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Everything posted by hothtimeblues

  1. hothtimeblues

    Need Help join my server

    Nice glutes, you doing lots of squats?
  2. hothtimeblues

    whats the scariest moment you've had?

    Scariest moment is when Dean announced interest in PS4 port. I think it means they are giving up on fixing the pc version. Guess they will outsource to asia for ps4.
  3. hothtimeblues

    trust person was kill me and my frend

    I agree. Anyway to check what country his computer posts from? I bet he is in UK or Usa. But I still like him. Another reason I know he is faking is because of the over the top silly drawings. He is puposefully drawing really bad.
  4. hothtimeblues

    Silencers? Where are they?

    I thought even the amphibian s was still aggroing zombies ( broken silencer). Are you guys sure it does not aggro zeds?
  5. hothtimeblues

    New CDF Gear Confirmed?

    Great. Any talk about fixing desync, lag, etc? That is what I'm excited for. I would give anything for a working silencer, anything.
  6. hothtimeblues

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    Sorry I was not clear. What I mean is I see a lot of different behavior of zeds like them going around more of the walls and fences. However, there are still many instances where zeds can ghost through walls and floors, stairs.... Etc. Its just as annoying as before or worse since you think the navmesh is a reality..... And then a zed just pops behind you through the wall. Its embarrassing that after 9 months zombies are still broken. I guess you have been lucky to only go in the few buildings were navmesh works for you to not understand how terrible I have seen navmesh results.
  7. That is what we have been talking about since the patch. Invisible zombies are very common now because the patch introduced more lag. Its really bad sometimes.
  8. hothtimeblues

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    What are you talking about? All zombies easily still go through walls. I see them go through walls a lot less but I can't go 5 minutes without seeing an aggro zed NOT go through a wall. The fact that you think you are safe because of the navmesh makes it even more fucking annoying when you start getting hit by a broken zombie who just ghosted through a tent, wall, fell through stairs. The only nonsense being spouted here my friend is your suggestion that navmesh is anything but broken and useless so far.
  9. Can he fix silencers or add zombie hoards? Is that a better question? LOL
  10. Well, first of all. You completed that graphic item way too fast. You should have took at least 9 to 11 months and only then should your graphic item look and work correctly. You got a ways to go before you can join the DayZ team, there buddy. But keep trying. Just kidding, sarcasm there everyone.
  11. hothtimeblues

    Too Many Zombies

    Its annoying but hopefully zeds will be totally different later.
  12. hothtimeblues

    ROCKETS WACKY ROADMAP and PS4! what? u serius bro?

    1700 people working on DayZ? They had only 35 for the longest time long after tens of millions in revenue and had to be dragged kicking and screaming into hiring up to 75 people by June I think. When the hell did they hire 1700?
  13. hothtimeblues

    Weapon sway and repeated splinting

    Yes, since last one or two patches it has gotten worse. So I think they are aware of it.
  14. OMG. How in inappropriate is it for Dean to even talk about PS4 port when the progress on the PC Stand Alone obviously needs 2 or 3 more years at least of development. I guess Bohemia is thinking of getting alpha money for a console now? That would be impressive if Dayz sold an alpha game on a console. I would be in awe. But if Kardashians make millions by doing almost nothing than I guess it's not unheard of.
  15. hothtimeblues

    NSPU NVG Scope

    Working silencers have eluded DayZ for a long time but you think working night vision scopes are totally possible? I am announcing it right now that we will never see working night vision scopes in the SA. I love the idea, so I appreciate the great idea.
  16. hothtimeblues

    NSPU NVG Scope

    Will Dayz's engine really be able to handle a working night vision scope? I can't fathom it being implemented. It sounds too demanding.
  17. hothtimeblues

    Character just reset

    The irony of persistant loot is crazy.
  18. hothtimeblues

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    No angry for what happens now. Just worried until I see progress, not regress.
  19. hothtimeblues


    Then the items are not persistent. I dont get the point of experimental.
  20. hothtimeblues

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    Dont want to live forever. Want to die by 10 zeds that dont go invisible or hit you from 10 feet facing backwards.
  21. hothtimeblues

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    Ok. That makes sense. But can they not run diagnostic benchmark tests and now before pushing to stable?
  22. Putting 50 zombies in every town that run if you shoot a weapon would prevent a lot of pvp.
  23. hothtimeblues

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    Again, will someone tell me why experimental is fine, then when they push to stable we get fucked so bad?
  24. Then since new patch you have only played low ping and low pop servers because otherwise, they can be invisible, teleport, and hit you from 10 feet away on the new patch. So your gear does get ruined or you can easily die. I dont think you have seen how horrible it is for most of us.