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Everything posted by shutupwalter

  1. shutupwalter

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    If you're gonna add all these new cities, atleast give us more wilderness. Seriously, once basing stuffs are implemented, I'd like to make my own campground in a remote part of the woods. Can't exactly do that if there's no forests, eh?
  2. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Went to NWAF. Started looting, found an SKS with ammo. As I'm heading out of one of the prisons, I notice a man running. I lift my SKS and take aim, but I realize that he doesn't have a gun in his hand nor back, and he was running from the NWAF. I kept sights on him till he was completely gone. I can't bring myself to PvP. Just can't for some reason.
  3. shutupwalter

    First Heli

    IDK exactly. I was low on blood, and it was night so there wasn't any distinct color. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/533997779934978011/73D4DC2E927526D347A0AEA4DC63CAA3DF9AA141/
  4. shutupwalter

    First Heli

    Ye. No black smoke, though. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a static heli though, looked at pics and none of them matched the area.
  5. shutupwalter

    Real Bandit - Tag and Release

    I would've yelled "Friendly" until his eardrums bled, and would yell "Nice shot, I guess" after he shot my vulnerable ass.
  6. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Got bored of having everything again, so I go onto a full server to make the game riskier, and therefore more entertaining. I'm in Solni, just crossing that bridge. I've got 3 Zs on me, cba to stop and axe em. I see a new spawn. He had fists raised, screaming about how he's so friendly. I bypass him, and never see him again. I make my way into Elektro after awhile. I've no ammo for my SKS, so I hit the police station. As I'm looting the second floor, I hear footsteps. I then exit the room, and bump into another player, donning wannabe camoflauge, aka green everything. "Friendly, friendly!" he yells. So there we were, standing the middle of the police station on a full server. I ask him if he's any SKS ammo. He says no, and I offer him ammo. He says he needs .22 clips, which of course, I threw away two yesterday after finding my SKS. We go our seperate ways. I walk into the firestation. I don't hear anything, but suddenly, the faint speaking of someone. It's the same guy. We loot the station together, and we find some .22 ammo for him. He didn't shoot. I give him a spare magnum after he mentions having .357. He still doesn't shoot. This guy is cool. As we head to the final fire station... "No signal recieved..." This guy was pretty cool. First player I've legitimately played with. Didn't even get his in-game name, or steam name, or the server name if he were to return. Good day.
  7. shutupwalter

    Rappelling Suit,Gear,Weapons, and more

    I have a feeling he may have just completed that god awful mission in GTA V. The one where you save the guy from having a flashlight shoved inside him.
  8. shutupwalter

    Re-Arrange Items

    So. Found out the other day that I can't fit an SKS into a mountain backpack. Call me a noob, I was tired of lugging around an AK101 and wanted a rifle without dropping the AK101 for someone who could potentially be a KOSer. Items more than 1 slot in a backpack, such as a rifle, rice, water bottle, etc., should have an option to flip them horizontally or vertically. Say I have 3 free slots in my backpack, but they are all in a horizontal row. I find some rice, but I can't clear a spot in my backpack for it. Why not just flip the rice on it's side, slide it in there, have one free slot left? Maybe store an SKS in a mountain backpack, although it would take up alot of space, or any other rifle besides the Mosin, which if I'm not mistaken, is huge/long irl. k? k.
  9. shutupwalter

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    ... That's not what I meant.
  10. shutupwalter

    Re-Arrange Items

    Used the bag of rice as a mere example, didn't think it through. Sorry m8.
  11. shutupwalter

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    WuBz avatar seems very fitting to his mentality.
  12. shutupwalter

    About game performance;

    I have an OK laptop for gaming, good ammount of ram for the games I play, above average processor, etc, but one thing it lacks; A good graphics card. I get 15-20 FPS in cities, 30 elsewhere. I find it just fine, having played all my PC games on a 2007 office computer for a majority of my PC gaming life.
  13. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    So that character finally died today. I made it into Elektro. First thing I spot, the fire station. I kill the zombies outside with my axe, and shut all the doors. I find a magnum, and a shitton of ammo. I go outside, and make my way to the other fire station, stopping at the police station on my way. When I get to the fire station, I am greeted by several insta-respawning ninja zombies, capable of attacking me when facing away from 10 meters. I made it inside, and got to the second floor of the tower... I think. I abused the ladder glitch, and got outside. Meanwhile, the zombies are doing whatever inside the station. I go down the ladder, and begin running. They teleport out of the building or something, and attack me. I am bleeding now. I isolate myself in a building, and bandage. Of course, a door is open or something, they all come inside. I run again after being hit and bleeding again. I get to the front of the station, hoping to abuse the ladder and bandage then log there. Nope. They break my leg in one hit, and kill me the next one. I respawned near Riffy. I go there, and find a crossbow. I jump off the top of it because why not, and survived. I was greeted by a newspawn who questioned my lack of shoes. He proceeded to knock me unconcious. I respawned in the middle of Buttfuck Coast. I swam away from shore for about 20 minutes, got bored, and swam back. 10/10 day(z)
  14. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    1. Joke. 2. Meh. I prefer to travel light, so that isn't really me.
  15. shutupwalter

    Sporter Bandits

    Not much of banditry as it is "lol guys lets dress up n use shittyiest gun to kos random, most likely friendly players xDDD:
  16. shutupwalter

    Optimize the game

    Why are you complaining about less than 40 fps? As long as it's above 20 FPS, you can play it just fine.
  17. shutupwalter

    Don't play with arrows kids!

    I can tell I already hate whoever this guy is for his full camo. Check Hats, Beanies, and T-Shirts are best.
  18. shutupwalter

    Hackers & Handcuffs

    I think I love you.
  19. shutupwalter

    Sudden reset

    Uh, pretty sure this was posted somewhere before, but if you reconnect to a server after it restarts, it may wipe your character. To avoid this, connect to another server before reconnecting to the last.
  20. I was not whining, I was complaining. Seriously though. I was just pointing out the facts and answering the question in a relatively blunt way. Not gonna post further.
  21. No vehicles, no base building, hunting is poor atm, cooking is somewhat implemented, persistence is implemented and abused.
  22. shutupwalter

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Currently wearing a brown check hat, a red and black striped shirt, jeans, black military boots, and black workers gloves. I haven't found an actual shirt yet. I want a check shirt so bad grr
  23. shutupwalter

    Make Hunting Harder

    I punched a cow to death when I was a newspawn. The cow was "running away" at full speed. +1
  24. shutupwalter

    We all have choices dayZ

    Beans. Take 'em.
  25. shutupwalter

    DayZ Standalone 0.48 - Ghillie Mosin, New Animations and New Ammo.

    I found two of them in the military prison outside of Typobo, one on the second floor behind the stairs, the other in the sleeping area. Idk where Typobo is exactly, can't help you there. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Turovo#section_2