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Everything posted by jippyuk

  1. Panda, you've got the poll on the main page, but isn't it a little misleading (saying because im losing the votes ahah...) youve got it saying death messages, i wasnt referring to removing jippyuk was killed, i was more referring to who the actual killer was.... think everyone answering the poll is aware of that? got the impression they think its to remove messages all together when somebody dies thats all :)
  2. did you even read his updates on his first page? :)
  3. Just finished a small game session on your server, fantastic... Lag is very little, nice community and loot is on a decent level... Looking forward to more sessions. There a dedicated forum for this server or is this post the only place to make comments? Just wondering on the kill messages when you kill another player. Preferred the anonymity personally when taking down a bandit / regular player. Was this voted by the majority of the vets on this server or is this up for discussion?
  4. Name: JippyUK Location: Mafialand, Italy :) GUID: 8a0552971e9719891154bf9590f6003d Got a friend as well waiting to get on... Name: V-Lad Location: Bucharest, Romania GUID: ff1fb6b0bc8fb49ac3342b8b7a2f3035 Hoping to get whitelisted so we can get started today, been looking for a decent server to start again on, fed up of hackers n scripters... lovely low ping here as well :D.. EDIT Thanks for whitelist!
  5. jippyuk

    The bar room massacre.

    Nice! Moments like this which make this game brilliant :D You just can't retell these stories properly to friends who dont play, you have to experience it for yourself :D
  6. Probably mentioned somewhere buried in the thousands of suggestions posted every second here. Whilst out in the wilderness I spotted a fellow survivor approaching a farmhouse from the other side, he hadn't seen me yet. I knew there was decent loot inside but was left with a problem. Do I kill him first? Do I try to befriend him and risk getting killed? In the end I chose the former (guilty) however if we are talking about survival in the world out there.... I would have much preferred to creep up on him and knock him out somehow (piece of wood etc) or to shoot a tranq dart or something from afar. Like that I have about 3-4 mins to get in the farmhouse... loot it for things I need, check his backpack and take any supplies I might deem necessary WITHOUT having to kill if possible. Its a gameplay choice, you DONT have to kill. I'd much rather steal apologise and leave the guy alive. I'm guessing the option to knock people out etc would need to be something you GET via looting. Otherwise everyone would just be knocking each other out all the time. Or some sort of mechanic where you need to do it from a certain position or something. Any ideas / suggestions / additions to this? I think it would add another gameplay style which many people would prefer instead of killing... EDIT: For example, some weapon types (melee) have an alternate type of ammo (concussion for example) but you need to CHANGE to that ammo type before you can knock someone out. It stops people running around just knocking everyone out and looting because from afar they are still game to people with guns / rifles etc.. Plus the changing of ammo type takes a certain amount of time, say 5 seconds. Chances are you are going to be hiding watching the player planning your attack so you'd have time to chance mode. Might be a way to stop it becoming a wood swinging comp :)
  7. Lots of nice ideas.. Not sure why people think it wouldnt work? I mean so far the only serious encounters I've had were up close and usually were along the lines of the victim not having any idea he was being hunted. If you want to kill someone thats all fine and dandy. But I am sure there are numerous methods, it being tranq darts, melee weapons etc which could be changed slightly to allow a knock out. Maybe we are the few that would prefer to knock someone out and rob them as opposed to just popping someone in the face and killing them. I would feel less guilty knowing that the player would be able to get up afterwards and at least be at the same position they were at before (unless the zombies get to him) as opposed to him having to restart his toon in a totally unfamiliar place. The above it aimed a little more at beginners starting out. Them being shot and killed the first day into their adventures or them being knocked out and robbed. I think they'd prefer the latter, i think the latter being more LIKELY than a kill hence adding realism :)
  8. You can imagine the scenario... They are knocked out, they have the timer countdown of say 3 minutes... In that time you check them for dangerous weapons, whilst doing so you are talking to them VOICE via direct chat... "I'm taking these things because of bla bla bla, you being dangerous etc.." Adds another level of gameplay.. Hope rocket notices it :D
  9. I felt guilty killing the person (new to game) BUT I knew the chances were very high he would kill me back if I didnt. I also needed what was in that room, like he did. You knock him out, you take what you need and you move on. Just the way it would go in MY eyes. I would just go around popping other survivals in the eyeballs every chance I got :) But yeah some sort of delay / usage mechanic would need to be implemented first.
  10. Cummon seriously? The atmosphere of the world, the emptiness of it, and you want tazors lying around :) a piece of wood is far more logical / scriptable for Rocket.
  11. jippyuk

    Looking for some people to play with!

    Bzerk... I'm based in Italy but English speaking... just picked this game up yesterday and have had my ass handed to me both times I've tried to survive... lol Its hard... Also a BF3 player :) Would love to hook up with someone and try and figure out the game some.... You can find me on Steam... Send me a msg with your nick and i'll add ya... You online in the evening tonight? Anyone else EU timezone who fancies hooking up this evening? Have a mic so its all good LOL