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About blehan9390

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  1. Those are all excellent points, and very well said. The sandbox experience has always been appealing to me. I can definitely see myself putting many more hours into DayZ sometime in the not so distant future.
  2. I have almost 300 hours in the DayZ SA. I greatly enjoyed my time playing DayZ, but felt that I had experienced all there was at the time and decided to take a long break and let the development of the game take its course. Upon reinstalling and putting a few more hours in the game.....nothing has changed. I don't mean that literally, it's nice to be able to find a new melee weapon here or there and to come across plant seeds so I can grow vegetables (I guess?) but it seems that the bulk of the game remains unchanged. I read all of the developers notes thoroughly and the only thing I was slightly impressed with was vehicles, although I have yet to experience them in game. I can't say that I'm an experienced developer, but I guess I was hoping for a lot more to be done in the year time that I was away. I will continue to be patient because I feel DayZ still has some huge potential. Keep on survivin'
  3. blehan9390

    Have we forgotten our roots?

    Well said. I agree completely.
  4. blehan9390

    Battle Royale for Standalone

    Seems to me a battle royal would be the perfect opportunity for the devs to gather a massive amount of data regarding the weapons, balancing, and pvp in general. Even if it's not a key component of the dayz experience, you can never have enough data when something is in alpha and a battle royal could provide help balancing things.
  5. blehan9390

    A few little ideas.

    I agree. I cant tell you how many times I've brought someone to the range only to have them miss every shot at a target even 50 feet away. The average person being perfectly rested, healthy, and lying prone will have trouble holding a rifle still for a close range shot. A target 200m away? Good luck.
  6. blehan9390

    Audio slows down with blood loss

    I think it would be cool if after losing a certain amount of blood, other players voices and sounds in game get slowed down slightly. The more blood lost, the more the voices are slowed down. I think it would be easy to implement a filter that lowered the frequency of incoming sounds depending on how much blood your character has lost. If blood amount < X, sounds are slowed down 25% If blood amount < X+1, sounds are slowed down 35% Or something along those lines. I also think it would be interesting if different filters were applied depending on different status effects that your character is under. If your character has a certain disease, a flanger or phaser filter could be applied to incoming sounds to make everything sound different because of your disease. Stoner thoughts...
  7. blehan9390

    kos vs. being a filthy sniper with a fetish for violence

    No, it makes you a smart and strategic dog
  8. I've spent my last ten characters trying to play as a hero and friendly helper, and I've been back stabbed, betrayed, or murdered all ten times. This game has awkward and clunky controls, and I've died multiple times to bugs or glitches. At times the game feels broken to me. But in the end, I ALWAYS keep coming back to this god damn game. Despite all it's flaws I fucking love it.
  9. blehan9390

    The First 14 Days: The Story of Felix Pitts

    I think this is awesome. I hope you keep doing it
  10. You make a good point. One of his protector cases had two pairs of pristine handcuffs, making me wonder what might have happened if I hadn't attacked...
  11. I usually play a pretty friendly character. I'm almost always non lethal against other players. I heard your footsteps coming down the stairs and I panicked and swung twice. I only swung because I was almost sure you were going to open fire on me seeing how geared up you were. I have never seen anyone so unbelievably geared up. I didn't even know an AKS-74u was in the game let alone one that could be covered in a ghili setup. I also have yet to find a grenade in game let alone multiple protector cases with 3 grenades and 3 flash-bangs + cases of ammunition. I don't even know how to throw a grenade in the game let alone use them strategically. I feel like you spent more time gearing this character up than I have spent total time in game. I looted all your stuff in a frenzy, but as a Christmas gift, I want to give it all back to you. I don't even feel comfortable running around with all this gear. It's just gonna piss me off even more next time I die. I rather run around town with a magnum and 4 rounds than this fully pristine mosin and submachine gun with over 100 rounds. I remember your voice on the microphone right before my axe connected with you. I am sorry I killed you. I know I shouldn't apologize for killing in DayZ but I want to get all your stuff back to you. I'm sorry. If you can somehow prove to me who you are I will gladly give you all your stuff back. Mad props on your organization skills too, your inventory organization is awesome.
  12. blehan9390

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    Haha, I like this.
  13. blehan9390

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    I agree with this. The isolation aspect and the fact that not every second is trigger time is something that keeps me coming back to this game. It's just frustrating that when you finally come down to having to shoot to survive, something beyond your control causes you to die.
  14. blehan9390

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    Irish - As for charging the guy with a fully loaded SKS and dying, why did I deserve to log out in disappointment? Regardless of this not being COD/BF/Random shooter, as an owner of a real SKS (Yugo) I can tell you that you should be able to hit someone in a sprint with that rifle from 10 yards away. I like the fatigue and the aiming mechanics of ARMA and DayZ, but missing 10 shots from 30 feet away with an SKS is just unreal and laughable. Don't get me started on the M4 spreads either. I'm surprised I didn't get more negative smearing from this post. I was expecting the worst. In terms of the long distance running, I guess it's not all that bad. I'm really looking forward to vehicle implementation, even if they are hard to come by. It will give DayZ a whole new aspect that it desperately needs.
  15. blehan9390

    And yet again...I log out in disappointment.

    Thankfully no, they didn't happen one after the other. I have had some fun experiences in between these scenarios.