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Gazzz (DayZ)

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About Gazzz (DayZ)

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    Veteran in Arma2 ... but new to zombie hunting / surviving ;-)

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  1. Thank you Mister_Magotchi for this script. I had the pleasure to receive this script a few days ago, when I contacted Mister_Magotchi about DayZ servers administration and the cumbersome process of manually searching in the logs. This script works SO well. So far (due to my limited knowledge of PHP, but Mister_Magotchi probably hinted me to the solution) I "just" used the script to post-process the logs that I rotate twice a day. In just 2 ou 3 weeks of logs, it found between 350 and 400 players using unlegit weapons and equipment. Mainly AS50 TWS and UZI SD, plus G36 variants, LRR, KSVK etc. But also stupid things (I mean, not giving an hedge) like Revolver Gold, AK Gold, Radio, funky colored smokes... So I removed some of those bans. I will soon do it via the configuration of the scripts. Well, it's up to you to use it. I personnaly do. I love it, it saves me LOTS of time. Thanks Mister_Magotchi !!
  2. Gazzz (DayZ)

    FR 39... another nice server

    I can't answer for him. However, what me and 6 of my friends also died with no sign of gunshot. I personnaly was climbing the stairs in a farm. I'm sure there was no one (no zombie in this zone when I arrived) and I was hidden. More than 40 people chain died in about 1.30 minutes...
  3. I'm fed up with you people complaining for getting kicked / banned and trying to explain that you are the perfect player, and the admin are the bad guys abusing their "power". You have been banned indeed, for using AS50 TWS. Not for kiling our team or friends or "getting our stuff" >:( You had been warned, because at first I just kicked or banned for a week. Later, seeing that it had no effect because some did it again, I decided to permaban everyone using AS50 TWS (+G36 +MakarovSD +BAF_LRR +M4SD_M203_HWS_Camo +PDW_SD +others I don't remember). Among them was some nice people from your "gamers community", some using cheats like teleport or zombie shield. Some even came to our forum bragging "it's not even a Beta, so yes I spawn the stuff I need" and threatening to come back to our server, bypassing protections. So yes, you are not welcome on our server. I am proud to see that our server is important enough for you to subscribe to this forum to post you first (and only?) post :P Others who have been banned for using such weapons, like Arkandias, had a good attitude. They are back on our server.
  4. Gazzz (DayZ)

    FR 39... another nice server

    If I could, I would rename this thead "Dor1co... another nice player" :D Really, you think all the problems you encounter are my (one of the FR 39 admins) fault? We all are conspiring against you? Come on! Blan the fucking cheaters instead. And if you have time, I could use some help getting rid of them on our server. I personnaly spend more than 1 our per day using the logs and taking action. Indeed it's not enough. But be careful where you direct your anger to (hackers, not admins!). I don't count anymore the ones with AS50 TWS, PDW SD, G36 (mainly SD), M4+HWS+SD+M203+Camo, and even MakarovSD :o + the teleport fuckers : today we had one following (on foot :huh: ) our heli (+100 km/h) and firing. Another one teleported 5 vehicles way up north inland ... including a boat :rolleyes: Today we also had chain killings. Using the logs, I saw that all of us except just 1 guy got killed in about a minute. I banned this one ... and everything went better afterwards. So, thanks for your nice ad for our server :rolleyes: Stop whining. If you have a problem come and talk to us (TS, forum...) ;) Or quit and go playing another game :P Gazzz
  5. You're welcome ;-) You can indeed MP me the coordinates, we will destroy it. Regards Gazzz
  6. Indeed I banned you. I started to kick (giving the reason in the message) people using this weapon (that is NOT in DayZ), then banning for a week. Now I have no other choice than permabaning them. No choice, we have been plagued with cheaters (teleport, detection ...) and with this illegal weapon. I had to take measures to ensure gameplay (no admin abuse as I don't get anything from it). I'm sorry for the one who came by chance on a tent. But I warned people in the welcome message and I regularly warn people throu BE messages. Some come on our forum or TS3 server to explain if it was just an "honest mistake". Then I remove the ban, noprob. You report it here, no problem also, I'm glad to remove the ban (give me a few minutes) if you get rid of the weapon. Really, you are welcome on our forum, TS3, and DayZ server ... but not with AS50 TWS ;) Regards. Gazzz
  7. Gazzz (DayZ)

    Invisible Player FR51

    Hi, Do you have this line in your logs? "f((getPlayerUID _x) == 'Id blabla') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;" If so, I understand that the guy with "id blabla" (see in console logs) is using an invisibility cloak/script. Regards
  8. Gazzz (DayZ)

    Supermarket in ruins

    OK, it's fixed. I reinstalled all Arma, OA, DayZ and regenerated the mission file (changed size btw, strange). Everything is fine now. Just in case, I will try again with the old mission file. Just to know if it was my faulty installation (most probably), or the mission file.
  9. Gazzz (DayZ)

    Supermarket in ruins

    Thank you for the information. I think I did so. Just in case I did it again. Did not improve. I will try to install again :-(
  10. Gazzz (DayZ)

    Supermarket in ruins

    Hi all! I just started the server of our team (FR 39 - team www.force27.com). Installation went well. Server is running. Many players on it. So far so good ... except that the supermarkets are in ruins :-/ I restarted many times the server. Same problem, always. Did I do something wrong? Is it the mission file? Could you please advise? Thanks in advance. Gazzz