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Everything posted by mrtopbanana

  1. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The servers at us ea west are dropping every 5 minutes. I was playing there with us friends. Its REALLY 5 minutes, server drop people, not restarting. The most uk or de seever worked normal for me. U cant hit in melee, with a baseballbat. Its a pain in the ass. The melee with most other weapons i used yet, was muuuuch better. There spawns to much food and such, in my opinion. Otherwise it seems pretty fine this version, the 2 hours i play was pretty nice, walking psth and everything wprked well, even if i dont know how stun baton works on humans yet. On zombies it drops them to ground with 1 attack. When someone buzz me, i had red message about electro, but didnt pass out.
  2. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I got the same, every server i was on, was rebooting after 5 minutes. I think i was on one, which didnt reboot. I took a break, then came back - after this E.V.E.R.Y. server was rebooting every 5 minutes, pretty annoying
  3. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I opened a thread and it was deleted^^ So ye, all first person servers are down on experimental.
  4. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Helloo, all the experimental Hardcore servers are offline. Any fixes or something crashed ?
  5. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Melee hotfix for exp. nxt week, as they called it. (Stable 2 weeks) My EXP hardcore char is stucked inside a wall now :( Well i have seen guys, who look all the same. They was 4 guys and all same weapon, same clothes and so on. They also duplicate ther stuff.
  6. mrtopbanana

    Server Questionw

    They go down for around 3 hours. And they are already up. And this week nothing was added to stable, only to experimental.
  7. mrtopbanana

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Anyone know where we can see the changelog for the new EXP. patch/fix ?