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Everything posted by R0B3RTF1SH3R

  1. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Horrific performance woes in last two stable updates

    really. i have 2gb (2x1gb DDR2 800) sitting here. been trying to flick it for ages.
  2. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Walkie Talkie support

    they do. there is no seperate voice channel. you can still be heard in vacinity talking , it just broadcasts onto channel also. right? i mean thats how ive been using it. (no one ever listens though. )
  3. R0B3RTF1SH3R


    no. what he means to say is change your ASPECT ratio from 4:3 or whatever its on. to 16:9 if you have widescreen for 1080p etc. then fix your interface resolution to 1080. then change your ingame rendering resolution to 100%
  4. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    0.48 already in stable

    experimental was .48. now servers are back up they are 48 too
  5. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    What is the rarest item you have ever found in DayZ?

    kiwi pristine i still have it
  6. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    melee is still really really bad. zombies are bad. (punched a monkey zombie he fell thru ground then appeared as a stump 2 foot tall body and legs unable to move. looked hilarious) random spawns must be back 1st spawn tulga, 2nd spawn, between electro and balota. still random zombie and ammo sounds from wild life. but hey.
  7. R0B3RTF1SH3R

    Anyone else get major and sudden FPS drops?

    I came here to report exactly the same issue. AMD 6300 (6core @3.8ghz) ATI 6770 (1GB DDR5) RAM 8GB DDR3 1600 SSD (with DAYZ on it) recently i could run around with 30-50fps (30 in cities). since 2days ago i get 18 fps on 1080p. strange because i put it on LOW. 18fps. HIGH 17/18fps. (something is choking the fps) ?? any ideas.
  8. so im at work today and i happened to come up with this great idea for dayz immersion. see, in a real zombie apocalypse the friend can become an enemy really quickly. especially if they die =D what better way to gain some real creepy atmosphere and immersion than to actually add in your peers to the game. imagine this. you sync your dayz game with say facebook. asks for permission to get details of your friends lists. gains gender/age details and facial recognition system which automatically morphs your friends lists facial photo's onto models of zombies and players in the game obviously (alive players who are playing with you on dayz etc from your friends, others could be turned zombies or npc's) is that a tad creepy or what. i mean imagine running down the street and see your neighbor as a zombie. hahah. immersion overload? would be even creepier if it only selected deceased facebook users? too much?
  9. R0B3RTF1SH3R


    ok so FB was a terrible example. how else can devs troll for user submited free data.
  10. R0B3RTF1SH3R


    i dont mean like "automatically" grabs any face or picture from FB i mean like. a subscription option. instead of making boring content for all to enjoy. your sub pays for "player specific" content experience. sure you want your family and friends on dayz. $$$$ im just thinking how well it would go down if it was like deceased people though. hahah