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Everything posted by Semaj2000

  1. Hi Dealen, Look- i know we have had our differences but i would like to come and speak to you guys again. You were great fun while i was there and i miss talking to some of you. Please unban me and i am sure we can sort this whole thing out. Regards, Semaj2000
  2. Semaj2000

    Looking for people.

    Heroic Forces =H.F= Despite what the name suggests, we are a clan that plays hero on 1st and 3rd person. This means we will set up a squad system, that can be changed, (and you wont be restricted to) but in combat situations this is were you will go to ensure the enemy is killed and we are victorious. We are a friendly gaming community who are looking for people over 16 (if you are under the age we may give you a probation period), and you must be willing to be active and friendly to our clan members. We are not just restricted to DayZ and we are sure you will be able to find people who are playing the game you are and we can set you up a chanel for this game in our teamspeak (eurots5.gameservers.com:9402).
  3. Accepted- please hop on the ts (81st.typefrag.com:6895) to get your ranks
  4. The 81st Clan- Daily action for those looking for it on alot of games, along with dedicated members on 24/7- Join today!!
  5. 1] Nickname: Semaj2000 2] Region(Country): UK 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: Semaj2000 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: A week and a bit 7] How many Clans have you been In: None 8] Previous experience: Years of gaming, of all genres 9] How many bandits have you killed: around 6- I usually try to talk first and if I can avoid conflict I will (if I am in a group I will take on any bandit/s) and I may have killed more, but if there's a group I don't stick around to count how many I killed. 10] Are you willing to help other players:YES