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Everything posted by dfixrobert

  1. dfixrobert

    Right click shaking since 0.52?

    I have heard that it can also be caused by zombies hitting you a couple times and that will make it happen, but no message will be received saying anything about the injury. Also, heard it can be caused from being too cold and it as well doesn't give a warning message. I never ate a bit of human meat, raw or cooked, on one of my characters and it still got the twitch. Not sure what exactly it is but I know it can happen from more than just cannibalism.
  2. dfixrobert

    How to deal with hackers?

    So lately I have literally not found a single high population server without at least 1 hacker, every time I end up dying to a hacker after spending time going up north to get gear and the end up dying to complete bullshit. Anyone any good servers that are highly regulated by admins? I usually just randomly pick a server but usually ends up being a clan server like ruf and other somewhat well known servers, and literally I haven't played for the past week without running into a hacker. I heard private hive servers usually have less hackers but I don't always play with the same group of friends so I don't really want to have to get geared up every time I want to play with other friends and vice versa. thanks :P
  3. dfixrobert

    How to deal with hackers?

    I was playing on one server and the admin banned the hacker, not sure how because not familiar with any server controls and what not. They can code stuff to go right through it, pretty sure you have to run a certain script that bypasses the battleye client and then one for the hack injector itself
  4. dfixrobert

    How to deal with hackers?

    There are so many ways to bypass battle eye, even with the new thing they added like last patch where you have to download it. And admins can ban them, it's just the problem of pin pointing who is hacker actually is
  5. dfixrobert

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Also, something to add onto imo is, how come you always reach a stuffed status before light green hydrated and energized? Doesn't make much sense to make your player sick from eating too much food to have to become healthier....
  6. basically title says it all, im not sure what city im in, im farely new to the game. But there was scaffolding on the side of a building and i was trying to shimmy my way up to kill myself but when i fell it glitched me and a wall and i can't get out. Can someone please help me? ive tried everything i can think of but i cannot get out. I dont really care if i die but if its possible can an admin or something delete my character so i can restart? i really want to play but i cant really do anything
  7. dfixrobert

    glitched in wall with a broken leg

    how long does it take to get a response? i sent a ticket about an hour ago and still no response yet
  8. dfixrobert

    glitched in wall with a broken leg

    thanks man, didn't see that before lol