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Everything posted by crazy mike

  1. DayZ Vortorsk By Crazy Mike & Hololand3 Backstory The island is located in the Sea of Okhotsk, and slowly has been forgotten about after so many years since the fall of the Soviet Union, after losing the support of the USSR the micro-nation Vortorsk fell into disarray, it began slowly bleeding its population. 6 months later in June 1992, an event occurred crippling the nation and killing off a majority of the remaining population. Many attempted to flee the island by boat or plane, but most civilians were forced to stay on the island, eventually succumbing to conditions on the island. The major cities on the island have since fallen into decay and have begun to fall apart, nature is slowly taking back the cities but due to the harsh climate, it has been a slow process. Many civilians had fled to military installations to no avail or to underground sanctuaries, making for good hiding spots and terrible dead ends. The military of Vortorsk was not prepared for the events of 1992 and fell apart within months, leaving scattered supplies across the island from lost patrols, deserters, and worse. With the current state of the island, not much is stopping anybody from getting to the island, but it has been all but erased from maps and made difficult to find, be warned however as only rumors circulate as to what really happened, seeing it firsthand may give you a clear picture of what happened, but it may also give you a very clear fate. Paramilitary forces have also been said to operate off the island as it is essentially lawless and there are almost no living inhabitants on the island, or atleast, normal inhabitants. Technical Parameters Heightmap Resolution: 4096 Cell Size: 5m/px Size: 20480x20480 or 419km2 Location: 56.409432, 143.376346 Season: Mid Fall Layout: 2 Major Islands, 2 Minor Islands, 4 Satellite Islands Setting: Post Apocalyptic Soviet State Current Object Count: 2839042 im still writing it come back later ree
  2. crazy mike

    DayZ Chernarus+ Winter

    DayZ Chernarus+ Winter By Crazy Mike Quick and simple, as the name suggests, this mod is a total conversion of the season for the game, moving from mid-late fall to mid winter right after a medium snowfall, there will be a number of features included with this mod ontop of simply a terrain retexture, enhanced winter mechanics are planned with increased dangers of cold and frostbite, aswell as aesthetic additions such as volumetric snow ground coverage and snowfall both of which can give some cover for hearty survivors. Snow camo equipment aswell as winter camo paint for weaponry will also be included, maybe not on release but it is planned, any other features feel free to post below, however there are MANY limits to what you can do to an existing map without overstepping boundaries. This mod will TOTALLY convert nearly all of the data changed, meaning you cannot have this mod loaded, and play on vanilla chernarus, there is simply NO way to do this properly. More info soon, some pictures below. These pictures do not represent a finished mod, they only represent about 8 hours of work like 2 months ago from day of posting. A lot leaves much to be desired, however what you will be looking at below is ROUGHLY the idea I am going for. Thanks! Imagery Quick running around GIF, please remember again this was put together extremely quickly and will be far more aesthetically pleasing and of overall higher quality in the future. https://gyazo.com/c36a515fbe80de3c7d4e18a352a2b1b0 o7
  3. crazy mike

    Attempting to host Namalsk

    who knows, they didnt change the file headers lol
  4. crazy mike

    DayZ Vortorsk - Dual Island Soviet State

    this was made using terrain builder from arma 3 tools, dayz will also re-release terrain builder in its tools on steam tools section aswell
  5. crazy mike

    DayZ Vortorsk - Dual Island Soviet State

    yea vortorsk in arma 3 was my first attempt at terrain making, and i scrapped it because it was dogshit, i took the old heightmap, upgraded it from 2k to 4k, increased details on the terrain, redesigned the northern island and tweaked the south island, rebuilt the satellite and mask texture from scratch
  6. crazy mike

    Attempting to host Namalsk

    models and wrp binarized with arma 3 binarize will not load with dayz, incompatible data with different p3d types arrowhead binarize does work however, my vortorsk map is ingame and usable
  7. we need food and drinks to simply keep your character going longer, and LOWER the spawn rates, instead of finding 10 cans in an hour and eating all 10 cans, id rather find 2 cans an hour and eat those 2 cans, it needs to be similar difficulty but the balancing is way off on items and their spawn rates, would LOVE for someone to seriously take an entire week to rebalance the loot table and survival mechanics, mainly tweak numbers in a config somewhere on the rates and whatnot
  8. crazy mike

    Combat AI / Arma 3

    they arent doing it because they arent using it
  9. crazy mike

    DayZ Vortorsk - Dual Island Soviet State

    heightmap is ancient i painted it by hand awhile back, ran it through world creator and created the sat and mask using that, and spent maybe a week in terrain builder, all the nature related objects are done, atleast until we start doing infastructure and changing alot of it
  10. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    you still have the mindset of "working around bad balancing" i have the mindset of "fixing the bad balancing"
  11. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    the problem a lot of people myself included think is that yes time is accelerated, however the consumption rate does NOT match up with the day, you eat multiple times more then a human could possibly eat during the course of a single game day, it feels ridiculous and low-effort by whoever is in charge of balancing the game, so much of the current criticism ive seen is around balancing issues
  12. crazy mike

    DayZ Vortorsk - Dual Island Soviet State

    one reserve post for imagery, map is packed ingame and looks good, just have to find some time to take nice pictures
  13. crazy mike


    id say about 75% of any config.cpp is useless when porting stuff to dayz, it is similar yes but it is also very different, (rip 200+ hours of hand edited lighting configs) as for making dayz client usable for editing model viewer and buldozer there is a google doc out there with a quick like 10 step process, soon i may be going over it whenever i start making videos when mapping again, and right now it is possible to use arrowhead binarize to get content functional ingame, however it is a temp fix just to check stuff ingame to prep it for dayz binarize and release candidates
  14. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    you can make food last longer and be more rare and its still just as much survival as the other method...? have an open mind and not be a white knight xd chugging an abundant amount of colas just because your meter goes down too quickly is not survival, survival is a challenge, dayz survival stops being a challenge after hour one, get off the coast and food/drink is plentyful, turning it into a eat drink 10 minutes later eat drink again simulator consumables are more rare, more junk loot to pad the loot out, slower hunger and thirst degradation = done
  15. crazy mike


    jurry rigged arma 3 tools
  16. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    tedium != hardcore
  17. crazy mike

    Improve textures

    a lot of these models textures are on a single texture sheet and also bi never lets you reverse engineer their binarized models, so i doubt someone would make a mod overhauling asset fidelity
  18. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    i cant run because i have an mp5 in my backpack that is apparently 20kg and kills my players back and carry weight xD
  19. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    helicopters have been in since day 1 OMEGALUL here is a scenario that would not make the game easier but would reduce the tediousness of playing >decrease the amount of food spawning considerably ingame >increase the time it takes to go from full hunger to starvation >have someone in the office fucking test the spawns to make sure its still as "balanced" as it was before, it is possible bam done, you no longer need to spam food every 20 minutes, but you still are being challenged to survive by having a rare resource you need to find to keep yourself alive without being nagging every minute you play being a nuisance i can go on for hours on what to change that a majority of people would sit and nod and accept, atleast more people then will want to keep the status quo that you want
  20. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    helicopter hunting and getting a unique look we what made dayz so entertaining to people, dayz standalone has removed all the entertaining features that people played the game for, i didnt fucking play dayz mod to eat beans all day and be content with that, i played dayz mod to thrive in a tense open world that always tried to kill me and did fun and crazy shit while i was at it, ask anybody who doesnt play dayz anymore why they quit, like all the answers will be the same dayz is a bland chore to play in its current state, annoying features and poor balance are ruining the opinions of dozens of people every day, just look in the xbox forum or discord channel and EVERYONE is crying about stuff that doesnt need to be so tedious and unfun difficult survival is fun eating food every 20 minutes and instantly being reminded your still hungry after a backpack of food is unfun, exaggerated but accurate
  21. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    now your just being ignorant lol, "are that the vanilla version of the SA will not be as popular as the mods that remove the infected, give you starting gear and have easy access to weapons and vehicles" this is a salt response through and through vanilla dayz mod will still be popular because server owners will fix the food and drink consumption rates and people like the OP will play on their server, no mods needed :D another issue i just thought of, rockets original vision was to make a game that showcased the struggle that he went through surviving in the wilderness alone with minimal supplies, that was the original concept. dayz is currently that, its a pain in the ass its extremely easy to meet a bad end and theres aimless wandering with no hope in sight, in that regard dayz is very accurate to rockets original vision, but that does not make for a game with longevity in mind, dayz standalone was built upon that idea, there is NO endgame to surviving, the endgame is that you are not dead, that is boring as shit, endgame in dayz meant tons of things for players, going hunting for helicopters, grinding up their humanity to get the hero skin unlock, or grinding down humanity to get the german desert bandit skin, things like this which were someones everything arent in standalone, you could do this in vanilla dayz mod, but you cant do this in standalone? those 3 things were a HUGE part of "now that ive survived, what next?" endgame for vanilla dayz mod. the helicopter and skins are only an extremely small part of why standalone today is such a chore to play, why dont you see that at all.... https://gyazo.com/e4297b4a2781c82c3d940b35c4754e6f https://gyazo.com/cc2fc38d63f9940babb79884da4c44d8 why couldnt i have been doing this years ago when there was still interest in dayz? this same process is identical in arma 3 and even arma 2, albiet with an older program that exported the same content, also i am using arma2oa binarize to pack the map and get it into dayz right now, dayz is not so "brand spanking new" as many people are lead on, so much of it is the same as arma 2 and 3 its pretty annoying we were downright shunned for trying to add unique and new content that people WANTED to a game idea that was originally moddable the reasons we were giving make sense but are ultimately self defeating as the very modders the devs were trying to "protect" from fixing their mod occasionally from updates are the ones who will actually add longevity to the game
  22. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    then why was origins as popular as the "other ones" when it was far more difficult then vanilla with more grinding aswell as many other more challenging features added? also i hope you realize im not just talking about the mods that changed what dayz was, im also talking about maps, do you really think EVERYONE loves chernarus? there are plenty of people who did everything they could do play something other then chernarus, and there were no shortages of maps dayz was brought onto the population issue and the complaints start and end with the lack of modding, and boy do i feel bad for the xbox players lol, no hope whatsoever
  23. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    incorrect, removing tedium doesnt remove difficulty, original dayz mod was not tedious, dayz standalone is. by sticking to their guns and making the game as survivalistic as possible in whoever-the-fucks eyes, they have aliented a massive majority who originally enjoyed the mod and its spin off mods aswell as shoved a stick in the bum of anybody who still had hope for the game, the issue lies with the fact that they did not allow modding and actively shut it down whenever someone tried to make a mod, that is ass backwards coming from the mod. it is FINE that dayz standalone is ONLY "vanilla dayz mod", the problem is that there was never any deviation from that, by the time standalone came out, vanilla dayz mod was no longer what the majority played, they tried new mods and found their home there on those servers, OR they found vanilla dayz mod servers which specifically catered to what they wanted, some more hardcore, some easier, but there was always a CHOICE in what you played. standalone had no choice, thus it progressively started to fail and look where we are now, clinging to a single update to save the game, but that update doesnt actually DO anything that will make players stay, only the chance at modding will and the return of player choice in style of gamemode and yes, i know just how massive the 0.63 update is in terms of what is being done
  24. crazy mike

    Food water consumption

    aaaand look at steam charts >.< modding will change 70% of what is currently in the game and the population will rise again, dayz flourished ONLY because it was community developed with dozens of spinoff mods all under the "dayz umbrella", dayz mod originally popularized it but it NEVER was the reason it STAYED popular, that was down to mods like epoch origins breaking point and more all adding their own unique spin on the gamemode giving players a choice for what kind of dayz they wanted to play, dayz standalone took away that choice and the community suffered and ended up imploding nobody wants to struggle to eat food every 20 minutes, that is not difficult that is a chore and that is UNFUN