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Everything posted by hothtimeblues

  1. hothtimeblues

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Sorry. I misunderstood then. So what is a pirated server? Pirates take control of something that already exists and belongs to someone. So calling it a pirated server to me means someone took control of a legit server. So what is it really?
  2. hothtimeblues

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Pirated server? So now hackers can take ontrol over a whoe server? But why ban people who join a stolen server if its listed as a normal public server? Did the server give extra weapons on load out or something? Thats dumb they banned you.
  3. hothtimeblues

    Weapon sway on Mosin?

    He say he used morphine and still has it so a splint wont help. Maybe his character is glitched. The wipe will solve it I think.
  4. hothtimeblues

    An extremely satisfying kill

    Satisfying to kill a guy who didnt have a chance? Ok man.
  5. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Dude. You are far to honest and straight up for this forum.
  6. hothtimeblues

    Despawning dead bodies

    With the way things are really messed up lately I am surprised the bodies are staying 10 minutes. Count that lucky.
  7. hothtimeblues

    Servers renting grid blocks (1kmx1km)

    Because the powers that be at DayZ headquarters have never addressed hacking. Lets pray that since they are building a new core, the client side exploiting will be over in the new build.
  8. hothtimeblues

    Servers renting grid blocks (1kmx1km)

    Jesus. This game has more hackers and shady ass server admins than any other game. I really hope this shit gets cleaned up by beta.
  9. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Well now I feel bad if the case is that Bohemia wanted to cut corners or not try ideas, and thats the problem? But didnt all the Arma series seem to stay on track?
  10. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    I think he is French Canadian so this is as friendly as he can be.
  11. hothtimeblues

    Questions about zombie spawns, behavior and suchlike

    Yes, I have asked about this too. It would be more real and immersive if zombies just rise from a static position like in the old Resident Evil games. Zombies should be a permanent part of the environment, whether they are alive or dead. I don't want Dead Rising game where the zombies disappear out of thin air the second you kill them or they appear out of thin air to spawn... I really, really hope that Dayz final release does not have Dead Rising fake zombies........ Has the team every said what they want to do in final release?
  12. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    It's obvious what needs to be done to make the game better. We shouldn't have to tell the project leadership what to do, they should have been doing it since before the alpha launch. I think they are fixing it now so I am given some positive comments on that. They are now rebuilding the engine after many, many months of knowing it wouldn't hold up. That's why people are questioning the sense of direction and leadership, because of the past choices or lack of executive decision. It's an executive decision to rebuild the engine because it's a large job requiring tons of resources. So people are questioning why someone did not make the executive decision earlier to start rebuilding the engine or purchase another engine for the concept. Theses are legit questions and concerns. You seem to feed off of belittling anyone who talks negatively about the game. The fact that they allow this thread and don't delete does impress me that they are open to concerns and I thank them for that.
  13. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    Excuse me while we have a moment silence to reflect on the hurt feelings of a guy who can now buy Tesla's and 100,000 dollar mountain trips thanks to us fans. Are you freaking serious man? We want the game to be better. What is wrong with that?
  14. hothtimeblues


    LOL. Yeah, I love this game but for the love of christ, it has the worst sounds and sound glitches I've ever seen. I think the sound guy for Stand Alone (before the new one I hope), was the guy who did the sounds for "Big Rigs". If you don't know about the PC game Big Rigs, search for angry video game nerd Big Rig review.
  15. hothtimeblues

    I think it's time.

    Actually, now that there is persistant loot and loot respawn, the engine is getting it's ass kicked. So you are dead wrong that the current engine can handle 100 players. They would have to delete a ton of crap that is now in the game.
  16. hothtimeblues

    I think it's time.

    There are two issues with your request for more players. 1. You seem unaware that the current engine cannot handle more players with all the new loot persistance and respawn. (why do you think there are two zombies in each town). 2. You completely disregard the idea that adding many more zombies can make for some fantastic gameplay. When they add tons more zombies, the 40 to 60 players will have to work together or work alone and really struggle to survive. This is not Battlefield 5 or Call of Duty. I don't understand all of the Dayz players that want 100% PVP and 200 people on the map just murdering each other all day long. It's much more interesting if we have to figure out how to work together and get supplies if there are 45 zombies in each town where the loot is.
  17. hothtimeblues

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    I don't know how he will attract investors or team members for his next game seeing how he is leaving his first one before it's complete. I guess I don't understand game companies and development.
  18. Ok, then I'm happy. Thanks.
  19. hothtimeblues

    I think there should be more zombies

    I agree, slower zeds if we have a great number of them. It would be pretty awesome that you can slowly get very outnumbered and cornered or forced to climb a building. I can't wait until there are more zeds.
  20. hothtimeblues

    Reason why People See so Many Hackers.

    Ummmm, the people hacking in Dayz are using professionally created hacks that they pay money for. So it's not an exploit. Exploits are like duping gear in the game. The speed hack/teleporters and the hacked magazines were created by scumbag professional hackers who then sell the hacks to make money.
  21. Great. I'm real excited for the next update. Did they fix the "drink all" from canteen glitch where you throw yourself forward 7 feet and potentially off of a cliff?
  22. hothtimeblues

    Question to developers

    Sorry but a lot of things are delayed. Barricading was supposed to start showing up by October and I don't think that will happen either. I think the recent decision to rebuild the engine heavily will delay everything a lot. It's the right move, but they should have known they would need to rebuild the whole engine even before the launch of the stand alone.
  23. Wait. How did they manage to bring back the inception backpack exploit that they previously removed the first time around? thats ridiculous
  24. hothtimeblues

    POLL: What if DayZ was made by a different company?

    Shotgun ballistics is working out real well
  25. hothtimeblues

    Once DayZ is complete; Will it require studying?

    Hopefully we wont have to study how to avoid speed hackers then.