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About thegovernor001

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    On the Coast
  1. Server ip : http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Teamspeak : Pass:aCw You can get a channel for you and your team http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Website:http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.DayZ.aCwGaming.com%2F&h=DAQHRyH9u&s=1 Rules 1 No offensive language/flame/racism against players admins or our community. 2 No cheats, dupe or exploits, the anti-hack will detect. 3 NO INVITING TO/OR “NAME” OTHER dayz/game SERVERS 4 No reporting hackers on side chat. 5 Use our faceBook or our TS3 help channel for help or to report hackers! NOT SIDE CHAT! 6 No stealing in safe zones or leaving vehicles on the spawn points. 7 No destroying vehicles in safe zones. 8 Watch your language 9 No trolling 10 Do not ask us how to run a server! 11 No building in high value loot zones the base will be removed 12 No begging for free items or TP's 13 Do not corporate with hackers report them if you do you will be banned as well. F.A.Q This covers in game and TS3 Q: Can we donate? A: Yes go to out Facebook and click the tab that says Help Outreach The World. Q: What will you do with the donations? A: We will use them to do drawings and give players prises help family's in need give to charity or to upgrade the game servers. Q: Who dose your hosting? A: We do our own hosting we use real servers not normal PCs. Q: What dose aCw stand for? A: A Cloud of Witnesses. Q: I do not understand the admin ranking system. A: The admins with the (aCw^) tag are the low admins. The admins with the (aCw*) are the higher admins who are the overseers of the lower admins and some times become server developers. The people with the (aCw) tag are the main founders of the community they have all the powers of the admins but are the highest in command and make all the decisions. Q: Alright so how do I gain ranks? A: This is also simple remain faithful to the community you can show this by using the Teamspeak as much as possible and be active do not use other Teamspeaks. If you require a team or clan channel one will be provided free of charge as long as you are not a member in probation. Q: My team channel has been moved to something called scheduled for deletion! A: If you or a team member dose not use the channel for a full week it will be moved and will be removed if you do not return this ensures that there are no channels unused. Q: But what if i need to be gone more than a week or stop playing DayZ? A: Please let us know via Facebook or Teamspeak that you will be gone and wish to keep said channel please let us know when you return as well. Q: Okay so what about ranking up and what dose each rank entitle? A: The green alien head means you are just a visitor and you have no power you can not move or see any one. The red P means you are a member in probation you can not interact with any one but other probation members and are restricted to the game channels only. The purple M means you are a full member and can move about feely and can also request a free channel. Q: So can I become an admin? A: Yes you can be an admin but do not ask us we will pick you to be one at random if we need admins. Q: Okay so what about a Teamspeak moderator? A: We have not yet implemented this but may in the future. Q: Ware can I find a list of your servers? A: Here --> http://www.gametracker.com/search/?query=%28aCw%29 Q: Teamspeak says I do not have a password? A: The password is aCw Q: I cant move and I have an alien head? A: this means you are a guest and have now power to see or do anything If you have any questions please go to our web site at http://www.DayZ.aCwGaming.com/ and post on our forums or message us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ResurrectionCommunity Features SSD Active admins Events Lift/Tow Custom Loot Deploys Elevator Help menu Colour corrections Snap Build pro Service Points 3 hours restart infiSTAR anti hack Safe Zones Bury Body Cannibalism Take Cloths Custom Buildings DayZ Mission Systems Custom SQL Clean up scripts Best FPS Donor perks Secret airfield More vehicles in traders gunship jackal etc..... Sucide option lots more