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Everything posted by Shades-

  1. Shades-

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    There was actually a perfectly working one lastnight and the day before with max players on it. Only issues I had was every 4 hours the server would restart several times within 5 minutes.
  2. Shades-

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I was just on a exp server lastnight that was a 40 pop. I login this morning and can't seem to find it on my server list. I've restarted, refreshed, everything.
  3. Shades-

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    This meaning that there will be a stable update today?
  4. Shades-

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    It's Wednesday! Is stable going to be updated to 0.49 today and when is the character wipe going to be taking place?
  5. Is the Smersh Vest in the loot tables at the moment? If so, where the hell do I find them?
  6. Shades-


    I remember find the .357 a few patches back. Where in the hell can I find them now? I see the ammo all over the place, just not a god damn sign of the gun.
  7. Shades-


    Thanks for the location areas, guys. I'll more than likely just be checking the fire stations and schools for now on for them. :)
  8. Shades-

    Server Questionw

    I'm quite new to how the DayZ server scheduling works around here. So every Wednesday the stable servers go down and the experimental servers are the only servers that you can access for the entire day? Is there new features that are implemented into the experimental servers every week?
  9. Shades-

    Trading Post

    Hey! I'm looking for anyone that has a PRISTINE M4 sight and a .357 revolver for trade. If interested, we'll more than likely trade/meet at Balota or Cherno. (If you want to meet at another spot, let me know).
  10. Shades-

    question about the cz 527

    I find them in the police stations all the time. Also look inside of the train on the tracks near the gas station just west of Cherno.
  11. Shades-

    Helicopter crash sites?

    Alrighty, thanks. :) Do you know why they are currently disabled and when they will be re-enabled?
  12. Shades-

    Question About the 101

    Nope, unfortunately not. You can only find the 30 round clips as of right now. :(
  13. Shades-

    Helicopter crash sites?

    Does anyone know the exact location at Kamenka where a heli crash site can spawn at? Screenshots would help.
  14. Shades-

    dayz SA has stopped working

    Ever since the patch today it hasn't been happening. :) Now it's replaced with the no-interaction glitch when you can't shoot, melee, drink, etc.
  15. Shades-

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    It's a shame. :( Can't wait until tents are going to be useful and you can finally set up a camp site with friends.
  16. Shades-

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Think that means if you put items in the tent, it won't be there after a server restart.
  17. Shades-

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Will it take awhile for our verison to update on Steam? Still not seeing an update yet.
  18. Stable servers are under maintenance and are being updated to 0.47. Patch notes will be released soon after the maintenance is finished. :)
  19. Shades-

    dayz SA has stopped working

    Same has been happening with my game. Whenever I join a server and another player (in this case my friend) joins the server in a close radius, it makes me crash. Also tend to crash whenever I get disconnected from a server due to a restart.
  20. Shades-

    Patch Notes Link?

    Could anyone link me the patch notes for 0.47.124641? Or has it not been released yet? If so, when will it be released?