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Everything posted by hawc

  1. hawc

    Why punish bandits?

    I propose an experiment: A few test servers where pvp is forbidden. A group of people will only play this servers for a month or so. After that we ask them how better/worse this is. Would really like to see those results.
  2. hawc

    Wipe the hive please.

    ITT people who have never played(or too young) a persistent game in alpha/beta stage. It's a common practice to wipe all data in those stages, so you can really test thoroughly.
  3. hawc

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Clearly some people don't understand the concept of balanced sides/factions. You have to reward all sides equally or else everybody will want to be that one side. As it was said the reward isn't much helpful, but still i hope the developers will give bandits some sort of reward also. inb4 bandits cry more -> I'm not a bandit
  4. How do you know he is a new player? he could have a pistol in his backpack or an axe on his toolbelt. We've seen stories of players doing exactly that. Well if someone really goes along the coast shooting new people i agree, he is a bad person(But such person probably doesn't exist). But elektro and cherno are high risk/high reward. Well sorry carebear but one of the game features is perma death. Gathering gear is the whole point of the game, otherwise it's just a fps(like cod).
  5. hawc

    White Knight hackers?

    Great, now people are starting to like hackers because of the big bad bandits.
  6. hawc

    Consoles eh?

    This is bullshit. Most people pirate because they don't want to pay 50€ for shit. Maybe games are becoming shit because of piracy maybe not.
  7. Well i can give you some reasons why i would: -You wanted to loot that town, so you kill him before he enters -You are protecting your team, who are looting the town -He is heading the same way you are, can't take chances Seriously, who are you to dictate how others can play? As long as it's not breaking rules people can do whatever the hell they want.
  8. hawc

    Consoles eh?

    That is idealistic thinking. In reality they will eventually try to get as much cash as they can and develop one version for all platforms. Which means it has to be only as demanding as the weakest platform(right now consoles). Not to mention controllers don't have many buttons. Soon you get dumbed down controls, auto aiming and stuff like that.
  9. hawc

    Loaded Bandit Camp Coords!

    How do you know they are bandits?
  10. hawc

    Why punish bandits?

    Why punish bandits? Well some people are incapable of understanding things like balanced factions.
  11. hawc

    Bottled Water?

    I think they should stop all work on the standalone and focus on changing soda cans into water bottles.
  12. I have been curious about something for a long time. Why don't server owners/devs make a script whitelist or blacklist?
  13. hawc

    Wipe the hive please.

    Here is a better idea. Let's let the legit players hack too, you know so they have equal chance.
  14. hawc

    Coming back to DayZ

    Sorry but i have to ask, why do you have more than one rangefinder?
  15. Completely agree. Everytime i hear the words "in a real zombie apocalypse" I stop taking that person/post seriously. Because it's a fucking game. I wonder if people like that start calling cops when they play CoD/CS/BF and see someone playing as terrorist lol. I also don't mind bandits, killing for fun, killing without looting because guess what? it's a game. You can do whatever the hell you want as long as it's not breaking the rules(game rules not your rules). Everyone who rages about snipers and stuff like that is an egoistical idiot.
  16. hawc

    Huge ship outside Electro

    I guess no one played the arma2 campaign. It's like buying a car just to listen to the radio.
  17. Wel in arma2 i think they do take both slots just like the machineguns. But i guess it was modified for dayz. Since the thread is about big guns i would rather they put the Gau-8 in the game :lol:
  18. Some suggestions from me: Helicopter -The huey has a hook on the bottom for a cable. You could hook a small vehicle or maybe some ammo crates and lift it. -System for reppeling from chopper and a winch for lifting. It could be a special rare equipment that has to be added to the chopper. Ultra light aircraft A small one/two man aircraft that can land on short improvised airstrips. It wouldn't have much protection but can be used for quick transport across map Batteries Didn't see it in first post but electrical equipment should require power, like nvg, flashlight, laser, rangefinder, radio, gps
  19. It would appear that It's already legal. Why else would there be so many hackers and no one banning them.
  20. You sir just won the thread.
  21. hawc

    So vehicles are saving now...

    you know as50 and m107 use same rounds? It's not the gun that does the damage as in most games, it's the bullet.
  22. hawc

    Under 100K active players

    Hopefully warz will take away the last of the cod players. From the looks of it it's tailored just for them.
  23. I think that would make it too hard and not fun. A better solution is to give items weight. So more weight means slower running and stuff like that.
  24. IMO the problem is in certain playerbase, namely casual gamers and kids. They get bored fast and are used to fast paced cod/bf3. I'm pretty sure they developed the altf4, barbwiring and kos. But hey, thats just my opinion.