Those of you who are claiming Zeds are no problem obviously haven't played since yesterdays patch. I used to have the timing down perfect: run at the zed that is charging me, swing the axe before he gets to me, and it hits him just as he gets close. BAM dead! however, after the patch, I spent several minutes trying to kill one single zed. I circled him for a while, swinging like crazy, probably got about twenty swings out before one connected, and it didnt kill him! (it was with the fireman's axe, btw - one hit should have killed a normal zed) so then I was back to swinging again, and meanwhile my coat and vest are ruined, the items in them are damaged, and Im bleeding like crazy. The biggest problem is I spend so much time swinging that twice in half an hour this triggered the bug where I couldn't swing at all, so I had to find a ladder and climb up (zeds have figured out stairs now) so I can relog to fix it! also, I don't know if it was just the server I was on, or if it was also part of the patch, but either the zeds are faster now or I'm slower, because in full spring on pavement I couldn't outrun the zed that was following me! I probably ran two miles with him hard on my heels, hitting me repeatedly as I booked it to the nearest ladder... Now I might as well be starting a new character, because half of my gear is ruined because of some stupid bugs! another question: I saw people saying not to raise the weapon before swinging, it works better. I have never been able to swing without raising the weapon! is there some trick to it? because I can click the "fire" button all day and nothing happens until I raise my weapon - regardless of which weapon I am carrying!