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gator (DayZ)

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Everything posted by gator (DayZ)

  1. I tried smoking bath salts and playing once but I ended up getting naked and eating some hobo's face off. Now I'm always worrying about what diseases that nasty hobo probably gave me.
  2. gator (DayZ)

    Game news from Dean "Rocket" Hall

    You are staring into the toilet too much again. Here, I will connect the dots. http://dayzmod.com/f..._80#entry423120 http://dayzmod.com/f...220#entry437054 And interestingly note, that was over a month ago.
  3. gator (DayZ)

    Game news from Dean "Rocket" Hall

  4. gator (DayZ)

    Game news from Dean "Rocket" Hall

    Have fun being one of the 5 people still playing this mod in a month.
  5. gator (DayZ)

    Game news from Dean "Rocket" Hall

    Exactly. Did you read David Brooks post in the NYT today? Surely you are copying him.
  6. gator (DayZ)

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    As soon as I figure out the language you are speaking I shall respond.
  7. gator (DayZ)

    Alpha testing is over for mod

    Called it a long time ago . . . http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44405-this-game-will-fail-long-term-if-the-pk-problem-isnt-addressed/page__st__220#entry436850
  8. gator (DayZ)

    Anyone seen the trailer for "The Day"

    Will I be able to change the script with programs bought off the internetz?
  9. gator (DayZ)

    Global Bans for legit players?

    If you bought the game recently (within 3 months) call your CC company and reverse the charges. This places them in the position of justifying why you owe them money. This would probably result in no push back,. Then use that money to buy a new CD key. Their only real choice in that situation is to sue you, then prove in court why you should owe them money when they have prevented you from using their product. They would not do this as court costs would far exceed the amount at issue. If you didn't buy the game recently, you are screwed unless you can get them to help you.
  10. I believe all games should be sold as an Alpha. Then no one can bitch about the product being shit. Win-Win.
  11. Wait, where mah post go?!?!?!
  12. gator (DayZ)

    You know, in a real zombie apocalypse

    You should go educate Rocket then, cause he said they are not dead several times.
  13. gator (DayZ)

    This game is so fucked up

    Unless you actually beleive Rocket will remake the mod in Unreal Engine or something, this will not be fixed as the Engine does not allow for sufficient anti-cheat safeguards.
  14. gator (DayZ)

    You know, in a real zombie apocalypse

    but they are not dead, just infected. Thus, taggin zombie chicks requires the use of protection.
  15. gator (DayZ)

    You know, in a real zombie apocalypse

    I'd be taggin newly zombified chicks left n right.
  16. gator (DayZ)

    Why this mod is failing

    The "game" is failing because it isn't a game no matter how many people call it one. The attempt to make it a game is failing because the people that made the mod never intended it to be a "game" and now have no idea (or don't have the ability, or both) how to make it a game (i.e., with replayabiity, long term goals to keep people interested, a way to fix all the game-breaking bugs and hacks, etc...).
  17. Cause he / they smell money even though they have nothing resembling what would be an acceptable stand alone "game?" When developers get a large following they tend to have their view of reality distorted.
  18. Agreed. It can turn into a great "game" if there are good ideas and implementation. But nothing so far suggests that it will. Arma engine is buggy, hackers are unstoppable (they would have stopped them two years ago if they knew how, this isn't a DayZ issue), there is no talk of how to implement replayability, I have heard no ideas or plan for imrpoving PVE and PVE balance except from the community which usually yells the usual refrain GTFO if you dont like it, everyone complains that end game is boring, still no fixed to the most complained issues for months (e.g., Alt-f4) so what we have now is a tweaked version of the thing we started with, a mod of arma, and a bunch of hope.
  19. Agreed that a stand alone game is the intent. I question whether it will ever happen or happen in a way that conforms to the mass of peoples expectations.
  20. You apparently miss the point. Of course, after the mod became popular and everyone said "hey this game is awesome, it will kick ass when done" rocket said "holy shit, I can turn this into a game and make money." Problem is, that game in everyone's head (each different) was never the intent, so now what happens is things are being made up as they go, which will hit both mechanics, re playability, and technical limitations that will result in something far from what everyone thinks this "game" is going to be. Thus, it drifts about aimlessly for awhile until people get fed up. Of course, until then, there will be a legion of people that are die hard supporters and tell everyone to GTFO if they have any suggestions or complaints about the aimless drifting. Again, go read the Mortal Online forums from two years ago.
  21. with respect to OP, indubitably. The problem is, there is no, and never has been, any plan to make this a long term playable "game." The only plan was to make a zombie mod on arma.
  22. The fundamental problem that starts debates like in this thread is a misconception of what this is. It is not a game. It is a mod for a military simulator never meant to be hugely popular. There is no replayability, end-game, balancing, etc. . . because it was never intended to be played as a game, it was intended to be a project of a modder screwing around with Arma.
  23. If you want to see the future of this mod, go read the Mortal Online msg boards from two years ago.