going to visit there , though i have seen it on the list being empty for days now :) <editted after visitting there > Pros -good fps -some cool custom props -empty ( you can be pioneer and get head start) - Zeds runs ! ( Huge plus , i hate walking zeds ) -random vechile spawns ( i personally like to find vechs and repair em ) Cons -3rd person on foot / vechile -way too many spawn points -empty ( feeling bit ghost town ) -primary weapon loadouts (carebearism , and making it too easy...) - name tags ( seriously server dev ? example " unkown 914 " when i pointed ai with binoc ) -clothe swap resets humanity 0 -NWA huge trader zone without trader -retard ai ( distance roughly 50m before they managed to kill me , cleared 80% of MV22 mission with pistol ) -all the guns spawns i found running around NWA were HK series , i think your loot tables are messed up.. other stuff : well i was almost hero , but the clothes bugged my humanity so i dont know which sort of armed vechiles there is , "militarized" so i assume there are some sort of MBT that you can get. - as it stands , personally i wouldnt play there : 3 out of 10