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Everything posted by Addis

  1. I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Chris, I'm 17, I live in Michigan (so I'm Eastern timezone), and I'm fairly active. My Play style: I'm friendly unless threatened, I like to help others if they need it. I will also KOS if needed. I'm a better marksman than anything else, and I enjoy taking things slow. I enjoy having a good time, I'm not too serious about anything unless it's needed. I like playing with various sizes of groups, as long as they're active. I'm looking for a group (preferably in the US or Canada, but not required) that's active. If you have any questions about myself, feel free to ask.
  2. you can! And that's awesome xD!
  3. Still looking. Note: I am not making a group, merely trying to find one.
  4. Doesn't matter to me, I have both. My skype is chrisnobix if you wish that.
  5. Skype name: chrisnobix Age: 17 Country: USA How often you can play: 4-8 hours school weekdays, 6-10 summer/vacation, 6-10 weekend days How experienced are you at the game: 2 years of DayZ Mod Extra information about yourself: I play all variants of DayZ except standalone. I have it, but I refuse to play because of the amount of hackers. I'm pretty quiet and I focus on the objective of the group. I enjoy messing around as well, and I'm a very good pilot, especially with the Huey.