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Elvis 22222222

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Everything posted by Elvis 22222222

  1. Elvis 22222222

    Frozen Every Time

    Every time I load up Day Z now (Post 49 patch) I can not play the game. It works just fine in the main menu but when I hit join game or find server it freezes and I am unable to close out. I have to reset my PC to close it out. For some reason thought, I can still move my mouse when "frozen" and hear sound. When I hit find a server it brings up the screen but with no servers listed (Freezes at this point). If I hit join game instead(After restarting), it stops (freezes) at "searching for host" Tried re installing... notta
  2. Elvis 22222222

    Coastal KOSers

    I said geared, not fully geared. I haven't really ever kos while fully geared. Always low on something like food, water, or ammo that makes me kill.
  3. Elvis 22222222

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    My favorite thing is probably the game crashes.. OH wait no no my favorite is the lag... wait no my real favorite is not being able to play it at all! yeah that's it.
  4. Elvis 22222222

    Coastal KOSers

    I never get why people with gear run to the coast... None of those people there have anything of use...
  5. Elvis 22222222

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Crashed 3 times now (Had to restart PC). I could only play the game for a little under a minute, its either lag or a bug that I can't control my character on the spot, it has a 5 second delay it seems. Tell me when you fix it
  6. Elvis 22222222

    What if...

    Bye Bye call of duty
  7. Elvis 22222222

    Do you carry a handgun when you have an automatic rifle?

    Taped to your back like Die hard the movie... and that's what I also mean about sneakiness, If one guy holds you up from the front, you take your clothes off, and wait for the prefect moment to wipe it out. And chest holders replace the vest thing that holds 8 spots... wast of space.
  8. Elvis 22222222

    Do you carry a handgun when you have an automatic rifle?

    Never carry more then one gun, I find it wasteful. I feel hand guns can improve significantly if they worked like primarys. They should go behind you back, tucked into your pants (Or tapped to your back aka ductape for sneakiness) instead of in your backpack or pants shirt etc... It is a wast of space. All guns should have primary type approach.
  9. Elvis 22222222


    Just use the 22 pistol or riffle.
  10. Elvis 22222222

    Where are the Smersh vests?

    They are found on building roof tops in berezino
  11. Elvis 22222222

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Please add this
  12. Elvis 22222222


    That cargo ship always gives me a headache
  13. Elvis 22222222

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    I really just wish they get rid of all military loot all together....
  14. Elvis 22222222

    WTF just happened?

    Happened to me on my last guy.
  15. Elvis 22222222

    Hey. What weapon do you choose.

    Ak101, hang around The NWAF, you'll always have ammo from M4 mags (Heli always spawn there) & the few 101 mags you find. They're are 3 places people ALWAYS come from, and I have a jump spot on all three now. Easy income of hunting, supplies & constant action. It can be equipped with a sniper scope, and also of course can rapid fire in close range. Knock people out, handcuff them, then bandage them. Take their gun and or guns and find a nice bush to drop them. That simple with that sexy baby.... Taking handcuff off optional, if they're Bambi killer bandits just leave them on. Great Hero/Bandit gun
  16. Elvis 22222222

    Mistakes you see people do all the time in DayZ

    Say "friendly" in Berezino
  17. Bugs, boring, wait 2 years.... or 5.
  18. Elvis 22222222

    D-bag of the year

    So I was in Berezino just kinda screwing around, gave my gear to a fresh spawn, striped down to nothing, not even any shoes. I warned new spawns about the KOS clan in Electro, played bait for some dude who wanted to play hero, and kill some bandits. He logged off after 30 mins of nothing but nice people coming threw... I got bored too, and just left my dude on the roof about to kill myself for a new spawn (Town was completely looted & starving to death). Not really paying attention watching the game, also a friend might jump in to the server so I was waiting on him so i was just standing there just in case he was joining to not kill myself.... This D-Bag climbs 2 latters walks up behind me, and shoot me in the leg... why... I just rolled of the building to kill myself, but not before the dumb*** got lit up by 2 M4s across from me who logged in I suppose. Nice people wanted to help me... What brings someone to be this level of "trolling" (Idiot).
  19. Elvis 22222222

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    The other guy I killed before (I have killed 2 guys) spawned in to a military base (right in front of me). I didn't have a clip in my gun, just a chambered bullet so I had to put him down I guess. While looting him I noticed he had a spotter instead of, and AK like I original thought... Had zero ammo too... felt terrible.
  20. Elvis 22222222

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    same man... I constantly complain about having nothing to shoot, but when I find someone I can't bring myself to pull the trigger... even if he is a bandit, and just killed a fresh spawn... I usually just fire close to him and chase him off. If he stays I kill him, but if he runs I just let him go.... I have only killed one dude this way... in 70 hours of game-play
  21. Elvis 22222222

    So where have all the Mosins gone?

  22. Elvis 22222222

    Ability to label gear with pen

    That would be easy to do I think...
  23. Elvis 22222222

    Are they wiping?

    I die like once a day cause it is alpha/I'm bad, and I like to kill zombies with big guns. I usually just ignore other players & big cities.... but, if you're loud they will come. I'm in electro right now with 4 drums of ammo & a itchy trigger finger. I'm not "KOS"... "I'm shot at ya miss on purpose then wait for you to shot back so I has an excuse then Kill you sight" When you re-spawn btw, just get some food and water fill up on it, then ditch your shirt, shoes, pants. Head towards a military base and you'll find drink, food, pants. shirt, ammo/gun before you die no problem. People see you with nothing & already looks like you've been held up. hardly anyone will kill you. Been found in a military base a couple times & and I've never been killed. They tell me to wait there, and "I can have the rest" or they just kick me out.
  24. Elvis 22222222

    Crossbows being ignored?

    I still needs to able to kill, it's a weapon after all.
  25. Elvis 22222222

    Idea for baseball caps

    I completely agree with all the suggestions above, please put them in.