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About Valiantine

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    On the Coast
  1. Valiantine

    Fresh Hero

    I remember when I first started out and I was chased across the map, shot, killed, beaten, tortured and generally left for dead. I swore that when I obtained the proper gear I would hunt down the bandits and people that KoS and dish out justice. I finally got the gear that I needed from the northwest airfield, and hiked it allll the way bay to bereszino (however you spell it). As I was approaching the town I heard explosions and gunfire, my heart started pounding, I circled the city and from atop one of the hills I was looking through my scope to see if I could tell where the action was and if there was any need for me to intervene, As I am looking down a fresh spawn in a motorcycle helmet beats me with a shovel. I run briefly while I switch to my .45 and tell him he does'nt want to do this. He continues to chase me and swing wildly, I have no choice but to drop him. I catch up with a similar looking fresh spawn running from the scene. After some interrogation I decide to let him go. I then enter the town and make it to the roof of the tall apartment building. Directly in my field of view I see two players trying to snipe (poorly) a fresh spawn across the street. HERO MODE ACTIVATE!!! I take aim, boom hit the side of the building. Had to calm down I was so excited to do a good deed! Take aim again...bam headshot, one down. At this same time the fresh spawn charged across the street with his axe and up the stairs. So as he was approaching the second bandit he forced him to back into the window into my scope and boom, second bandit down.... Now I quickly climb down to go check on the guy that was attacked but he is nowhere to be found :(. Not that I wanted thanks or anything but I wanted some interaction of sorts from someone that I assumed to be grateful/friendly. City seems to be clear for the moment. Moving on down the road I am off in the woodline surveying said road when I see an individual in a bike helmet with a moslin laying in the prone close to the road right outside of berenszino.... Looked to me that he was waiting to pick people off as they left the city and were foolish enough to follow the road. I approached from behind and demanded that he tell me what he was doing. He wouldnt speak a word. he just wiggled his head a bunch. After taking it all in I decided to execute him right then and there. His posiiton and weapon of choice were all too convenient. I hit the next small town and find a fresh spawn face down along the docks, I kill the zombie next to her with the assumption that maybe he got her.... Then I see the bandit on the roof top, I quickly manuever back and try to get an angle on him. I went from 4 different buildings inside that city trying to get the drop on him, but everytime it seemed like he would fire randomly in my general direction and I was not able to locate him. The hunt continues.....I guess what I was trying to convey with this large post is being the hero is fun, if not thankless but still fun and it really gets my blood going when I have to dispatch a group of them by myself. This game is great and has amazing potential, totally glad I dropped the money on it.