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next (DayZ)

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Everything posted by next (DayZ)

  1. Hi guys dont know if the ppl who were flying that heli read this, but if you do, get a new pilot ;)..... i guess he went a bit nervous after we shot that stalker on the ground! this call goes out to the ppl who died in that accident which are : lenard, nothing, sweet, bommel, fith of the northern star and andykay. Thanks for your loot :) no f4 is nice xD....always wanted to spam global again with that sweet radio! cheers next aka dbkl.daondare and comrade dbkl.chrizoroer ...and the rest of us.... over and out! ps: fraps was running but we forgot to turn it on ..... sucks big time!!! if u got footage share pls!!
  2. next (DayZ)

    Day Z Logo

    now its vectors with some overlays... i will polish some more when i get to it.
  3. next (DayZ)

    Day Z Logo

    polished it a bit and i put some text below. what do u guys think is it worth vector-icing it? u can use this as desktop background. grey value is R38 G38 B38 cheers
  4. next (DayZ)

    Day Z Logo

    hi . i made one version too with some of your ideas! its just simpler and more symbolic. hope u like it! :) cheers [attachment=73]
  5. yeah!! arma2:co so actually Dayz just hit number 10 in top sellers at steam! Big Kudos to the devs for that amazing game! cheers next