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Everything posted by therunningmanz

  1. therunningmanz

    AKM Vs Sniper at 500 metres!

    Thanks both! I'm genuinely surprised how well this video is doing so far by my standards. Its not exactly Frankie, but nice to get a few viewers!
  2. therunningmanz

    Sniper does a dying swan impression!

    Agreed! I'm pretty sure half of my deaths and probably kills are like this. I think it's why you get so many deaths at the same time as the enemy. So annoying!
  3. therunningmanz

    Sniper does a dying swan impression!

    Thanks both! I kinda threw the vid together as it was getting late and I had work today but it was pretty cool. The short vids like that are so much easier to make. +1 on the Frankie and Youtube point. I only got into PC gaming after watching his series having been a PS3/4 and COD geek, several of the players I play with are in the same boat too.
  4. therunningmanz

    Allowing respawn for broken leg SA

    Sadist!!! ;-)
  5. Hi all, Watch me and a couple of friends battle geared guys in Svetlo as well as interacting with the odd player where possible, including one who didn’t like me one bit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWK2FKJSqlE I've been trying every which way to get better moving images out of Sony Vegas but no matter what I, do it ends up looking poorer than I would like when I upload. The copy on my desktop doesn't look like this but the youtube one does every time. I'd appreciate any constructive feedback on the content as well as any ideas on what I can do to improve the upload. Thanks for watching, TRMZ
  6. therunningmanz

    Battle at Svetlo and an unfriendly encounter....

    Thanks man! I'm hoping that there won't be tents full of hacked mags knocking about when I'm back from hols.PS sorry for the late reply. Been on (still on) holiday!
  7. therunningmanz

    Testing Grenades

    Nice one!
  8. therunningmanz

    Battle at Svetlo and an unfriendly encounter....

    Do you have something against Teamspeak or is it more of an emersion thing? Some vids I do on my own to specifically record but when I'm playing on TS, I'm playing for fun with people I've met through the game. Whilst recording in case something happens that's worthy of a video. I guess this is one thing I can't really change other than just only release solo vids and then I'd have to become a gaming loner, or release less vids. I like playing the game on my own and in a small group sometimes too. TS comes in handy on dull runs across the map as u have someone to talk to!
  9. therunningmanz

    Flying Hacker Killed (Twice!)

    All you need to do is eject the ammo from the clip to "de-hack" it. No need for any elaborate sea burials! ;-) Nice to see a hacker getting what he deserved though!!!!
  10. therunningmanz

    Revenge Vs Bandit video!

    Hi all, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7X-fnHPzK0 In this video I get murdered and then just survive to seek my revenge. Any constructive feedback would be appreciated. TheRunningManZ
  11. therunningmanz

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    Hi all, This all happened on Sunday night after a chance encounter I had with a new spawn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59F6Z_kOpJM I only edited my first ever video 6 days ago and this was my first with Sony Vegas. I'm trying to render a higher bit rate version but wanted to share the attached now. It was a right laugh!!!
  12. therunningmanz

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    Thanks for the advice mate. I did try a higher bitrate version but my youtube limit is 2gb and the one I posted already was 1.7gb. I'll look into VBR for the next one. I've seen far worse videos with loads of views but I wasn't overly happy with it, it only looked ok if I stood still. I think a lot of it is youtubes end because the edited version is much better than the uploaded one. Someone else mentioned a hacked mag. There was a nub in the house opposite the police station killing us which I cut out of the video and ItsGamerDoc killed him and took his gun. Hardly anyone in the group had any ammo as most had been killed in Novo before I got there. He did dispose of the ammo before the server restarted. Vectorbunny has liked the thread and posted a comment which is really nice of him. He has 55k subs (and is ony going to get more)and still took the time to comment on mine, with my 18 lowly subs :) ......
  13. therunningmanz

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    The anger is strong with this one!!! Thanks for the feedback regarding my video ;-).
  14. therunningmanz

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    Thanks! It was pure luck as well. I very nearly left the guy at the start cos I thought he was lying to bait me into a trap!
  15. therunningmanz

    Meeting Morgan Freeman (Vectorbunnny).

    Can I change that title to be bold like the others? If not can a mod please help? <Thanks>
  16. Hi all, as the title suggests, is anyone finding these? I'm trying to get a "Blaze of glory" youtube series going where I use nothing but the blaze rifle. It would be very helpful if I could get hold of a snaploader or 6 but I can find them anywhere? I'm new to youtube but if anyone fancies checking out my efforts so far my youtube channel has the same name as my forum name in here.
  17. therunningmanz

    Have snap loaders for the Blaze gone in 0.47?

    Lol!!! I remember buying that on CD when it came out. I think I may have some copyright issues on that one!
  18. therunningmanz

    Have snap loaders for the Blaze gone in 0.47?

    Lol! That is something I find everywhere since I stopped picking them up. I will make my way to a jail cell or two. NWA with nothing but a blaze will be fun, though possibly short lived.
  19. therunningmanz

    Have snap loaders for the Blaze gone in 0.47?

    Thanks! I wonder if they aren't spawning in civilian areas, or have become less common?
  20. therunningmanz

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    It happens mate. I think I've died on ladders or with a mystery broken leg more times than I have from players in game. But I still effing love it!!!!