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lt dan

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About lt dan

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. I have an old iPad gathering dust. Is this download available anywhere?
  2. lt dan

    DayZ Origins: Getting to Novistrana

    wish i could see this.. so much of dayz history is being erased!
  3. lt dan

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    it can be found here https://www.moddb.com/mods/dayz/addons/dayz-aftermath
  4. This is not DayZ Mod and doesn't belong here.
  5. I've seen rules ranging from what side of the road your allowed to drive on to where your allowed to build, some servers even going as far as to require you to beg admins for a "base permit" before building at all. I would like to play close to vanilla, but without server hopping or intrusive admins. Thanks!
  6. lt dan

    black screen

    Its a bug, set your video settings down to medium, then set them back to whatever you like.
  7. Looks like you pasted your masters message twice. They have very "interactive" administration, they have also had multiple wipes. I would only recommend playing here if your friends with the admins.
  8. lt dan

    Female skins?

    This was made 5 years ago, if we could get the creators permission (if there is nothing saying that it can be openly used already,) could this be used as female camo clothing? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12248
  9. lt dan

    Bad BattlEye update?

    Bans were from "BP-scripts-13" but its been resolved and my favorite server is up and running smoothly again.
  10. Just now battleye updated and everyone was banned from us434 vanilla server. Anybody from other servers experience this?
  11. Funny, I just watched a ad for Musty Gaming Epoch and they had a POI called Devils Farm that is what I thought it might have been. The ad was from 2013 so it must have been added to vanilla from Musty Gaming. Case closed :) edit: here is the video btw: https://youtu.be/qg0ZML-6dB0?t=3m21s
  12. I've heard of people mentioning a place called Devils Farm, is that the POI far NW with the 2 military and 2 med tents?
  13. lt dan

    How to make g36c sd?

    Thanks! I hope they fix the G36A sd!
  14. lt dan

    Female skins?

    https://www.reddit.com/r/dayzskinsI think any of these guys would be honored for to make a skin for the DayZ mod!