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Everything posted by trankin

  1. trankin

    Cant find any mosins?

    oh ok you mean the ones by the corners
  2. trankin

    Cant find any mosins?

    do you mean those green deer stand looking things? or the big things with the netting over them?
  3. trankin

    Cant find any mosins?

    Oh cool. Thanks much guys. Ill go check those spots in a few. Hopefully i can find something.
  4. trankin

    pso-1 scope?

    Hey everyone havent been around in a while. I been playing for a bit latley and i noticed i cant find a pso-1 scope anywhere i skimmed through the dev tracker reports for patches but didnt see if it was removed or not. i could have missed it if it was in there. now my question is if they arent removed where would be the best places to look for one and how rare are they now?
  5. trankin

    pso-1 scope?

    oh cool as long as i know they are still in game ill keep looking. Thanks for the help everyone.
  6. trankin

    disappearing items?

    Ok so i was wondering if anyone has had this problem i was playing on a guy i had for a few hours logged off and logged back on after work. when i got on i had a rain coat in my inventory but about 45mins later i was running south and it started to rain so i went to put it on and it was gone. was wondering if anyone knows why this happened i didnt even touch it so its not like i could have accidentally dropped it. it just vanished lol.
  7. trankin

    sorry i killed you

    to the person i met at balota airfield today in game name of assassin im sorry that i killed you. it was a accident you had zombies running around you and you walked in front of my bullet my bad bro. i wish i could of helped you out more. and to the person i killed at the small base south of northwest. it was nothing personal but i couldn't take the chance of letting you go i had hypothermia and i needed matches terribly which upon your death i was able to get. R.I.P my fellow players
  8. trankin

    sorry i killed you

    no im not bragging . both those kills were fucked. why would i brag about that. oh i killed a new kid and i snuck up behind 1 guy and killed him thats nothing to brag about. i did feel bad because in reality i didnt have to kill either. the one was a mistake and i didnt want him to think everyone is gonna kos him all the time because honestly that isnt the case i meet more people who are friendly then bandits to be honest so idk why people complain about it. and iv seen posts like this on here before so idk what the problem with me posting one is. if i came on here to do this to brag then obviously you had nothing better to do but come on my post to leave a negative feedback for no reason. if you didnt have anything positive to say just move along thats all people should do.
  9. first rule of thumb of getting rid of this is not getting attached to your gear. if you are new to the game just know that it only takes a hour or so to gear up not long at all. just have to know how to find the right places to find the besrt gear. after a few gun fights and you actually winning them you will be more confident. i used to be the same way now i can roll up on like 4 people on my own and feel confident enough to attack them if needed and know i have a good chance on surviving.
  10. trankin

    Someone please help

    maybe but honestly with just about every game i ever pc gamed with shadows destroyed my fps and i can run most games on ultra graphics with like 50-70 fps depending on what im doing but if i turn shadows on it drops it to like 20-40 fps. dayz is glitchy as hell so it might be different for different graphic cards and processors. there are a lot of guides online to help you change your settings to get maximum fps.
  11. trankin

    disappearing items?

    cool thanks much man honestly i didnt know about this.
  12. trankin

    Someone please help

    step one: cardio, being a fatty in the apocalypse wont help you now. zombies are slow and stupid make sure you are running and not jogging. step two: make sure you check your graphic settings turn them down especially your shadows they effect the game the most. step three: get a weapon they are everywhere any gun with ammo or a mele weapon will do get a fireaxe ,wood cutting axe, baseballbat ect ect. step four: be glad you didnt play before this last patch, zombies were even harder to hit back then they are easy as hell to kill now. step six: add me on steam porkyhorde i will help you learn the ropes if you need it.
  13. trankin

    DayZ: Operation "Bears"

    are you guys looking for others to play with? would love to play with people like you. most people are boring and just wanna sit in major cities camping for kills. would like to go on adventures like this. add me on steam if you are interested. Porkyhorde
  14. trankin

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    If you have a iphone or android go to the playstore or whatever you get apps from and download izurvive its free it lets you look up were you are item locations ect ect.
  15. trankin


    ok ib4 not realistic. since we have infected running around I thought it would be a cool idea to have like super infected also. just ones that evolved. sorta like the tank from left for dead. I just figured it would be cool to have something that would take a lot of bullets to kill or something you should be afraid of if you get attacked by it. I don't mean put them in every town just put like 4 scattered throughout the map in random towns.
  16. trankin

    General ideas about how the game should be

    I pray for the day that this game becomes like this. I want the fear of starving not oh let me run to that house and find a weeks worth of food/water.
  17. trankin


    well I hope they are hard to kill then im just tired of one shotting a zed with a axe. Do you know if wolves will be in packs or by themselves?
  18. trankin


    I don't mean it has to boss. im just tired of seeing the same zeds. it gets old that's all.
  19. trankin


    But its not a bad idea lol. God forbid we have something in this game that is a actual enemy and not something we can just walk away from.
  20. trankin


    I just figured it would make the game more interesting I we actually had something hard to kill.
  21. trankin


    why because it would make this game actually challenging ?
  22. trankin

    An owl stole my beanzs :(

    shit it was only beans..that owl stole my youngest child....he had my last pack of cigarettes in his backpack...I want my cigarettes back you bastard owl!
  23. trankin

    mp5 mag?

    so a couple days ago I was running through berizino as a fresh spawn and looted the police station and found a mp5 mag its the first one iv ever seen are these rare? idk if I ever even seen the gun lol.
  24. trankin

    mp5 mag?

    yea I picked it up since iv never seen it before and I have 300 plus hours in game already so I figured it had to be sorta rare or im jut blind lol. thanks its my favorite movie
  25. trankin

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    go to google type in "can you run it" first page click on it. scroll down in game list click Dayz let it run for a second. Boom! wala! it will tell you if you can play it or not :D