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Everything posted by aymerika97
here is a scenario that could take place in a future point in development: " crows ascend to the sky from the north, the forebringer of death have shown themselfes. As you bring back wood to the camp site you hear a couple of shots in the distance. You dont pay any attention to them, you are heading south west into the land,what you heard was from everankilometres towards the north. It's getting cold, food is runnibng low, you know it but you're scared, you'l have to move more towards the sea.... 568,569,570,hungry,571,572,cold,... here is the camp that old jerk who think he's the boss will probably send you to check on the shots you heard to the north. -welcome back, im sorry to ask so much of you but the rest of us are all sick, we cant risk being taken by surprise... -dont worry about it, i'll go check. -here is some food and water,... be safe. after a good amount of walking, without you even realizing it, the sun had set and it is pitch black. You're about to strike a match when you see four lights in the valey underneath. they seem to be moving towards the south. -good luck brothers. sudenly,as the moon peaks through the clouds, a hundred shining objects like marbles seem to follow them. If they keep on heading this direction they'l hit the camp. You cant let them. You line up your rifle but you're having second thoughts,... the infected, they'l hear it. 1,2,3,4,5,6 ,the sea,7,8,9,10,mary,11,12, jack,13,14,15,peter,16,17,18,19, old guy,20,21,22,23,i'm sorry,24,25,26,i'll...survive..." As you can see it's a mashup of suggestions that could come together, when zombies arent as brocken as they are now i'd love to see man made hordes roaming the map eventually coming by player made camp sites, we would have to migrate according to food and weather to stay alive. Some kind of aging system would make the player want to survive, making him think before taking actions. Throughout mods or development, we could see bigger maps and a season mechanic wich wouldnt just change the scenery but also the gameplay. Hopefully the ingame communication system would be improved until you can zctually use it So what do you think? oh and role playing would still be at the heart of a greaat experience (btw when i'm counting steps it was a refernce to the peter pan comics)
sure it'd be nice but it shouldn't be implemented to early. i dont know if dean is still going for it but he said by the time dayz comes out thousands of items would be created, wich is certainly to create in game situations wich would be similar to the road (only post appocaliptic book i read feel free to suggest some others i should read) where you could bluff, at the moment i feel like once you get either an akm or the mosin (even more since the added 5rnds clips ) you r pretty much imortal if you are careful enough. a spear would be over powered even if it took your primary weapon slot, you wouldnt hear where it came from and if you tried bandaging yourself you are pretty much dead. It would be a good tool for hunters or role playing bandits where you could wait for your victim to bleed out tho. Furthermore, it might be possible soon since they added the possibilty to throw weapons ad sharpen your axe, i feel like this more like something that could be added in later mods
I'm not a big fan of music since i get goosebumps every time i hear a sound and rocket said they didnt want any randomly generated events. Music not realy being one i still think having some sort of sound filter just like when you get really scared in real life and your brain only focusses on a few important sounds, it did hapen to me a little during gunfights or random shootings but i still feel it could be improved. Although some music might be nice if it was really well implemented and not feel blunt like everything kind of is at the moment. I could see myself and a similarsituation to what you described and having a friend rescuing me, shooting the zombies behind the door and seeing blood flowing under the door (a little bit of gore wouldnt hurt) and as the door opens a zombie collapses in front of me and you would make out a tear flowing from his mutilated face, his last bit of humanity at the very end (although im not sure it is feasable with the current engine). A fine balance between gore, adrenaline( i dont really know how to call it) and sound effect could reallly improve the role playing aspect of the game. God i cant wait for mod support !
I dont think gore like in common horror or zombie games would work in dayz but id rather see the devs trying to take an other shot at the "social experiment" thing like when the alpha came out and people where like "dayz make people act like psychopaths". I remember this hitler movie (downfall i think was the name name) where the first suicide was when you expect it the least. I think dayz needs to aim at the disturbing aspects of gore and not really on the graphical nature of it. Maybe one way of doing so would be like one of you said implemening screams, you could then add facial expressions on the corpses or play an animation where you'd swipe off your sweat from your face constantly after murdering someone or losing a friend (wich could be determined maybe by the amount time your partner was in your line of sight and how you interacted, like if your playing with a friend you'd evently have his caracter on your screen for more than an hour and if its a foe you hardly see him for more than a minute), sounds such as heart beats and your ear buzzing or the shot echoing in your head would also be nice to have. It isnt really gore but more of a"press button for adrenaline rush" mechanism that i wish to see. what do you think?
It'd be awsome :) Personally i kinda like acting like im a journalist stuck in cheranus when all evacuation efforts from western countries failed. i have over 200 screenshots on my steam profile and i do wish there was an ingame camera every time i press that F12 key. They shouldnt be rare tho but rather take a considerable amount of space and be relativly fragile (hoping one day zombies dont ruin your avarage stuff in a single swing). And it'd probably even stop some (only if its a rather common item like a crowbar) KOSers if they see you have a camera hanging to your side (maybe it could use the mele weapon slot, idk how feasable it is) and add a little bit of roleplay as they might be interested in the picures you took.
i might be wrong but hasnt rocket talked about some kind of heat system in an interview??? honestly tho this has no use in being added until later on maybe when cooking is inproved and when fire could be used in some kind of struggle or defense situation meaning it would place it as a long term goal on the road map.
seems like a good idea, espacialy since it actualy is a gameplay mechanic that can be build upon. Most of the suggestions are just some kind of addon that could be made within a mod, wich according to the road map just has to be "enabled" if i understood correctly. recent patches dont really seem to provide real new game mechanics and rather throw in some new guns to keep us waiting, but honestly i wouldnt mind having like 6 moths with updates being bug fixes and performance tweaking like SOE did for planetside 2 (upgrading the engine at the same time) and from time to time throwing in a new idea wether it seems good or bad cause in the end what they really are building, at least in my mind, is a platform for modders.