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About shutupwalter

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    MA, USA

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  1. shutupwalter

    To that guy with an axe in the clinic...

    no ese cabron
  2. Dunno if you're on the forums or not; I'm the guy with the yellow jacket, the balaclava, and the hard hat. (I looked sexy) And the pickaxe. The one you died from. You swung at me in the clinic, I warned you. But I just got that sudden urge that I'd told my friend not too long before; DayZ was getting boring; Either be KoS'ed, or die from a bug. It wasn't fun, any human contact (except for those two guys in Solnich who gave me the peaches when I was a newspawn~) resulted in getting shot in the face from afar, or getting killed by a fire axe. So I wanted to get into a fight; a fair one. Don't know exactly why. So I told you to stay in the room for 10 seconds; I wouldn't hurt you as long as you didn't follow me. Well you took the side exit while I left out the front. I do regret it, stripping your corpse of your pants and walking away. But I hope you can forgive me if you read this, it's just something in human nature. It seems that I might be a KoS'ing whore now. If I'm that way, I don't know if I can keep playing. Meh, I'll prob be back to normal in the next hour.
  3. shutupwalter

    First Kill

    Annnd second kill, again on Nalmask. This time, some guy is boasting about how he is MLG at this game. He tells people to fight him at A2. I've got my friend spotting for me at the top of that mountain. He tells me that the bunker is the most likely place he is. So I go down into the bunker, as soon as I am visible, boom boom America, I'm shot in the leg. Other than minor bleeding, I'm fine. For whatever reason, this MLG guy doesn't shoot up the ladder. I'm at the top now, and I've got an M249. I see his head poke up shortly after. I empty like 20 bullets (M249) into him. He's fine. He gets up, and he has an GC whatever the fuck it is. He shoots an entire clip into me, and somehow, not dead. Meanwhile, I'm still shooting him. Randomly, I'm dead. I need to exit the game in order to respawn. I exit, and literally the second after, the guy says "Holy laggy gunfight, I just died like 3 minutes after I got shot by him." Kills: 2. I'm not for KoS, but when you're being a general twat, no. You're RIP m8.
  4. shutupwalter

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Notice how you called DayZ a zombie survival game, not just a zombie game.
  5. shutupwalter

    So are rocket launchers going to be added soon?

    when are tey gonna add all de guns from cal of dudy??? i wannt 2 pwn some n0obs w a javelin launcher xDDDD
  6. shutupwalter

    Board games or Cards any one?

    +soup add in plox
  7. shutupwalter

    Shootout with MEAT MAN!

    Needed less random cut off.
  8. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I once fell off the top of rify, down onto the beach. Perfectly fine. 10/10
  9. shutupwalter

    First Kill

    So I normally play Standalone, but I've also got the mod, which my friend prefers. He wants to play the mod, so I hop onto a Nalmask or whatever the hell it is with him. Since I don't play often, I don't know all these things, and I'm caught in an explosion (aka my uaz) which drops me down to less than 2000 blood. I miraculously survive after my friend gives me blood. So we find another vehicle, a blue van. Any vehicle we came across we stripped everything from it, tires engines, etc etc. We're driving along the coast, and we see someone in another UAZ. My friend, who is a self-confessed KOSer, starts speeding up. I tell him to go around, but ofc, the other guy gets out and starts shooting with an M9. My friend gets out with his M14, and begins shooting. I get out with a saiga, and start shooting. I delivered the final shot, and the guy died. Turns out, it's the same guy who's been complaining about getting killed earlier in global. I didn't feel so bad after that fact. In short, first kill surprisingly satisfying Also who needs formatting
  10. shutupwalter

    The Rainy Day Thread

  11. shutupwalter

    What is "Fully Geared" to you?

    Fully geared to me is simply just: -SKS or Shotgun -Axe -Knife (No draw animation, can be used in dire situations) -Ammo -Decent Looking, Waterproof Clothing, not edgy black or try-hard camo. -Canteen -Rice -Compass -Medkit filled with bandages -Morphine -Everything hotkeyed You guys are try hards.
  12. shutupwalter

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I went onto a full server, in a city where I've atleast spawned like 10 times, fully unlooted. Sat in one of the hangars. Gulped down 5 sodas, and wasn't gunned down. 10/10
  13. shutupwalter

    Save the world:Killing lumberjacks.

    im sorry what was the video about i couldnt see over the sound of terrible music
  14. I've made a gif of that little part. All I notice is that little gray-ish overlay that happens when you're shot at, but as far as I know, that's normal? (and i know gif sucks i suck at doin this)