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Posts posted by acewhittles

  1. 23 hours ago, DeatHTaX said:

    I'm just not sure why you all are so stuck on the "survival" element of the game. I personally think the hunger system as it is is fantastic. Maybe it could use some slight tweaking in the other direction to moderately ramp up the difficulty, but there is so much more to the game than trying not to starve.

    This was honestly one of my biggest concerns for years. People want to turn this game into some kind of Dark Souls for scavenging and not dying of starvation. 

    Really the main reason a lot of you are even complaining about this, in my opinion, is due largely because there is still a crap ton of content missing from the game after 5 years. 

    There are plenty of other survival sims out there that are actually suited to such a gameplay. The thing that made this game initially successful from its inception was the P2P interaction, and the fact it had some zombies in it. 

    Just my 2 cents.

    DUG is hellbent on making the game very challenging because we find the vanilla game boring and far too easy. Not saying it's right for everyone, it's just how we like to play it is all.

    • Beans 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    I'm not saying that it's easy to live solely off of fruit and mushrooms (with all that running from tree to tree), but it's definitely doable. I think those two sources of food were removed altogether from DUG servers for exactly that reason. Add an occasional chicken (a kind of food which actively tries to attract you from a distance) and your belly is full in no time.

    That's exactly why we removed them. There's no trying to survive at all when food just magically appears at your feet. Though even with removing most of the canned food, all of the mushrooms & fruits, it's still way too easy to survive.

    edit: Frankly, I wouldn't mind if the ambient spawning food never returns.

  3. 4 hours ago, IMT said:

    I like to disagree with these statements. Go to the Experimental Patch Discussion forum and go to page 3 through page 5 and see the frequency of updates. They would add some content or features, fix some bugs with the new content or features and rinse and repeat. It wasn't until an half year into 2017 that the update pace started to drop. Yes, Stable was seeing no frequent updates and sometimes up to a couple of months but at least Experimental saw progress. At least we get to see progress and how it should be done, at least in an Early Access setting. I also get that at some point they stopped updating Experimental and Stable because it was of no use because of the new engine and that it also takes time. But why aren't we back at the rapid update pace of 2017 where a couple of features are pumped out, bug fixes are done and rinse and repeat? That's what I was expecting after the engine was done and that was also what I was expecting after 1.0. What did I get? Disappointment!

    Hey fair enough, I never spent much time on Experimental or kept up with it due to managing my community. I'm also willing to accept that I'm fairly bitter over the direction they've taken the game in (if that was not apparent in my original post) and don't want to offer up much credit for anything right now.

    • Beans 1

  4. 3 hours ago, Influence_X said:

    1. They said helicopters are on a wish list and may not be coming due to server performance. 
    2. Why am I the only person who totally understands if this dev team doesn't want to put out a roadmap? Nothing else has ever caused as much salt in this community as roadmaps and failing to meet them, which they will fail, again. 
    3. I'm fine with this, they said that their new approach is "under promise and over deliver", so you'll hear about updates just before they happen, which is approximately once a month. I would rather have an almost guaranteed update every month, than a status report twice a month with an update every 3-6 months.
    4. I also only play this game to interact with a community I've put together on a public hive server, for me, it's the lack of in depth medical systems... as I tend to like to save people during medical emergencies. 
    5. Why? It's not like people understood what was really going on with the engine changes by and large by the community. It's a real minority that truly understood what happened with this game, and why most are rage posting on reddit about helicopters not being a promised feature.

    1. Yeah, that's upsetting for me and a number of my buddies from the Mod days. Helis are the main feature we've been waiting for and now knowing it's likely to not see them at all those friends have given up entirely.

    2. I understand that, but they said they would and haven't mentioned it since. I believe they even doubled down on releasing some kind of road map in January.

    3. I'd like to know that they intend on working on between patches. Some kind of confirmation that they're aware of things without having to dig through hundreds of Tweets & Feedback Tracker posts.

    4. I think it's sad that the only reason we play is to stay engaged in our communities.

    5. I understand it well enough and the changes are very apparent. It could have been & still could be communicated better exactly which things we're hoping for that are not really on the table any more and why.

    • Beans 1

  5. As a server owner & player my experience isn't great. I know that there is a difference between facts & feelings so I'll make sure to separate them here:


    • Control Input & Scheme was rushed to make it "work" on both an Xbox controller & mouse and keyboard, leaving us PC players without the ability to rebind our keys (at first, though it still seems to not work for many people). Multiple actions being bound to a single key seems to have been necessary due to limitations of console controllers (walk & hold breath on ctrl, or Stand/Crouch/Prone all on C, every last toggle being removed [Eugen said in a tweet that adding that ability to toggle some things would require a re-factorization of the input module on Twitter, but oddly they managed to let us toggle ADS again?])
    • Jumping is an awful mechanic. Some assets on the map are a decade or more old and have very strange invisible geometry that allows for all sorts of strange things to happen. You can jump up into some trees that you can shoot out from but not into. I struggle more than ever now to get over small fences where the old vault mechanic always worked fine for me.
    • Survival is a joke in the vanilla game. Between ambient food spawning, an overtly generous CLE, a medical system that is defunct, animal corpses providing a ton of meat, and farming taking too little time and providing far too much for so little cost, the idea that you're meant to try to survive just seems silly. The only real survival element of the vanilla game is whether or not you die in a gun fight.
    • Melee is far worse than it was pre-.63. I know that the stupid sprint-about-slug-fest style of .62 wasn't ideal either but at least your hits felt like they connected and did damage. Now your strikes do not provide clear feedback beyond a sound effect, your character swings some weapons as if he's never used the items before, and you wind up stepping through whatever you're attacking (player AND zed) which becomes disorienting as you struggle against the weird inertia on the player.
    • Inertia on the player character feels cartoony and strange. I learned to love DayZ in the clunky movement of Arma 2 which made me fall in love with that game. I also loved it up to the end of .62 because it didn't feel like any other game. It was unique, now it feels like you glide around the world instead of stomping through it.
    • Modding can't 'save' the game because there's so little documentation and the only tools available are things that sort of work from Arma 3. Feels like they dropped the restriction on modding servers and released the server files purely to claim that they 'released' modding for the 1.0 launch.
    • End Game of basebuilding was an awful idea. There's not enough variety in structures, too many restrictions on some things because absolute freedom in building enables cheating (mods like BuildAnywhere bring back a player's ability to cheat by stashing tents/barrels inside other objects),  and they're too easy to raid and destroy. It's utterly pointless. I have players begging for a mod to add craftable storage items but that is a terrible idea because it would further enable their ability to absolutely ravage the CLE (drybags are the worst offender and we've had to remove the ability to bury them, also who's idea was it to spawn so damn many on the coast?).
    • Servers handling the majority of things going on in the game is the reason we won't see lots of expected features returning. It's simply too much to handle and performance degrades too quickly as new things are tossed in the pot. It effectively stops a lot of cheating but seemingly at the cost of stability and highly desired features.
    • AI do not seem to be as advanced as previous reports make them seem. Animals detect you? They run the opposite direction. Zeds spot you? They still do the same flanking maneuver from the old Mod. There might be other behavior they exhibit but I've not experienced it, my experience is usually: Spot animal milling about in a field or forest, shoot animal and watch the others run off, skin animal, cook meat.




    • There is an undetermined number of features which many players see as essential that are quietly being put on a supposed 'wish list'. We have no idea what to actually expect beyond seeing the systems that are already in game being developed further & the return of old guns & assets that they haven't configured in Enfusion yet. I'm talking about vaulting, helicopters (the end game that I and many of my old DayZ mod friends have been patiently waiting for because we have no desire to build useless walls), throwing items, and rag doll effects among others.
    • Promised a roadmap on which we could manage our expectations that is certainly not going to happen now.
    • No more status reports or community spotlights. To be honest I never really looked at the spotlight posts, but this decision to do poorly announced live streams where they cannot answer serious questions that people have seems to be a very poor alternative to written status reports. We have no idea what is actually being worked on until an EXP patch is about to come.
    • I only play the game now because I manage a large community & my friends in that community are interested in interacting with the community, not so much in actually playing the game. There are definitely other things I would rather be doing but I have the obligation to be part of the community.
    • Technically yes, updates are coming in faster than ever. But I'm not sure it's good practice to metric it against the rate of massive engine overhaul updates that clearly take much longer than bug fixing and animations.


    I'm sure all of this has been said and they're probably aware that many of us feel this way, but I don't feel like I'm seeing anything that alleviates these concerns. Seems like a lot of lovely ideas for a good game but maybe not for the first DayZ standalone game. We were sold a polished version of a wonderful mod with a handful of QOL updates and it turned into a half-baked attempt at a AAA game. I would have greatly preferred receiving a stable, polished version of the mod and wait to see all of these things, which I consider to be a pipe dream now, developed with more care and time and called DayZ 2 rather than see it all released in such poor shape. I loved the Mod, I love Arma 2 & 3, but DayZ just doesn't do it for me now. And that's sad, because I really want to enjoy it and play it.

    edits: some words

    • Beans 6

  6. Unfortunately there isn't much changing you can do to the control scheme. Some actions are being forcibly bound together and are not able to be separated while some will ultimately always require a series of keystrokes AND a constant key press. The control scheme and not being able to change these things really kills it for me.

    • Beans 1

  7. 2 hours ago, WOLFGEIST said:

    Take this as a great opportunity to see how long and difficult game development can be. This is just the reality of game development, the stuff you're normally oblivious to and might not know unless you had the privilege of early access. Red Dead 2 was stuck in development hell for years, it's been in development for 8 years. The difference is we didn't have access to broken builds, we didn't see the specifics of game developers posting blogs regarding the status of it, etc.  This is all very normal, especially when implementing large engine modules and making them playable. It seems most games that come out these days are made on complete engines, that's not so with DayZ. It adds many layers of challenge and time onto development but it will be worth it when we have the DayZ we've all been waiting for.

    I want them to release something terribly broken so we can keep bitching about it being broken!

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