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About Buffalo_Soulja

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Bio
    East-european psycho!!!
  1. Buffalo_Soulja

    DayZ Mod Update

    (Devs have forgotten to change the 1751 upload date on a main page)
  2. Buffalo_Soulja

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Environments and characters look awsum =) One part of me says 'Come on, release it as quick as possible', but the second - the biggest - is sincerely ready to wait for a full quality product for at least a couple of months. Good luck, team.
  3. Buffalo_Soulja

    Found a Chopper Crash Site...No loot?

    RU 81. I've encountered 3 (yes, THREE) heli crash sites in a radius about 1 km (it was deep night, I had no NVG and it was easy to spot because of fire burning). There were a whole bunch of zeds, and absolutely no loot. At all, not even a freaking empty cans. THAT PISSED ME OFF. I went to NW airfields barracks and found an ammo box, and a pile of tin cans again. WTF?! Server-troll? ANGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  4. Buffalo_Soulja

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Hell yeah! For Mother ChernoRUSSIA!!!
  5. Buffalo_Soulja

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    '...beliefs according to which cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on 21 December 2012...', '...development focus is 100% on core technology...', 'zombie apocalypse survival horror', 'Dean “Rocket” Hall has been really pushing to get the standalone ofDayZ out before the end of 2012', '...Nibiru...' You know what? I THINK WE MUST STOP 'EM
  6. Buffalo_Soulja

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I've never been shot from AS50 or Barret when I was doing my tactics wisely. That's it - difference is here. So it's stupid to complain.
  7. Buffalo_Soulja

    L85 Should it stay or go

    My opinion - it better stay removed. It's already a big problem in DayZ to camouflage yourself in a grass or near a tree even in a ghillie suit because you become visible on some distance. A player with an AWS scope becomes a super-eye, no one can argue with that. But I owned L85A AWS, lost it because of bad luck - been shot in a woods while running =) AWS is too big advantage.
  8. Buffalo_Soulja

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Camo IS legit. He's talking about camo, I've found one last night - nice shi--.
  9. Buffalo_Soulja

    Lazer Beams In Stary Sobor!

    Hmm =\ What GP do you have? Mine is GTX 570 and since everything goes fine. So far so good, except zeds are too sensitive.
  10. Buffalo_Soulja

    Mini Lag or Freezes / CPU Load / New Occurance

    Same thing, man. After 1-1,5-2 hours of playing my FPS goes down from 30-40 to 5. And it's not even about hot processor, because I tried to chill it. The only way to defeat the problem right now - is to reboot the system after freezes start. The problem is that's not only in DayZ - that 'thing' that breaks ours games in beta patch affects Single game too. In the times of I could play for hours without such a problem. Would be grateful for help...I just cannot reboot my system in the middle of NWA with no chance to sharpshoot.
  11. Buffalo_Soulja

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Mommy, I wanna get back to!!! =( Seriously, we're all people but...having unlimited time to develope 1.7.2 version, doing it almost three weeks, testing it in a close test and release THIS? Are you kidding? I owe nothing to you, you owe nothing to me, ok, but since I'm pre-user of ArmA 3-DayZ and you gonna create it and get money from me - let's just take care of each other... Installed all new from six launcher - and something's broken my game completely, reinstalling doesn't work. I can't even practice in Editor as I always did. ThankZ.
  12. Buffalo_Soulja / 94945 Trouble Connecting

    Impossible. I tried this several times - not works. You can't just take and get back to previous version =) BTW I also can't play single or in editor - beta or dayz uninstalled human and weapons models somehow. And yes, I update through Six Launcher, yes, I checked cache with steam. Arma X user. DONE. Solution is to move DayZ directory somewhere else from OA directory - single goes just fine.
  13. Buffalo_Soulja

    No Entry Error 'Bin/config.bin/cfgWeapons Help!

    Same thing for me...I would take it patiently if I couldn/t just play DayZ, but I can't play my single-play game on Arma 2. No weapons and ammo there. I don't know the cause. I have steam version, made cache-checks a couple of times. My update is auto, so it can be DayZ mod or beta patch...Thanks for the tips ahead. P.S. Oh and don't say 'Herp Derp it's an Alpha get used to it', I've heard it before million times. DONE. Solution is to move DayZ directory somewhere else from OA directory - single goes just fine.
  14. Buffalo_Soulja

    Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

    AND! Once again Canada 2 wins. Loaded on that server and everything gone smoothly on others.
  15. Buffalo_Soulja

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Get used to it. It's literally like IRL - first group of people is afraid of penalty, second - not. Third are idealists or pacifists. When this world gone mad - all laws disappeared, so first two categories became "CoD kids". I guarantee you that all this shi will go that way. The only thing you won't respawn after bullet.