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The Evolution

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Everything posted by The Evolution

  1. The Evolution

    Weapon cleaning kits are not useless!

    Slightly different but still on topic.... I sware I was able to use duct tape to reinforce my high capacity vest (that's what the message said I was doing) but haven't been able to do it again for some reason... But I have used a leather repair kit to repair boots, vests and back packs.
  2. The Evolution

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Was filling water bottle at a water pump and a player ran passed as I was standing up, saw me and shot me down. Didn't kill me though, just tied me up, and bandaged me. When I regained consciousness, my attacker just said "I've taken what I want, I'm taking off.." He ruined a few items and took my AKM, 2 x 75 round clips and an ak101 30 round clip. He did leave me with his old SKS and magnum.... And the AK101 that I left next to the pump... So could have been worse. Back up and fully healed... Need to be more careful.
  3. The Evolution

    Killcam (hear me out on this)

    Don't forget that if your character has been beaten up a lot over time, the more likely to suffer a one hit death even if fully healthy. There's a video on YouTube that tested the theory and found it to be true.
  4. The Evolution

    DayZ is being terrible

    That was happening to me. Upgraded my CPU and fitted an SSD and no problems since.
  5. The Evolution


    Loved it....
  6. The Evolution

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Pretty much my gear atm.... but main reason for post is to show why you might be finding it hard to find scopes.... scored all these in one group of storage sheds.
  7. 200hr of game time and I ate my first blue berries.... WHY DIDNT I KNOW NOT TO DO THIS!!!
  8. The Evolution

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This guy no longer exists... went with the wipe... sigh... Bleeding floor. Server reset so never discovered the source. New military base Zombie closeup
  9. The Evolution

    Add 7.62 x 39mm Rounds to Residential Areas

    Good idea.... though I'm currently packing about 260 rounds... but thats more to do with me collecting over a long time and hardly making a shot.
  10. The Evolution


    Now thats a good idea.... though with persistence being reset each week, you would have to remember to pick it up. Or, just start a new one each week.
  11. The Evolution


    Never found a tent either...
  12. The Evolution

    Post Your Gear So Far

  13. The Evolution

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Was having some issues yesterday logging on to servers so tried an almost full 40 player server as a test. I had last logged (server reset) in the middle of a street in a town about 20m from a cop shop..... Character loaded and for some reason my AKM and 75round clip which I had in my hands started firing uncontrollably.... I'm freaking out mashing mouse and keyboard but nothing stopped it until all ammo ran out.... Then DayZ froze (happens to me sometimes) and had to end program through task manager.... Re-logged on fearing a dead character from players or zombies.... And nothing.... Not a scratch and no one around. Hid and logged out again till I calmed down.
  14. The Evolution

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Where do you find 200 rounds of mosin ammo? I can't find a single round for my longhorn...
  15. The Evolution

    List of things that bug me when playing DayZ

    The bug I get (and often at the worse possible time) is hitting a button once to select weapon and weapon goes into hands and then is put away again straight away. Can happen several times in a row. Can be stressful while I run around in circles getting chased by half a dozen zombies.
  16. The Evolution

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Playing last night/early morning on a populated server where slowly the numbers were dropping as players logged off. Just before 2am there was just me and another player left on the server. It was dark and I was close to calling it a night so I looted a supermarket to feed up before bed and then headed off to find a quiet place to log out. Just as I'm about to run out the door, the single remaining human on the server runs past the building and down the street.... He didn't deviate so must not have seen me in the dark. I lifted my AK101 and scoped in on this humans back as he trotted away from me. I did not fire a single shot as he eventually vanished in the distance. I guess I'm not a KoS kind of guy. You're welcome.
  17. The Evolution

    Dayz Achievments?

    I have 2 pristine can openers.... - Rat with a gold tooth achievement?
  18. The Evolution

    don't open, dead inside

    Went into a building the other day and was scanning a room for loot while walking towards some shelves, looked up and there was a crouching zombie on the top shelf.... Scared the crap out of me.
  19. The Evolution

    Looking for your best cinematic DayZ screenshots

    Being a thick headed noob, how do you capture a screen shot? The old Ctrl print screen doesn't work for me.
  20. The Evolution

    PLease watch will Make you laugh

    I laughed.
  21. The Evolution

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    ^ hey Shrub Rocketeer, saw my first pig the other night... I didn't kill it.
  22. The Evolution

    If i change my name- Does my character get wiped.

    Cheers, never even noticed that.
  23. The Evolution

    If i change my name- Does my character get wiped.

    How do you even change your name?
  24. The Evolution

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Anyone having trouble healing? I've been eating and drinking like it's my birthday, fully energised and hydrated but can't get the healing/healthy to come up. Screen is blurry as anything....
  25. The Evolution

    How did you last die?

    My slightly older than a toddler son started up my character while I was in the toilet.... I was in for the long haul. After several minutes he is banging at the door saying I was dead (didn't think it smelt that bad). Lost it big time when I worked out what had happened.