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Everything posted by seanthelawn

  1. As I type this, there's a hacker teleporting around in North Carolina 3, killing people and blowing up vehicles. I don't know his username because the server doesn't have nametags, but here's what happened. I was on the Northern edge of the map after hiding a red car behind some pine trees. As I was running back South (going to search for helicopters) I heard someone shooting. I could tell by the gunshots that it was either an M14, M24 or DMR. The problem is, the shooting didn't stop. There was no pause for reloading; the shooting continued for about 30 seconds as I made my way back north. In the distance, I saw bullet impacts on the ground and my red car was up in flames. Suddenly the shooting stopped, so I took cover behind a pine and waited to see how many players there were. A second later I heard footsteps BEHIND me (south of me. Note that the shooting had been a few hundred meters north of me only seconds before). I unloaded an entire Bizon magazine into my attacker before he even let off his first shot. Seconds later, I was dead. I told my friend on Ventrilo that a guy had just attacked the camp and it was really sketchy, possibly a hacker. Within a seconds of me telling him this, he said he was being shot at with a Bizon. He was halfway across the map from me, riding a bicycle. Apparently the hacker was teleporting to keep up with him and shooting him. Tl;dr: Hacker in North Carolina 3. Killed me, destroyed my vehicles. I lost a ghillie, bizon, m107, tons of random high tier loot etc.
  2. seanthelawn

    FR16 General Info and Suggestions

    We had about 8 people in vent at the time, 5 of whom were at the factory who watched it go down. I'm not even gonna argue with you because your story is like 70% BS. I didn't post here to debate about what happened, I just wanted other players to be aware of how your server is run. FYI, the name of the guy you kicked is Decard
  3. seanthelawn

    FR16 General Info and Suggestions

    We found your motorcycle and you and your friends switched servers, surrounded us, came back and killed us. One of our friends got away with your tractor though so you kicked him. You don't deserve to run a server.