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Everything posted by R0B3RTF1SH3R

  1. 90 million later, meanwhile 7days2die h1z1 a spawn of other rip offs im not even going to mention. pop up and reach millions. we still have the star of the show "zombie apocalypse". glitchin around going. "ehhhhhhh"> run at you no matter where u are like they have a homing beacon on you. smartest fuckers ever. then swing you AOE and thru walls etc. totally worth investing in the production of this SPUR company. IMO haven't done nothing to warrant the hefty income. arma 2 was the platform, as a mod. now its just a mod on a UI as a stand alone. i think we be better off paying the mod creators who did it on nothing.
  2. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    This needs to be a thing.

    selects hero. plays bandit. profit
  3. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    [UKA Event] Solnichniy Factory Sabotage

    capture a terrorist? dont they have AKs and BOMBS? the only thing your going to catch is a explosion to the head. I think you mean. BAG N TAG right? counter terrorists win?
  4. i dont get complete polygon, but its pretty bad. i tried heaps to fix it. i just want to stand in novo tower and look @ the courtyard without it looking like a 8bit graphix. i run and see vehilcles have SQAURE wheels for a second. doesnt matter what settings i have viewdistance/prefered object viewdistance at.. its always the same. been like this for months now. thanks
  5. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Here, Devs, a word in your shell like..

    press ESC and click respawn. if you have lost too much blood you will never wake up. i had a mate who that happened to in novo. i ran to him.gave him saline. nothing. ran to cop shop in novo got epipen. gave it. nothing. ran all the way to nwaf tents because i was just there got another saline bag. and a 2nd one from gorka hospital i think. came back. he was still there. gave it to him. he woke up. stood up. but couldn't move. so yeah. was bad waste of 30+ minutes.
  6. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Sanity Check - Does ATLAS Bipod exist in 0.53 stable?

    yep. found one in a shed last night.
  7. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Do environmental Coke and eating sounds mean something?

    someone mentioned the ammo jingle is someone within 1km of you sorting there ammo.. i thought this was strange. esp if your bush.
  8. R0B3RTF1SH3R


  9. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Fix V3S control bug

    So yeah, long story short, fully geared character, rocking around to my 3rd heli crash site in 10 minutes. get out of truck. find out that truck acceleration controls are still bound to your character for a good 3-5 seconds after exiting truck. so I get out. run to helicopter. meanwhile hear the truck accelerating behind as I run on foot. squish, into heli-crash by my own truck. i shit you not. rage quit. uninstall. no its not lag. tested it on 3 trucks now. get out of your truck. you can run on foot for 3-5 seconds and still drive the truck
  10. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Fix V3S control bug

    no i rage quit uninstalled. j/k yeah ill do it tomorrow, its 130am here, i usually do. no, why would you turn the truck off, esp at a heli site. i wantd to jump out. get the lootz. jump back in. door open engine running. i did it @ 3 previous site inside 10 minutes. I know you can say yeah dont hold down W while getting out. its a bad habit yes. ever since doing it to fix drinking/bandaging/crafting split bug. but this time i waited til i could see my guy. tapped w and i could move straight away. held it down after then though. so did the truck =( it was like that 3/4 of a second of. "no no no no nO!!!!!!". black screen. i bet who ever is on that server @ heli crash is laughing so hard right now. fully geared guy infront of truck. next to heli. PROFIT!
  11. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    thanks. oh btw that "thanks for the ak" moment. hahaha golden,
  12. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    What is your longest recorded shot?

    i have also shot a guy from chernaya to novo, on the stairs running along gantry by industrial area. i didnt even know i got him 1st shot. the most impressive shot i ever got was about 215m with blaze, a guy running down out across open hill terrain. lead my shot. fired. he dropped. soooooo rewarding. funny thing was I told him not to run. also, it may not look like a distance. however. on the screen it seemed ages away, wasn't until i marked it on map to see it was only 215ish, does it take into account topography? slopes etc?
  13. yep this is so annoying, fix the damn things, muppets, u can literally watch them spawn right next to you. i just killed a military zombie. 2 seconds later 2 more spawn 2 meters from me. i was in the bush in the middle of no where. i turn around. there's a zombie, instantly hits me. so much for "a break to cook some steak". you cant do anything now without the chance of a zomb spawning on you. SO DUMB
  14. usually this is when you over-ride controls set by apps, in your gfx module. eg. tessellation or anti aliasing or the likes. if you force them. if your gfx is dying usually starts producing artifacts. rather than specific problems relating to scenarios like "inside/outside slow draw rates etc.
  15. mate, i give people the benefit of the doubt. until they have to die. like lastnight, i had to execute 2 guys, 1 guy i found in military place, i shot him, handcuffed him. removed his sks. bandaged him, saline, morphine etc. left the loaded magnum on him. went downstairs . used lockpick on prison building @ nwaf, ran back up stairs. he used handcuff keys or broke free somehow, took pot shots at me with the magnum. i did the old sidestep and wasted him. poor chap. was given a chance and failed me. other guy was one of those "shoot you in the heat of the moment" until they are out of bullets. then run off. then u pull out magnum /sidearm. he yells. DONT DONT > PLEASE DONT> then u let him run away from military base, u camp bush for 5 mins he comes back. nah. not today mate. 1bullet to the head.dead. ive had enough of some of the punking in this game. but seriously its some funny stuff when u think about it. thats why it has sold so many copies. i got punked the other day by a girl. in svet, running around by hotels going "hello, anyone there, etc". i happend to just say "yeah hi". she came out , then from either side oft he hotel did 2 of her buddies. then she had a laugh and they killed me. honestly..... i had a laugh too. it was classic.
  16. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    help i need to know what to upgrade

    thats only an issue with intel
  17. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Uniquely Bad DayZ framerate performance?

    im using same 6300, i think im sitting on 4ghz or just under on stock cooler.
  18. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Dayz Fps & graphic settings quick question

    cpu > gpu for this game. =D
  19. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    DayZ Therapy Circle

    I was in NZDAYZ.NET.NZ the other day only 5 ppl in here. convinced my mate to come on this one to play. he joins. he looks @ player list. we start laughing because there was a guy named "big bong theory". we had a bit of a laugh. im standing in the bush's in that little 1/2 a dozen houses village before cherno.30 seconds after loading in, kinda isolated. then i hear these footsteps. i think oh great a zombie. i turn around and about 2m away from me is this machete wielding maniac running right for me. I almost shat, no time for introductions. popped 7 (overkill) sks rounds into him. he was surely dead. checked his name. it was "big bong theory" ha. had to have a we 1 sided discussion with him. what the chances. I may need therapy
  20. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    DayZ Therapy Circle

    and we are there!
  21. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    bugged mosin?

    sure your not talking about carbine? that takes mag fast loader clips are only so u can press R if u have one in your inv. other than that. the animation and loading technique is the same every time. sks/mosin etc even reloading sks manually no fastloader, does fastloader animation. same length of time.
  22. soon on ports on console. u wont be able to adjust shit...
  23. doesnt work like that, what your talking about is "hooking". picking up on clusters of colors. sweet fx doesnt do that. its blanket. like adjusting "contrast/saturation/brightness/lux/luminosity etc"
  24. R0B3RTF1SH3R


    I feel your pain ran from sevrograd to gorka, no agro loss, even hills away i could see them. then they re agro. keep running. hilarious. its because you look @ them.
  25. i run it on .53 no prob. i didnt even consider BE, with the latest update to BE accept and agree to "scan my entire computer" they would have picked it up. its not a hack.