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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Is the Canada 2 server up? Still stuck in the wildnerness
  2. Can't find Canada 2.. Instructions to search for this? Try placing this i the filter, nothing shows up
  3. I have a very simlar rig to you, and having the same problems. Processor: Pentium Dual-Core E8400 @ 3.0Ghz/core Memory: 4 Gig Vid card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 Tried running everything at the lowest setting and still had that intermittent lag.. Did reinstalling DayZ work for you? I noticed the intermittent lag occurs more often when you spawn/agro zombies from a far distance. For example it will play perfectly fine in the country side. But when you come close to a building, right before the zombies spawn the machine starts to lag. Its especially common when you have zombies chasing you and each time they agro antoher, the intermittent lag occurs... Would not having enough cpu ram or graphics card ram be the fault?