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emaz (DayZ)

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Posts posted by emaz (DayZ)

  1. hey wantet to ask how i can get more fps cause .

    in the "outback" i get 30-50 fps which is enough for me but if i go into a village or a town and or im in a house with much zombies my fps are dropping down do 10-15 and its lagging without any end

    playing on : 1280x1024 3D is same

    and everything on very low or low + vsync off, antialising off shadow off, video memory default, and post.effects disabled or very low or low i dunno atm

    pls help me :(

  2. Hey habe heute mit dayz begonnen und bin nich sehr erfahren bzw gut im überleben :D wollte deshalb mal fragen ob ein deutscher kollege lust hat mit mir zu daddeln :) gemeinsam ist es immer leichter (je mehr desto besser)

    ts wäre schon vorteilhaft

    könnt mir ja ne pm schreiben oder euren steam link hier unten posten


  3. dude i readed it already but i wanna know do i need to download this beta patch stuff from ur guid if i have the fullversion of ARMA2 combined ops bought in steam? thats the thing i dont rly understand

  4. i dont rly understand it

    in some threads i read u have to install arma 2 beta or something and in some threads i read after installing arma 2 and oa fullversion

    i need to download that beta stuff too ? i wanna buy arma 2 CO on steam fullversion

    explain me pls :D

  5. Hey i dont know if this thread is right here but i wanna ask.

    i want to buy arma 2 co , to play this mod cause im wachting alot of lets plays and that stuff and rly like it .

    my question is ;

    how long will the alpha test be? cause if i buy the game next week and one week later its down. thats not so good :D, do you think it will be online for a while? i have no plan

    sry for that dumb question but would be great if i become some good answers :)

