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Everything posted by Redrunner

  1. Redrunner

    Zombie types - Ideas

    Hey, first post here. Just started playing the game a few days ago with 3 buddies. After being in the Dayz world for about 20 play hours now I have to say this game is all kinds of awesome and fun. It's scary and challenging at first but it doesn't last long. We have all ready kinda stopped worrying about zombies so much. It's really the players who are dangerous. This game is quickly turning into a post apocalyptic deathmatch more than a zombie game. I want more zombies! Force players to work together more! Here are some of my suggestions: 1. A very large variety of zombies including but not limited to: fat ones skinny ones mostly skeleton ones or crippled (make some of them so deteriorated they can't really move or attack and are super contagious) slow zombies (easy to kill) mindless (they don't engage you) fast zombies player zombies (they look exactly like other player survivors but not. they are zombies! creates a level of doubt when you see anybody!) tough zombies (some are just tougher, used to be big strong farmer types) blind zombies! (they only attack if they hear you, eyes and face deteriorated) SCREAMERS (they make extra loud terrifying noises, can be heard from far away, attract other zombies from distance) scared zombies (they run from you screaming!! but alert surrounding zombies!) slime zombies (they puke, spit, or secrete fluids that are infectious if contacted) roaming zombies (they are going... don't know where but they are going!) cop or soldier zombies (they are wearing armor!) zombie packs Make them all more dangerous and or numerous I could do this all day, but you get the point. This is a zombie game. Lets mix it up! Mix up the types too, like a Fat roaming slow screamer cop zombie! Perfect. 2. I know the map is huge, but I have plenty of hard drive space left. I would love to see more map space with some natural barriers like mountain ranges, plains, marshes, islands, rivers etc. This way you might be able to implement vehicles later maybe. The natural barriers with limit the distance and effectiveness of vehicles, and therefore, won't disrupt the mechanics of the game so much. This would also allow for different geographical regions and differing weather. Just an idea. Anyhow, would love to just see more space to roam and explore if anything. 3. Zombies drop loot maybe? Especially zombies of once players. I would think these items would be almost always ruined or damaged, but every once in a while you'll get lucky. But in that occurrence, you would have to disinfect the item before using it. Or you will get infected. 4. Sickness. If you play hungry and dehydrated all the time, your asking to catch a cold. Or the flu. Coughing all the time, giving away your position. Needing medicine and cough suppressants or whatever... think about it. In post apocalyptic world, sickness would be a constant threat. Also, wounds bleed, you can stop the bleeding with bandages or rags, but you should have to also disinfect it with disinfectants or by cauterizing with fire or hot metal. Else your wounds get infected. 5. Decoys and noismakers and traps!! If you can't fight them, lure them away! I would think this should be cleverly implemented in a zombie world. 6. Skills? You get one or two random skills that is unique to your character when you spawn. Like can make a fire with two sticks, or athletic - runs a tiny bit faster, or marksman - slighty more steady rifle aim, or skills that make more efficient with certain item types, like cook - food you make goes further. I dunno the more the better, just an idea. Make every character unique so they might have a specialized roll in a team. All I'm getting at is.... make the world more dangerous so players won't be so quick to run around killing each other to get the best machine gun so much. All just food for thought. Hope this helps! Teamwork = survival. Love the game so far! Keep up the good work!
  2. Redrunner

    Zombie types - Ideas

    Yes, as stated, I'm a Dayz noob. But be nice ffs. Okay... got it everybody! Mentioned items are already covered and talked about. About sickness... I have been playing with 3 personal friends for the last week and none of us has had to deal with sickness. I still have not seen it. One of my friends said you get ill by eating rotten items, it's not the factor it should be imho. My comment on illness stands. Teamwork does matter. So far I have been playing with friends and family and the team environment is a benefit. No question there. It's not a team if you don't trust the toon. sheesh Okay, force was a poor choice of words. I think the devs should ENCOURAGE team work in the face of more environmental dangers. That's all. Be nice to the noobs! I just dropped cash for the alpha because I am excited to see this baby grow.
  3. Redrunner

    Zombie types - Ideas

    Kind of an abrasive reply. Like I said, I just started playing this game a few days ago. I really like it and felt compelled to give input. Okay I agree with ya about non aggressive zoms and bandwidth concerns. But I still like the player-like zom and my screamer and roaming idea. The screamer could add a neat dynamic (hearing one in the distance).