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About kissa3

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Game wants to follow Minecrafts bussines model, not gameplay. Rocket will not make a DAYZ Minecraft.
  2. kissa3

    Dayz and Ramdisk

    Just relax. I am running GTX 560ti SOC edition on a quad processor and i still get 10 fps. Its not your system. FPS is server bound.
  3. DayZ outright shits on players with high end machines. No matter what beast you got on your table, your fps is locked serverside. And it doesn't fucking care if the server side fps is 10.
  4. kissa3


    I lost so much blood i am fainting every 4 steps. 5 minutes latter, i am jogging away fully healed. What happened? I feasted upon a cow and a goat. Talk about bottomless pits. Chernarus is filled with em. Also i fucking love how people reply to Sig's. Its so hilarious. (this is not a sig) yet :)
  5. kissa3


    I had exact same problem twice, but it just passed. Wait it out.
  6. kissa3

    So i've changed my tactics...

    I have been doing this for quite a while, but i save ammo. I just warn them that i got them in my sights and if they drop their goods, i will let them live. Every single one disconnects. Its a fun past time calling people out in Cherno with nothing but Binoculars and making them rape "Abort" in panic.
  7. I always though that eating beans (not meat) was a pretty realistic way to depict healing naturally. You eat, rest and therefore regain health. It better regenerate 1 point/second or else dying is gonna get hard. Maybe its related to zombies running in buildings now.
  8. A funny thing. When ever i decide to be a bandit i start meeting friendly people. Shitloads of friendly people. I had even seen 7-8 people in Cher just looting and not killing anyone
  9. kissa3

    What’s DayZ's biggest reward?

    Winchester ammo being as common as it is, getting full Alice pack of it, and going for clean up of Cherno. Zombies i mean :sleepy:
  10. kissa3

    Faggots on this game

    This is idiotic, but i have actually managed to meet some friendly people in NWAF. Friendly to the extent of not shooting me in the back when i turn around.
  11. Have you ever played on a server that has 100> zombies? You will find nothing but tin cans. No one ever says that Player count directly affects loot, but its a chain you cant break. Less players, less zeds, less risk, less loot. The point being, this breaks the common myth that playing at night is amazing because the loot is there and players aren't.
  12. Majority of posts completely missed the topic, so let me rephrase: Since loots quality is tied to zombie count, and zombie count is tied to player count, playing in a server that has 7 players will yield you no loot whatsoever. Is that correct?
  13. Zombie count /tied-to/ Player count. Loot quality /tied-to/ Zombie count. A question: Is looting at night not worth it? Usually in night servers there are like 5-7 people online = less zombies = worse loot. Amirite?
  14. kissa3

    Rocket is partially causing DC'ers

    Rocket causes DC'ers by making this mod. Your mind was blown.
  15. I used to be 2 but became a more cautious 4,5.