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About goodknight

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. goodknight

    game has become silly..

    Nah I'm sry I'm not rushing it or anything.. It's just annoying for me to spend so much time sneaking and then out of no where aggroed zombie.. It happens to me only in villages... Cites and military camps never happened to me.. I can sneak all day in the medical tents for instance..
  2. YES ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE THREADS! So I died a BS death a few minutes ago.. Had a really good run but after 3 hits got a bone broken (was at 11k blood). What ever I don't mind time to start a new character was starting to get board.. So new character! going through village tones of ammo BOOM Super Zombie! sees me from god knows where runs through walls like some horny geek after some sweet ass (zeds sound like horny geeks to me really some1 has to change the way they sound..) Super zed runs after me for some time and then I'm like FUCK IT just have me already and I'm dead.. 2nd try! Same fucking story! there is no real point in being sneaky as long as they fucking super zombies exist! THOUGHTS!!! /end fucking rant Idea! Just give us a gun with like 3 bullets that is all I need! 2 for the horny fucktards and ONE FOR ME!! P.S Tell me that this zombies don't sound like they are horny! I play a female character so that kind of amplifys it..
  3. wan't to add me some how? Steam maybe? goodknight_il
  4. Jess the problem is people take this game way to seriously.. So when ever they see someone they just shoot! I was trying to help this guy who was fighting zeds.. So he kills them all. Now I'm getting close to him he wasn't turning around. then he turns and boom unloads on me.. I get it i scared him but come on I could have killed him for like a whole hour.. lol good times!
  5. Hi all! Just looking for some company! Post here and will see how we can find each other.. starting to sound real gay..
  6. goodknight

    Escaping zombies?

    Seriously' date=' a whole hour being chased? Either that's an exaggeration or you, sir, are a true warrior. [/quote'] 45 minuets.. really! I saw a lot of videos of this game and I know how rare it is to get beans so I thought it would be worth it.. Just played 3 more times.. 2end try was really good got a map watch tons of ammo even some special clothes ( don't know what they do I assume add camo) But no weapons! Real weapons that is.. I got a crowbar got in to a fight with 1 zed and died.. Full health full blood.. Just by the time the zed was dead I was bleeding and at like 600 blood started bandaging my self up immidiatly after the fight but fainted.. (feel kind of cheated.. ) I mean whats the point? (Was at chreno by the way :D) 3rd and forth same problem.. I get one zed on me and that is it usally.. very hard to get away from them.. I play musical chairs with the for like 20 minutes running around and through a house.. Works but very rarely.. and it seems that some zeds are capable of thrmo vision.. They see me from I don't know where and they start running at me though walls.. That's it I give up.. Can't play a game where escaping 1 zed will take me more then 20 minutes.. Plus for some reason the game is always stuttering.. Just the mod not arma..
  7. goodknight

    Escaping zombies?

    Hi there! So I was playing the game (First time yay!!) I went into a townish place. I found 1 can of beans and 1 can of Soda! Awesome great start! (for real) I countenue walking around there (Crouched) and eventually a zombie sees me. So I'm like FFFFUUUU and I get out of there. A total of three zombies are running after me! I run and run and run and finally there is only one on my tail. But ffs this zombie is a mother fucker! HE WILL NOT FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!!! after a whole fuking hour I just gave up and let him eat me.. How do I escape him? I tried everything! I v over 3 fences! and he just goes around and catches up to me.