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Posts posted by tempsniper

  1. XW9MDTv.jpg


    Dayz Overpoch Server


    Some of our custom mods inculde:


                                                               Advanced Seller Menus for instant selling:                                               Custom Airdrops:

                                                               No more waiting forever to sell a few guns.                    Call in supplies for a random chance at gear or guns!


    Zl351nw.jpg                         N80FyZf.jpg




    We have a long-lasting community that's been running for just over one year now.
    All servers are hived<< all your gear will cross over to whichever of our servers you feel like playing on today!
    Server restarts every 2 hours for optimal performance but with several warning messages << No more sudden connection loss due to restart!
    Always daytime << for best view & best FPS with an option to vote for night on the server!
    VERY active, helpful, and experienced Staff! << Have a problem in game? No problem; join the TeamSpeak and a staff member will be right with you.
    Wanna know where your friends are? We have a new Group Management window to keep track of your friends, with the ability to spawn in on your group as well.
    Safe Zones at trader cities & anti-stealing/theft protection at trader cities.
    Military AI << One size fits all? Not in DayZ! You want a challenge? We got it! We have different difficulty missions and military loot areas. Or do you just want to explore, trade, and build in relative peace with occasional firefights to spice it up? Cool, keep it up at small towns & outskirts of cities. Heym John Rambo, we’ve got something for you, too!
    Running on a custom dedicated server, with backups every 10 minutes.


    Please visit us at www.GhostzGamerz.com


    Come join our Teamspeak and talk to our active staff! @ ts.ghostzgamerz.com

    Come join our Server and survive! @ Chernarus:   Taviana:  Napf:


    Hardcore Namalsk online! @





    • Like 1

  2. Had this problem when I was missing a ; from a line.


    started a new server with Vilayer and I have installed Overpoch on it. When ingame overwatch loads the sounds but it doesn't load the weapons. Also sometimes when people try to connect it loads the game in the background but the loading screen stays up and the number in the bottom right freezes.


    Oh and you can move around when the loading screen stays up.


    Could anyone help?




