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Everything posted by striker75

  1. striker75

    Camo Netting

    If this is already in the mod, I have not come across it. It's probably been suggested before, but I'd like to bring more attention to it. It's only real viable use would be to cover a vehicle in it. Though it can be used for many different things I'm sure. It'd be nice to be able to actually 'hide' a vehicle. Perhaps an option if you have it in your pack to 'cover vehicle in netting'. Or just a simple 'setup camo netting' kinda like a tent. Then drive your vehicle under it.
  2. Also, it says from 23:00 - 24:00 UTC. I believe this was a typo, the run is supposed to be from 20:30 - 24:00 UTC.
  3. striker75

    Is this a global ban or?

    Could you tell me your In-game name? aside from ghosters, today there we're only 2 other people that were killed. 1st was named Knight, who attacked the front gate. 2nd was someone named pyisilix (or something I don't remember how it was spelled) He was killed because he didn't follow our rules. He was trying to sprint into the castle from the North side. We try to say it every time. You must approch from the road, Walking, with your weapon lowered. Otherwise you will be treated as a hostile. If this was you I appologise (as I was the one who shot you), but you need to follow the rules. As for your problem. I'm not sure, it sounds like a battleye problem. Perhaps a reinstall of battleye?
  4. Fri - Sun UTC 20:00 - 23:00 at Devils Castle. We also do Guarded Trades during the week. http://freesidetrading.co you'll find all the information you need on our forums.
  5. You did manage to sneak up on the castle so, I applaud you for that. However, the two people you shot were Vulwulf and Turbo, neither of them died or Combat logged. You were shot and killed shortly after. I have a fraps recording of it aswell, sadly there is no sound as TS3 hates Fraps for some reason. I'll post it if you like, but since you're only posting to try and sully our name I'm not sure if I should waste my time. The rest of the run today was tons of fun though, got attacked a lot. Again, ending with more gear than we started with. Traders were safe all went pretty well, IMO. Tomorrow looks to be good aswell. -Edit- They didn't even log Cori, he shot them both but didn't finish them. Vulwulf even sat where he was another 2 - 3 minutes after he got shot. lol it was kinda funny actually. "uh guys, i've just been shot, I'm near the traders" I moved around to look and he was still sitting right where he had been the whole time.
  6. striker75

    Does trading work?

    http://freesidetrading.co/index.php Works ;)
  7. striker75

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Can we have a good, clean, and honest battle? No cheating/ghosting please. I'll be sure to be frapsing all weekend to make sure and catch it. Win or lose. :)
  8. http://freesidetrading.co/index.php Exactly what you are talking about. Already established and reputable.
  9. striker75

    The reason why we need Hackers

    You don't seem to understand how hacks actually work. Rocket is building a mod inside an existing game. He is essentially hacking and changing the game. Only, he's doing it in a much grander scale and for everyone to enjoy. Mods are accepted, hacks are not. Since Rocket is building a mod, he has almost no ability at all to stop hackers. This is Battleye and BI's job to do. Hacks take advantage of holes and other vulnerablilities in a game to insert (or inject) it's own code and overwrite the game's code. I'll say this once so be sure to make a mental note of it. Stopping hacks completley, in anything, Game or other, is IMPOSSIBLE. it's sad, but true. The hackers will be here in Alpha, Beta, and release. They will continue to be here until the game's dying breath, as with every other popular game ever made. What can be stopped, much easier than the real hackers are the script kiddies. Scripts can be dealt with and we can see all the script kiddies (which is most of the so called "hackers") go bye bye. Bottom line, Alpha or not. Hackers will always be with us. Just hopefully not as many.
  10. striker75

    Freeside Trading Co.

    lol, yea I was looking at my map when you guys came. Oh well, I sure found you quick. I'll be back soon don't worry :)
  11. striker75

    Freeside Trading Co.

    That's impossible The server is open, sorry to burst your bubble.
  12. striker75

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Gives me something to do, Guess I'll go URAL hunting... :D BTW, you died from a hacker sending everyone on the server into the air, and killing everyone. Not really something we can defend against...
  13. But, you're in the minority. If you're looking to make money, and every company is. You're not going to lower prices on anything that is selling as well as Arma is atm. once sales start to drop, then you put it on sale to get the 'cheap' people that wanted it, but didn't want to pay $5 - $10 more.
  14. striker75

    We don't need patches, Rocket.

    Bolded for you... Um.... what!? lol OP doens't understand what Alpha and Beta testing is, let alone what it's for. It doesn't matter if it's a AAA title or a mod. These stages are crucial. infact, since rocket has to cater to everyone now playing his mod he can't update the mod as much as he'd probably like. Though, I'm sure he has private testing to circumvent that problem. Alpha Stage = Barely playable. Constant additions to the game. Hackers usualy aren't a concern because the Alpha stage is usually closed off and only for the Developers/Paid in-house Testers. Read this and learn http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16570
  15. I like the idea except.... It just becomes Arma II + food, water, weapon finding.... If servers could hold more people, and I mean a lot of people... You could have multiple 'gangs' battling it out. maybe one 'owns' NWA, another 'owns' cherno, ect... That would be pretty cool. with limited vehicle spawns, vehicles would be the focal point im guessing. The NWA's have a chopper! We need to launch a raid and steal it!
  16. striker75

    Side effects of Murdering

    Are all soldiers mentally ill? Is every gang related murderer mentally ill? I hate this retarded relation with murder and mental illness, and now crime with mental illness. Just because the courts let a dozen murders off because of mental illness doesn't mean they acutally have it. Morality is objective, its morally wrong to kill someone. It is morally wrong to steal from someone. it is morally wrong to fuck your mother. There are people who do these things everyday. Some of them have mental illnesses. The thing is, mental illness can cause someone to lose there morals. You seem to believe this the other way around; you believe that KILLING causes mental problems, espically in a hallucinary and auditory way. Every murder related to mental illness has the mental illness before the murder. However, victims of crime and those who have witnessed murder of loved ones, they're the ones who are scared by murder. If you're going to go about claiming murder causes mental issues as SEVERE as hallicinations, which is some SERIOUS shit, by the way, at least state some damn facts. Also, inb4 shell shocked Edit: OH, and don't forget that people soundly and calmly plan murders every fucking day soldiers are trained to kill, and yes many suffer from PTSD and other mental issues after returing from heavy combat. Not always because of taking the life of someone, but it's a main cause. Including watching their friends die, which would be happening as well in a zombie apoc. Gangs are another thing, I grew up in Detroit, I've seen plenty of gang violence. They grow up being taught by their elders that its ok to kill someone if "blah blah". Thus, they never had the morals instilled in them in the first place. Also, You're talking about minorities, I'm talking about majorities. If your everyday, average joe is forced to kill someone, it's going to cause some serious problems. Yes, hallucinations are uncommon, and probably wouldn't happen, but it'd be a nice addition to the game. Throw in a zombie apocalypse and there will be some serious mental breaks, most will probably opt for the easy way out and commit suicide. Mental illness helps cause murders, yes. It can also be caused by being forced to kill someone. It goes both ways. Hey guys I just killed someone out of survival I totally have auditory hallucinations which have nothing to do with killing someone instead of depression or anxiety or paranoia oh god its like medical degrees don't matter and this is just a cheap shot at bandits because I died THIS JUST IN HALLUCINATIONS ARE GENERALLY CHEMICALLY RELATED FROM A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION AND MOST MENTAL ILLNESSES RELATED TO HALLUCINATIONS YOU ARE BORN WITH UNCOMMON IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT You're missing the point entirely. I even agreed with you that hallucinations most likely wouldn't happen. We can argue all day about psycology and it won't get us anywhere because of common/uncommon. Bottom Line This is a game and it would be a cool feature.
  17. striker75

    Side effects of Murdering

    Are all soldiers mentally ill? Is every gang related murderer mentally ill? I hate this retarded relation with murder and mental illness, and now crime with mental illness. Just because the courts let a dozen murders off because of mental illness doesn't mean they acutally have it. Morality is objective, its morally wrong to kill someone. It is morally wrong to steal from someone. it is morally wrong to fuck your mother. There are people who do these things everyday. Some of them have mental illnesses. The thing is, mental illness can cause someone to lose there morals. You seem to believe this the other way around; you believe that KILLING causes mental problems, espically in a hallucinary and auditory way. Every murder related to mental illness has the mental illness before the murder. However, victims of crime and those who have witnessed murder of loved ones, they're the ones who are scared by murder. If you're going to go about claiming murder causes mental issues as SEVERE as hallicinations, which is some SERIOUS shit, by the way, at least state some damn facts. Also, inb4 shell shocked Edit: OH, and don't forget that people soundly and calmly plan murders every fucking day soldiers are trained to kill, and yes many suffer from PTSD and other mental issues after returing from heavy combat. Not always because of taking the life of someone, but it's a main cause. Including watching their friends die, which would be happening as well in a zombie apoc. Gangs are another thing, I grew up in Detroit, I've seen plenty of gang violence. They grow up being taught by their elders that its ok to kill someone if "blah blah". Thus, they never had the morals instilled in them in the first place. Also, You're talking about minorities, I'm talking about majorities. If your everyday, average joe is forced to kill someone, it's going to cause some serious problems. Yes, hallucinations are uncommon, and probably wouldn't happen, but it'd be a nice addition to the game. Throw in a zombie apocalypse and there will be some serious mental breaks, most will probably opt for the easy way out and commit suicide. Mental illness helps cause murders, yes. It can also be caused by being forced to kill someone. It goes both ways.
  18. striker75

    Faces of the dead.

    Bashing a person for their idea doesn't help in anyway. He never said he had a PhD in psychology. You're right, there are people that are completly fine and have some sick fetish with killing people and you'd never know it. These people are rare, most killers in society (prison) have some sort of mental disorder. Most 'reformed' killers claim the be haunted by visions of people they have killed. Be it nightmares, or less common, hallucinations of their past victims. Even more so, we hear of soldiers suffering from tons of differnet things. Soldiers are trained to kill, it doesn't mean they want to. Most suffer from PTSD, not always from actually taking a persons life, but its still a main cause.
  19. striker75

    Side effects of Murdering

    Thanks for your contribution to the discussion, theres the door. Please make sure it hits you a few times on the way out. :)
  20. striker75

    Side effects of Murdering

    There's 2 main playstyle achetypes (and a mix of both); "Survivor" - People who tend to be friendly whenever they can "Bandit" - People who tend to be unfriendly whenener they can If you punish the bandits for playing how they want to you need to have a similar punishment for survivors. So if you make bandits go insane from killing people' date=' you need to make survivors have a similar but different negative effect from not killing people. Is it really that hard to understand duality? That is fairness, capiche? [/quote'] negative effect for not killing people... Really should have worded that differently as that sounds... Stupid, no offence. You can do that same thing for survivors, if they have no murders then they need to be near someone otherwise they start hallucinating similar things from paranoia and monophobia or something similar. Only murderers effects will last forever, after like 10 - 15 murders the hallucinations would never stop. Survivors simply need to stay near another survivor to stop hallucinations and such. I'd also have to argue about a third "playstyle" that being, the "cherno camper". all they do is kill other, usually new players. You can't even call this type of player a bandit. They are a plague and should be hunted down like the old witch hunts. Since I don't see anyway of stopping the "cherno camper" aside from banning these players from servers, a bit extreme. It will sadly always remain in the game.
  21. striker75

    Debug monitor over hearing

    Perhaps try playing on a higher resolution? IDK if you can move it...