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About Elidor

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    On the Coast

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  1. Elidor

    My first day in Dayz and Tips

    It's good dat you found dat axe. Dat axe is your new best friend, until you get a fire axe, which is better. Wit dat axe, you can kill zombies - and players - in two hits or one headshot (compared to one hit for the fire axe). And of course the axe will open your food containers, too. So now you and your axe can roam pretty much at will, killing any zombies between you and the food, and maybe finding some nice things here and there. So you got dat going for you. Which is nice. Now you don't ever have to waste any ammo on zombies. Run up to them from behind and just...KILL. THOSE. FUCKERS. UHN! Yeah...so anyway, if you have to face them, just dance in circles and keep swinging, baby. Oh, yeah. Show them how to tango. Just weave backward like Muhammad Ali and make fools of them. They're almost totally harmless. You're starting to find guns now, and maybe you don't know what works for you, and what's with all this ammo? Since axes are for killing zombies, guns are for killing people. You're going to find more guns than you can carry, so you have to ask yourself: How do I want to deal with people? Close-up? Or far away? You have to decide on your weapon of choice. I'm not much for sniping people, I like to get up close and hands on. So the Mosin, a sniper rifle, is not really my thing. I like a good shotgun, and a pistol for crazy shootouts. The only way I'm going to engage someone is up close, unexpectedly, or maybe in a building. If I see them in the distance, I'm going the other way. So for me, the FNX45 in chest holster and the IZH-43 are comfort weapons, alongside my trusty axe. Accordingly, I collect .45ACP rounds and shotgun shells. Other ammo, alas, has to be passed over, as I do not have space for it. GUNS&AMMOFNX45 (pistol) - .45ACP_RoundsMagnum (pistol) - .357 ammoIZH-43 (shotgun) - 12 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge Buckshot (sawed-off variant exists as well, can be created by using the hacksaw on the standard version)Blaze 95 (hunting rifle) - 7.62x51Ruger 10/22 (semi-auto) - .22LRMosin 9130 (sniper rifle) - 7.62mm RoundSKS (semi-auto) - 7.62x39mm RoundM4A1 (carbine) - 5.56mm RoundAK-74M (military) - 5.45×39mm Round Read more:http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Weapons Where to find guns in Berezino:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=10sSNkTxbf0#t=54
  2. I've met a number of friendly people in this game. Some of them even killed me. But at least we got to hang out, however briefly. It's interesting, running into someone unexpectedly, and both of you going through the whole "oh, shit" reaction. Do I kill him? Is he gonna kill me? I usually just wave and 'nope' the fuck on outta dere. But every now and then, as a new spawn, I'll run into some other new spawns on the beach, and a spontaneous newspawn group will form, and we'll run along for an hour or so, helping eachother gear up and fight the bandits. If it ever happens to you, it's an exhilarating experience. So if you want to meet people and have even the smallest chance of interaction, best to run up to other random newspawns when you have nothing to lose. Also, don't ever expect mercy at the airfield. You might get mercy and be surprised, but don't be disappointed if all they're offering is bullets.
  3. Elidor

    How do you deal with playing lone-wolf?

    I'm thinking about roleplaying a Czech nationalist, who only allows people to live if he thinks they're fellow Czechs. So if they can't answer basic questions about the Czech Republic, POW, "Die foreign scum." If, on the other hand, they can speak knowledgeably about Vaclav Havel, or about the tragedy at Lidice, I'll give them my best weapons and all my food and water and offer to help them gear up. I'll also be polite to Slovaks, but I'm suspicious of them, because this is not really their home. (One small difficulty with this idea is that I don't speak the Czech language, so my luck I'd end up meeting a real Czech and he would kill me for being an imposter.)
  4. Elidor

    How do I see a player's name?

    Since there's no way of knowing who killed you, you'd better kill everyone, just to be safe.
  5. I have my shirt for bandages. Right now, the zombies are pretty weaksauce once you have an axe. Maybe 1 out of 10 might land a punch, but they go down like wet paper bags. It's almost impossible for them to hurt you. I have absolutely no fear of them in their current sparse population. I'm looking forward to their being many more of them and them being somewhat tougher.
  6. I think the fire axe is the most important item in the game at the moment. Fire axe beats zombie, allowing almost effortless looting of food and water and, eventually, firearms. Without the axe, I just can't quite cut the mustard, but with it, I'm gold. I'm sick, insane, crazy, Drivin' Miss Daisy/Out her fuckin' mind, now I got mine, I'm Swayze.
  7. Elidor

    What am I doing wrong here?

    As a total noob, I go into the woods looking for deer stands. The loot is not great, but rifles can be had if you're persistent. Barns and farmhouses are supposedly good, too.
  8. Elidor

    Stuck on load screen

    I'll just paste this from another thread: I had this problem, too, and finally figured it out yesterday: Somewhere in your Arma2 folder is a folder called BattlEye. Copy that folder. Go to your Arma2 Operation Arrowhead folder, inside that is a folder called Expansion. Paste the copy of BattlEye into the Expansion folder. Done.
  9. I had this problem, too, and finally figured it out yesterday: Somewhere in your Arma2 folder is a folder called BattlEye. Copy that folder. Go to your Arma2 Operation Arrowhead folder, inside that is a folder called Expansion. Paste the copy of BattlEye into the Expansion folder. Once I did this, I was in the game within 2 minutes, standing on the beach, listening to those haunting sounds.