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Everything posted by hawc

  1. +1 As helpful as this guide might be, bandits can also take a look.
  2. hawc

    Why tactics matter.

    Not giving shit because of the team play, but because he said they play on unpopulated servers ( for easy looting) but sometimes they go on populated servers.
  3. hawc

    How to find a Vehicle?

    1. look on the map for possible location of clan camps 2. Search locations for camps 3. Find camp, choose a vehicle and drive away 4. ??? 5. Profit
  4. Hey lets change the whole game mechanic because one 13 year old kid finds it hard to play.
  5. hawc

    DayZ Bandwidth + ARMA 2 GB Download?

    Sure but a country can accept laws that force ISPs to do so.
  6. hawc

    DayZ Bandwidth + ARMA 2 GB Download?

    Wow that just sucks, having a limit. I hope my country doesn't get that anytime soon.
  7. They don't start teaching GMT/UTC time until the 5th grade...
  8. hawc

    Vehicle rarity/respawn?

    Try searching the north and west side of the map, or anywhere else. If you are lucky and find some vehicles, they will already be repaired,fueled and probably with loot inside :D
  9. hawc

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Okay so every 10 pages someone suggests the same thing again. So before posting, just try to read the whole thread or some 10 pages before.
  10. hawc

    Two questions on Aiming and ROF

    Am i the only one thinking ROF != firemode ?
  11. Do you think the prices will drop further? i heard that last year CO was 10€ on steam.
  12. What is the difference between the steam and retail?
  13. hawc

    Tent city levelled.

    Tents should be placeable in the woods, so that there is a lot more possible locations.
  14. hawc

    Is duping officially allowed?

    Some people just don't have the required skills to play this game(or any other), which makes their ego low and have to resort to exploiting and cheating.
  15. hawc

    So..uhhh...now what?

    1 - Get a car and start a taxi company. Pick players up, start the meter and drop them off. 2 - get a bus, designate bus stops, start driving around them. 3 - Become a santa, wander around spawn points and hand out supplies/weapons/meds.
  16. Hey i just got this free mod, with zombies and killing players. But me and my friends don't like some of the core features of this free mod. so why don't you, the developers, make it so that this free mod suits us. :P
  17. I bet everybody that shoot people in this game, also go postal IRL and steal everything. Unlike jesus OP christ.
  18. hawc

    Never playing this game again.

    I haven't played the game yet so this might already be in it, but i suggest when you start this MOD you get a a big flashing text that says ALPHA STAGE and a quick explanation of what this means.
  19. hawc

    ARMA II: Combined Operations.

    Its the same price for me, probably because for me it shows in euros and your screenshot shows them in gbp. So the price on bistore is fair, while steams conversion for $ to euro is 1:1 and by the looks of it its probably the same for gbp.