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Everything posted by Sniper-Wolf

  1. Sniper-Wolf

    Minor yet annoying shakes. Need help please!

    the shaking in this case is not the twitching displayed in WOBO's video. The brain disease twitch is more sudden and occurs every 3 sec or so. The shaking described in this thread (as OP stated has not eaten human flesh) is like a constant small jerkiness like when you are shivering.
  2. Sniper-Wolf

    Minor yet annoying shakes. Need help please!

    i have the same issue, i just dont know how to fix it. (also tried using a splint because maybe the arm was broken but that didnt change anything)
  3. Sniper-Wolf

    Quitting DayZ/ Loot give away

    If you were expecting a rage post...NOPE this is not one so if you want one of those go visit the graveyard :P . I am leaving in January to go on a 2 year mission for my church. In preparing for that, I have come to the decision (because I am addicted to video games it was hard) that I need to uninstall the video games I have and devote my time to more productive things. I am not bashing anyone for spending there time on video games, I just need to prioritize other things. So with that being said I am going to give away all of my stuff because it will not be doing me any good or for that matter 2 years from now anyway. I would post this under trading post but technically its not a trade if I am giving away everything....right? Only a couple of rare items per person at least for 1 or 2 days. I am not giving all of my loot to one person simply cause they asked for it. Took some time accumulating this stuff, I am not making it easy for a select few. For example I will give you the MP5 or the M68 Optics or the mags for the mp5 but not all 3 or even 2 of them for that matter. But there is a caveat to that. If no one claims them within 3 days, you may get that item from me. Please quote this post to make sure I notice it. 3 Days for restricted give away. 5 Days until I just uninstall the game. Claim one/two primary rare items in your post on this thread and claim secondary ones to have dibs on them after 3 days of no one else claiming them. I will not respond to PMs. I WILL PM YOU for getting these items to you. FIRST POST FIRST SERVE. I reserve the right to hand these out as I please. I will not give to those who are greedy. Any efforts to kill me or success in killing me will be notified on the forums for what its worth. All items pristine unless otherwise stated: 1 AK 74 mag- Worn 1 Protector Case- damaged 1 Protector Case- Ruined, still usable for storage. Will not count as rare cause of condition. 1 300 Round box- ruined, still usable for storage. Will not count as rare cause of condition. m68 optics- worn ACOG- worn Both grenades- also less than worn. Forgot to look at exact condition. Doesnt matter does it? Black High Cap vest- ruined, still usable for storage. Will not count as rare cause of condition. Any posts that aren't claiming an item and have shown that they did not read all important info in my post will be ignored. I am not trying to moderate this thread. I just dont give a $@#% about anything else that gets posted. If there is a real question that I did not answer I will address that.
  4. Sniper-Wolf

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    1. Found Gas Canister (after 4 hours of searching) Check 2. Found Truck and Refueled it to Full Check 3. Pick up friendly hitchhiker Check 4. Allows hitchhiker a turn to drive and promptly dies in backseat because of door closing on me <_<
  5. Sniper-Wolf

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    ive died like 3-4 times around a V3S but only while I was near it not actually driving. And its only after I CTD'd so it only gives me a 30 sec respawn timer when I try to log back in. Oddly enough if I go to another server my character is fine. So maybe my character just gets reset if I try logging in near a truck?
  6. Sniper-Wolf

    i need plese a doctor

    crap im in Elektro..
  7. So we've seen pictures or encountered it ourselves where there are certain buildings where there is a massive amount of loot due to persistence being screwed up. My question is what determines which buildings get bugged amounts of loot? For example at NWAF, there was only one military building (im not going to point it out) with bugged loot whereas all of the other buildings had consistent or low amounts of loot. At a different location, all buildings were bugged. A shed just outside of this area was normal but another shed within the area was glitched with pickaxes, paint, leather sewing kits, etc. Meanwhile in Vybor, nothing was out of the ordinary for any building (that I checked into anyway Police station, random houses, sheds, etc). Also the same buildings seem to be consistent on persistence servers whether they are bugged or not. So what makes one building bugged but not another?
  8. Sniper-Wolf


    Already in the works. Many threads suggested. Will come when it comes, V3S truck next one or two patches. Search function. #BeatingaDeadHorse
  9. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    the silencer was in the game until .49 where they wiped all of the characters because somebody gave me his fully kitted m4a1 from before the AKM at the time. (Not sure if it is/was in the loot table though)
  10. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    yeah i mean you. I didnt want to get anyones hopes up if i already had someone interested in it.
  11. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    Trading: pristine m4a1, pristine bayonet, worn ACOG, badly damaged RIS handguard, x2 60 round mags, and 30 round mag. Plus 5.56 ammo. Looking for: AKS 74U with 74U buttstock, mags, and ammo Trade in progress
  12. Sniper-Wolf

    Gas station lurker

  13. Sniper-Wolf

    So are rocket launchers going to be added soon?

    hey if people can start a monument IS3 tank from the cold war era, ,I dont see why we cant start up the T34-85 in Cherno (or have tanks in general and other military hardware) http://www.gudok.ru/news/sujet/boi_na_ukrainy/?ID=1184863
  14. Sniper-Wolf

    M4a1 if you want

    id be willing to give you a 30 round mag for it as well
  15. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    does the bipod even exist(spawn anymore)?
  16. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    just traded with officer25 and everything went smooth.
  17. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    the guy who accused dreypa has more standing around here than you mate. Insoliciously Posted 21 September 2014 - 03:32 PM Dreypa, on 21 Sept 2014 - 12:22 PM, said: Don't trade with this guy, he just shot me on a trade. His Friend xMorokei is also part of the scammership. SteamIDs are Priiest and xMorokei TheIceCreamGuy Posted 21 September 2014 - 05:12 PM Insoliciously isn't lying, when we first traded he was very friendly and held up his bargain of our trade. He could've just removed me and never messaged me again but he didn't.
  18. Sniper-Wolf

    So I finally found a tent... any tips?

    just dont put things in there that you will regret losing. Im not sure about the persistence mechanic now (as i dont feel like searching for another tent), but in .48 my tent duplicated backpacks and weapons so at one point I had 10+ M4A1s that I ended up just throwing into the forest. Which then led to the server crashing and wiping everything. So keep important stuff on person and anything auxiliary inside the tent.
  19. Sniper-Wolf

    I'm so glad i have this flashlight in the Zombie Apocalypse

    i dont see a problem with that as long as they are heavily handicapped or *balanced* in some way
  20. Sniper-Wolf

    Any point of 2 drum mags?

    if i run around with an AKM, i tend to hold on to 2x 75 round drum mags and no 30 round mags because i have lost more 75 round drum mags to random crap like accidentally reloading a 30 round mag and not having room for the 75 round drum or the backpack doing a reshuffling upon log in. personally id hold on to 2. but if you need room for other stuff, that is entirely up to you and your priority list.
  21. Sniper-Wolf

    Realistic Gunshots? + My little Show Off.

    *insert argument about game technically not being alpha* Like the sounds.
  22. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    heck ill trade you a grenade/mp5 15 round clip/ or something else for it. Edit: Cant tell if you are trading away the black one and/or are receiving a black-skull one.
  23. Sniper-Wolf

    Trading Post

    you dont happen to have a regular black balaclava that you would trade for a skull one?
  24. Sniper-Wolf

    So the team is trained, am I right?

    you have heard of the edit button right? Or did you do that intentionally...