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Everything posted by cesar2224

  1. cesar2224

    Server TX20 admin abuse

    First off there's no way to prove he dc'ed intentionally and if there is prove it. Tried of Admins doing this...Your abusing your power because a player disconnected on TX20 when dozens of players DC on that server daily. What I feel is happening is your mad because someone killed the other admin. So please, provide us with proof that he dc'ed to avoid combat and not because his net went out or because he kicked a cable. To ban for something like dc'ing is stupid, until the log timer is added to disallow intentional dc'ing theres nothing we can do.
  2. cesar2224

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    This is so stupid....Seriously I hope rocket cracks down on this, I just made a thread about someone nuking our server.
  3. We were setting up tents 2min ago and everyone died on the server, I made it somehow. As soon as I saw the floor disappear and come back I aborted. I really don't see the point in little eight year old kids or virgin men running scripts and ruining peoples time...whats the point? And better question, can an admin roll back the server like 5-10min before this occurred?
  4. cesar2224

    Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders

    Crimson my boys killed you in a barn, thanks for the L85 and Machine gun bro. Well take them back to our 20 tent vehicle fleet fortified haven. <3 BTW heres the video of us killing you.
  5. cesar2224

    Seattle 28 down?

    Anyone have any news of Seattle 28? We have a 21 tent camp with about 11 wire's and 10 tank traps and 2 sandbags...medical tents/munition tents full of weapons and like a fleet of vehicles...I'm terribly worried...
  6. I'll start. Share your story, friends story...just share! Me walking around in dayz , just started out, no gun. I then chill on a bridge, look around. I suddenly hear over local mic 'hatchetman gonna gitcha'. I fucking run like hell under the bridge. Hear clinking boots on the bridge above me. I then hear 'where you go boy, I need to wet my axe'. Fucking stay under there for nearly 10 minutes before crawling out. I look around all paranoid like for the next 10 minutes. No sign of the guy. That is by far the most terrified I have ever been in a game.