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Everything posted by therunningmanz

  1. I don't mind if it does get pulled to be fair. I'm kinda anti hacker vids to be honest, by that I mean vids that are centred on hacking. I think I have done one in the past but I don't think I would do one again, I guess the standards or content that people will produce changes over time. This was included here to kinda move a long why I moved to a different server. A fair few of my vids have shown a small amount of this kinda stuff but only because it reflected the gameplay. All I ever do in my vids is share my game experiences and try where I can to make them varied and maybe have some kind of narrative. I hope hacking becomes a much smaller part of my game experiences!!! ;) I also tried to put a postive spin on it as well I hope. Either way I don't mind.
  2. Hi all, Thanks for watching if you decide to.... Cheers, TRMZ
  3. therunningmanz

    A Last Stand Against Evil! With a Sporter.....

    ^^^^ this!!! In previous vids (sorry for the plugs) I went t the NW with a Sporter and came back with fully kitted M4 and AK101 in the vid "Sporting Chance", I also managed to kill two players who were playing together with just a one round in the chamber Sporter in the vid ".22 in the chamber" ! CQB you really have to hit chest or head and that can be tricky as they are moving about and you are focusing on not getting hit as much as poss too. However from around 50m the bullet goes exactly where the site is every time and there is no sway. If your target happens to stop still it's pretty much a one hit kill to the head every time. I'd suggerst giving it a try, having two clips is really handy, otherwise if you come across two players at the same time you can be in trouble. It does take a lot of hits to kill, but getting peppered by Sporter rounds tends to stop people playing to their normal level and they tend to start flapping about until they are dead.
  4. therunningmanz

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    DayZ is meant to be an authentic survival game? I don't know if being able to Parry/block is in line with that is it? If there was an apocalypse tomorrow and I had a fire axe to defend myself against someone trying to kill me with something similar. I'm pretty sure I would be swinging the axe! I'm not a Samurai, I would have to hit him before he hit me. I don't think advanced hand to hand combat belongs in the game personally.
  5. therunningmanz

    Stream Snipers! [Dayz standalone] [YOUTUBE]

    I don't get it? You were talking to them, you basically told them where you were and then when they come and shot you, you blame it on stream sniping? I went to click on another video and the description for that said you were getting stream sniped too. You seem to be really unlucky, I've only streamed maybe 5 or 6 times but to an average of roughly 70-80 viewers and I haven't been stream sniped once? I'd be very careful with the term dude as it an instant turn off if it is unfounded. You are in a military role play clan I gather and are at the NW Airfield. It seems a bit late for "no need to kill my boyz" talk given that you are in a clan at the NW. Groups at NW = KOS or run away to 99.99% of all DayZ players. Even me and I'm a fairly passive player. Groups go to NW to kill other players pretty much 100% of the time. You have a good voice for YT and streaming. The TS chatter, the webcam and stream footage always put people off videos mate. If you really want to get into it properly. Start making a video a week on YT where you play by yourself and interact with players however you want to. Learn to edit and you will grow, just having a decent voice really helps and you have that! It takes forever to grow on twitch although it looks like you are doing OK, again though the TS and other people are a big turn of on twitch if you want a wider audience.
  6. Hi, Thanks if you decide to have a look..... Cheers, TRMZ
  7. Cheers man! I know, I kinda felt I had to go back as I went everywhere else and found nobody.
  8. therunningmanz

    Simple montage of pvp and random stuff, enjoy and give me some feedback

    You do mate. When new Youtubers appear overly eager and bump too much etc it nearly always comes across as desperate which turns people away more than it attracts people. Also, normally only the very new YTers ask for feedback too, I know, I did the same thing. Whether i knew it at the time or not, asking for feedback is just a way of trying to convince people to watch the video. You get all the feedback you need from YouTube, when you get a vid that gets more views or likes etc look at what you did differently and start to replicate that more. After three days of release on YT you need to be either making the next one or playing for the footage of the next one. You've given it a fair crack and now concentrate on what is next. Don't waste time hoping to attract further people to your old vid, it's done. On to the next one! If you have that attitude you will grow. If you have a "I think this vid should have done better, I'm gonna keep pusing it" attitude, it is less likely that you will grow.
  9. therunningmanz

    Simple montage of pvp and random stuff, enjoy and give me some feedback

    Feedback:- If it was posted three days ago it's passed the time to be bumping it. You've given the vid a fair chance let it go and make another video. The above is genuine feedback and not meant to be a snipe.
  10. Hi all, Thanks for watching, TRMZ
  11. therunningmanz

    Second Chance! Rarely do you get another chance for vengeance...

    Thanks for the comments all! I'm glad you like the vid... ;)
  12. therunningmanz

    Please watch the video and give me some tips. dayz issue

    My understanding is that it is to do with having a high number of players in your "bubble." When that happens you get a higher chance of crashing. If I play full pop and stay away from Cherno, Elektro and sometimes Berezino I pretty much never crash. I crashed at the NW in a recent vid and when that happened there was 5 players outside the camo building I was in waiting to kill me. If you want to avoid crashed go to places where you will bump into smaller numbers of player and not where half the server could be... I can't believe it's Shadowplay related. I do use it and I have these crashes but for the last two nights I've streamed to Twitch using OBS so Shadowplay has been off and crashed a fair bit in major towns but not at all if I stayed away.
  13. therunningmanz

    2015! Bringing in the New Year with a bang!

    Hi all, In this video I am playing across New Years Eve and New Years day. I met some shiny happy people and some shooty shooty people! Thanks for watching, TRMZ
  14. Hi all, A montage of some decent PVP action and some funny moments of the last week or so. Have a great Xmas!!! Thanks for checking it out, TRMZ
  15. therunningmanz

    shoot through windows?

    Sounds like you've found the real DayZ there man! Playing on servers with only one other player (server hopping?) and then combat logging when that one other guy finds you! GG From close range an axe Vs a Mosin at worst is probably 50/50. You should have grown a pair and gone after him..... PS To answer your question you cant shoot through those windows. You once could because I killed someone that way, but not anymore.
  16. Hi all, In this video I visit the NW airfield with a Sporter and a dream! As I arrive shots are already being fired... Thanks for watching, TRMZ
  17. I often wonder about that. In an old vid with the Sporter I killed two guys with a chambered Sporter (thanks to them standing still where they thought they were safe). I bet they still think to this day that I was a hacker! lol
  18. I really like it from certain distances. I killed a guy camping the pub who had been shooting at us by the crossroads in Berezino last night from the Police station roof. At that kinda distance it is pin accurate and the enemy tends to think they are safe.
  19. Not me man. Was on third last night. Yeah staying in their was not ideal but if you kill two people and only had a Sporter before hand a bit of risk is worth it for the reward. The biggest risk was probably running over while he was unconcious as he was shooting at something from the ATC who could have seen me and he could easily have awoken before I got there too. I do take a few risks, sometimes is bites you on the bum. But others it rewards you massively. ;)
  20. therunningmanz

    Why does the game hide everything cool from us?

    This! I have a vid rendering atm (don't watch it! I mention purely because I cover this exact thing, not a plug) discussing the amount of Ghillie sqauds there are out there and another YT vid I watched that actually advised server hopping to find netting. If you play on high pop servers, sooner or later someone who cant shoot straight will try shooting at you with an AK or M4 etc and then you can take theirs. Roam around the West of the map visiting the military spawns and you will find AKs and may even find heli crash sites too. Do it on full servers and the game is massively enjoyable with a chance of finding what you want.... If you look for one thing in the game you can spend hours just getting more and more frustrated!
  21. therunningmanz

    Channel tips for youtube?

    But what might it have done if you had put in that little bit more effort as I mentioned in the original feedback?. Don't sell your vids short as "just a short thing I did for DayZTV". You gotta make all of them to the best standard you can. A vid like this takes no time at all to make, and a few mins more to add in some comedy music and a bit of narration could have transformed the whole thing! Before you render you gotta watch what you have done back and ask yourself if it is done in the best way you can do it. If it's not you need to redo it before you render and upload. People notice vids that have had time put in to them, they also notice those that haven't......
  22. therunningmanz

    Channel tips for youtube?

    Hi man, I have written the below relatively bluntly because there is a fair bit there and I wanted to get it all out, I hope you take it in the right way but I wanted to state what I thought and didn't really dress it up too much. Feedback:- 1- Forget views and try to work on likes. Your vid may have close to 1000 views but it has 4 likes. When you first start off your like percentage is gonna be low but 4/1000 is too low. This should tell you that there is work to do on your video quality. You may be really proud of the vid (and you should be!) but in 4 months time if you have progressed on you will look back at this vid and cringe a little. I do with my earlier vids (and most of my later ones too to be honest!). If you do a video with just 300 views but 20 likes, that is a better video than this one. Videos with more views aren't always the ones that get you the most subs (if that is what you are aiming for), you want more of the people that watch to buy in to the content and to you and then they will sub. More people watching doesn't equate to a guarantee of more subs. My most popular video views wise has four times more views than any of my others but it isn't even in my top 10 for subs converted. 2- Keep releasing vids as regularly as you can and try to improve them as you go. Improve something each time at first if poss. You don't need to ask here for feedback, YouTube gives you all the info you should need. In terms the likes, how much of the video people are actually watching before moving on etc. You just look at this and when you do one that does better than the others, look at what you did and replicate that more. 3- Narration- set the scene and add your personality (by that I don't mean try to be funny, I mean be yourself). This video is you hiding in a bush with a guy running around a few times, with a bit of a back story in terms of why he was looking for you and what you were trying to do that would have really made a difference. 4- Sound, the sound disappears completely for several seconds while your mic is open. Why? I'm sure this is a glitch in the rec or the edit but to the viewer it could look like you were hiding something that you said to the player. Almost like you were talking to him, and it was set up (I'm not saying it was, just saying how it may have looked). 5- Never repost your videos on here or on Reddit. If you do, no matter how you dress it up you will look a little desperate. You may well be asking for feedback but still the post can be taken by many as... I have 1k views, how can I boost it to 2k, I know I will ask for feedback , please watch my video.... 6- People will only come back if you give them a reason to. You can either be an MLG super soldier of a DayZ player (certainly not me!) and they will come back to see your skills or you can be the guy that finds another way to entertain whether it be your humour or the tension/suspsense you build in to videos with music, or the professional way you edit your vids. However you do it, you need to work out what you are going to do to make people want to come back. 7- Be careful with sub annotations as it can be a turn off at first when you are just starting out. When you get a bit bigger they kinda work a little better if you want to use them. If you are gonna use them try to make them as part of the outro if poss and not in the actual footage.
  23. therunningmanz

    A Series of Unfortunate Events!

    Hi all, When you are up against it, sometimes DayZ makes the odds ever more in their favour! Thanks for watching, TRMZ PS I have been sharing these vids for a while and I still haven't worked out how to actually make the video show in the thread, rather than just show a link. I'm such a noob! Please can someone explain it to me? ;) Edit: Thanks NuckFuts for the answer...
  24. therunningmanz

    A Series of Unfortunate Events!

    Pretty much this ^^^^^ However when I was logging into the original low pop server after the crash I was expecting to be dead and therefore a new spawn. So when I was one, I switched back to the other server, purely to start a fresh from Elektro as a new spawn. I had no reason to think my character was bugged and that I would be back at NW, I just presumed they had killed me while my character stood there for 30 seconds in the building after my game crashed.
  25. therunningmanz

    A Series of Unfortunate Events!

    Thanks very much! I guess I would never have worked that out without asking. I'm sure there is proably somewhere you can search for it but I had no idea where to look.