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Everything posted by hawc

  1. hawc

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    Also the biggest problem is hiding the chopper good enough so it will be waiting for you next time you log on.
  2. hawc


    Meanwhile i just saw i video of someone who plays as a hero and his friend spot 3 snipers, flanked them and after a small firefight(the snipers started) both got bandit skins. For self defence. So that means you also shoot heroes -> you are a hypocritical bandit scum with no conscience(you feel no remorse) -> you would get the psychopath skin op suggested.
  3. hawc

    Directional Threat indicators. ?

    Thats what i said... and it's not only available in regular setting. You can customize (almost) every setting, at least that's how it is in singleplayer. So veteran can have nameplates and regular can be without them. And why the hell would you need a 120€ sound card? you can get a mobo for the same price with an 8 channel audio card.
  4. hawc

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Sorry but i just hate all the posts saying "<insert US state> has big cities and country side too". And yes most games are set in the US, most games are US vs. evil russians/chineese/arabs, it just gets a little old after a while. Sorry if i don't want another game set in the same overused landscape/setting. Sure someone could make a custom map, nothing wrong with that just not the first and official one.
  5. Yes can op or someone who knows explain this issue with the mouse. I've never noticed anything wrong.
  6. Very slim, they will pick some players who started in april/june.... lol read some news. You will be able to buy(discounted) the game in alpha and get alpha access with it along with the retail at release.(minecraft style if you know it)
  7. hawc

    New map discussion

    Funny you should say that because part of the map actually is a national park IRL.
  8. hawc

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    Must have been a shitty group to be standing in a line, not spreading out, not hearing the chopper, returning fire,...
  9. hawc

    Are Choppers needed in DayZ?

    I agree that repairing a helicopter should be more difficult and near impossible for one man to do it. I think most helicopter parts should require a vehicle like a pickup/truck/big jeep/bus to transport. The engine parts should also be jet-turbine parts(or whatever) and not car parts. And yes forests should be denser.
  10. hawc

    Mod to Standalone

    What do you mean there will be a wipe, why? standalone is a totally different game, even if they would want to they wouldn't be able to do it.
  11. Could you explain a little this game-breaking mouse acceleration?
  12. hawc

    Play Dead?

    Death messages should be removed anyway. I mean if they removed side chat for being to unrealistic they should remove these too so on long range you would have to confirm your kills. Shooting someone through a bush and not being sure you got him or not. Or they should just be delayed 10-20 minutes. As for playing dead, i suggest when you do it you close your eyes and can't see so that it's a bit harder to ambush people.
  13. hawc

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Hell no. Almost every country has a mix of mountains, cities, forests,.. that you seem to think only your states have. Good thing BI is not a US company and rocket is not american.
  14. hawc

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    And after a few months, like any other addictive drug, you start to develop tolerances which means you need a bigger dose. I just don't see cigarettes having any pros (like in RL), all i see are cons. So they are basically useless item.
  15. hawc

    Directional Threat indicators. ?

    As an optional thing i don't see why not, there is already a nameplate option which is basically a rangefinder/thermal.
  16. There should be some kind of public vote shitlist to report servers like this, so players could avoid those servers and boycott them.
  17. +1 Rhinocrunch is such a AW like so many others on youtube.
  18. You should have gone through stary drunk, it's way better.
  19. Variety is good so you don't just see every person with the same weapon.
  20. hawc

    A better way to monetize the standalone?

    I stopped reading at "monetize the standalone". I don't think these developers are trying to make shit tons of cash(maybe just a little) but rather create a great game. f they are going for community operated game servers then they only need a few hive servers which will cost much less.
  21. hawc

    Cherno Islands. ??

    Being "based" on something doesn't mean copy-paste...
  22. hawc

    to save your location, you must sleep.

    1. sleep 2. drop stuff 3. alt f4 4. ??? 5. Profit - duped gear
  23. hawc

    Dragging dead bodies.

    You can drag ANY body in arma2, alive or dead.
  24. hawc

    Blood Regeneration

  25. hawc

    Littlebird vs the UH1H

    Little bird is very fragile(in arma), 3 shots from an assault rifle to the engine and it's going down. Still i would love to see it in the game as well as Mi-8,Ka-60, blackhawk.