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Everything posted by Klaangen

  1. Klaangen

    Zombies not moving

    Date/Time: UTC+2 4pm, 18th of june 2012 What happened: 75% of Zombies stood around on the same place except for when they aggroed on a player or got distracted by lets say a smoke grenade. Where you were: Kamenka, Balota Airfield etc. Basically the whole southern coastline. What you were doing: Sneaking around and noticed that almost all zombies were standing still *Current installed version: Dayz + ArmA 2 Beta 93825 *Server(s) you were on: SE3 + SE9 *Your system specs: Windows 7 ultimate, MSI Z68a-GD55, i5 2500K, 8GB Corsair RAM, Geforce GTX580 *Timeline of events before/after error: -
  2. Hello! First i want to say that this is not one of those i hate bandits i dont want PvP threads. My thread title is a question i yell at the screen everytime somebody shoots me unprovoked. Why did you shoot me? Im not talking about the shoot or be shot situations when you both enter the supermarket at the same time from opposite ends and stare into eachothers eyes. Im also not talking about the bandit sniping and then looting your body. Those i see clear logical reasons for even if one of them may be more evil :) What im talking about is me sitting as a fresh respawn with only a hatchet looking down into a lootpile and being shot in the back of the head with an m4 execution style. That has happened to me so many times i've lost count but being shot with different weapons. Just now i respawned by elektro and figured i would venture inside since i had nothing to lose and needed new gear. I go around all industrial, hospital, residential, office, supermarket and firehouse buildings and gather basically every tool i could need. I even got a toolbox so i can take those pesky little barbed wires down. However, i didnt find any weapons for some reason. So im walking down the stairs of the north elektro firestation and i look into some guys lee enfield barrel. I tell him im friendly and that i just respawned and dont even have a weapon which you can see by me not having one equipped. He says ok over voicechat and puts a third eye in my face. Why would you shoot someone who has shown no sign of hostility and looking at their equipment poses absolutely no threat to you at all. I myself has also done this a time or two. Why do we shoot in these kinds of situations?
  3. Klaangen

    Why did you shoot me?

    Perhaps you fail to understand the nature of this game. You've got some stuff... Someone else wants it. They kill you and take it. MIght not seem fair to you, life and DayZ rarely are. While I do personally believe being murdered along the coast with no weapon is bs, it still happens. It's happened to me, and more than likely a large section of the player base. As for your original question, you might disagree with the "shoot or be shot" motto in this case, but it's always the case. Espically when you head to PVP HOTSPOTS like cherno or Elektro. In short, expect to be killed. Kill first or die yourself. It's the nature of the game. Hey i understand the nature of this game just as much as you do. And i understand the i have something and someone wants it thing perfectly. My question was in the cases when there was no things to be wanted by anybody. And i'll make myself clear once more like i did in my original post. Im not against any of it. Im all for the possibility of killing whoever you want to. Im just curious about the morality questions that come into play. As far as im concerned this isn't just a game but a simulator of human emotions. Thats why i asked why do we do it? and i was not complaining about it happening, just exploring the reasons for it happening :)
  4. Klaangen

    Why did you shoot me?

    Well i like to think that some reasons would be: 1. The person has shown no sign of hostility to me. 2. The person has no real way of hurting me. 3. I gain nothing by killing the person since he/she has no gear 4. I use up bullets for nothing. 5. I give up my position to surrounding survivors if im not using a silenced weapon. I see no clear motivator for me to take the execution shot in these situations even though i have done the same before.
  5. Date/Time: 2012-06-29 10PM UTC+2 What happened: Where jumping between servers since i couldn't remember on what server i had placed a tent earlier. I had ran up to where my tent was and kept jumping between servers. Found the correct server but spawned about 30m up in the air and fell to my certain death. (Could possibly be standing ''inside'' the tent when spawning in) Also when i instantly ran back to my tent where i died there was no body so i couldnt get all of my gear back... Where you were: Mountain North-east of Elektro. Dobryy i think its called. What you were doing: Logging in while standing just by or possibly on a tent. *Current installed version: Dayz + Latest Arma2 Beta *Server(s) you were on: SE 10 *Your system specs: OS: Windows ultimate 64-bit Motherboard: MSI Z68-GD55 CPU: Intel i5 2500K Graphics card: Geforce GTX580 RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengance *Timeline of events before/after error: Logging in and out continuosly at the same place
  6. Klaangen

    two things i dont get

    1. When players talk about a base it mostly means a group of people who have put up tents and/or placed all of the groups vehicles in the same place and in there stashed all of their equipment. 2. If you go into shock, which you can by having pain inflicted on you i.e. being shot or hit by a zombie. If you log out while you are in shock the next time you log in you will be unconsious for a longer period of time. Hope this helps :)
  7. After reading the changelog for 1.7.1 where it was written that you now can place tents anywhere except in buildings i tried putting up my first tent ever. However, I cant seem to place it anywhere even if i go by the old rules of finding a flat surface with no trees around. I right click the tent in my gear and select pitch tent but get the message saying i need to place my tent on a flat surface with nothing around it. Am i doing something wrong?
  8. Hello! I've been having this problem and i have searched here on the forum but can't find anything similar. Ok here's the scenario, Last night i was on playing and came across a heli crash. I looted an FN FAL with one mag which i decided to keep as a second primary for longer distance so i stuffed it in my Alice pack. My primary was a M4A3 CCO with 5 mags. A bit later i came across a DMR with 4 mags so i decide to drop the FAL since it only had one mag and the ammo for it is so rare. I drop it and pick up the DMR and the mags and everything is fine and i play along for a few more hours. Then i log out with my DMR as my primary and my M4A3 CCO in my backpack. I then log back in about an hour later again and when i open my backpack my M4 is gone and the FN FAL is there instead. I also recieved a few other items that i had dropped off previously. For instance i logged out with one blood pack but logged back in with two. This has happened to me a few times for different weapons and items. It also seems to happen on all kinds of different servers. Is this something common that other people experience? if so is there a way around it? Is it a server bug or a game bug?
  9. Now it happened again and this time i lost my DMR and this darned FN FAL is haunting me! :P Im seriously thinking it might be cursed! :O
  10. Date/Time: 11pm UTC+2 2012-06-21 What happened: Consistently during gameplay i found loot piles consisting of small bags, i.e the skin used for makarov mags. When looking at them and opening up gear there was nothing to be looted. Only happened with the small bags and not with other loot such as weapons or other ammunition. To verify if it was a bug or not i picked up all items except the small bag in several loot piles and then i just looked at that single item and opened up the gear menu and there was no item in the menu every time i tried. Where you were: Cherno hospital + apartments, North of Cherno in several barns What you were doing: Trying to survive! *Current installed version: + 93825 *Server(s) you were on: NY8 + SE10 *Your system specs: Windows 7 ultimate 64bit, MSI Z68-GD55, Geforce GTX580, 8GB Corsair RAM *Timeline of events before/after error: Logging in and everything went smooth then i started noticing that in loot piles there were small bags on the ground but when opening up the gear there were no items that matched that skin being showed in the item menu.
  11. Klaangen

    Ammo and Magazines

    To be even more realistic you could still keep the silenced ammo in the game and just rename it sub-sonic ammo. A silenced m9 can still fire normal 9mm rounds and you get a slight decrease in sound. However, if you would load it with sub-sonic 9mm rounds you lose more range and power but you gain a significant drop in sound compared to super-sonic ammunition.
  12. Klaangen

    Glowstick use

    +1 would be nice to see when we've reached beta stage. Crazy unrealistic thought jumped into my head! How about putting them on Crossbowbolts rambo style! :D Shooting a glowing arrow into the cherno hospital at night would be a great way to distract bandits from the apartments so you can sneak in as an example.
  13. Klaangen

    Picking up items

    Look towards what you want to pick up on the ground and press G. This will bring up your inventory. To the left is a list of everything you have and everything you can pick up. If there is a number to the right of the item name that means you have that many of that item on you. However, if there is a number to the left of the item and no number to the right that means you dont have that item on you and that you can pick it up. So lets say you want to pick up a weapon, for instance a Lee-Enfield rifle on the ground. What you do is look at the weapon on the ground and then press G to bring up your gear. Click the name of the item which in this case would bee ''Lee-Enfield''. Then you click the little white arrow to the right of the name and you should pick it up. Hope this helps!
  14. Date/Time: UTC+2 4pm, 18th of june 2012 What happened: Picked up a piece of equipable gear i.e a weapon or equipment like compass. This resulted in entire inventory dropping on ground except for the item (and in case of a weapon its ammo). Happened about 50% of the time Where you were: Place seemed irrelevant. Happened all over. What you were doing: Looting.. *Current installed version: Dayz + ArmA 2 Beta 93825 *Server(s) you were on: SE3 + SE9 *Your system specs: Windows 7 ultimate, MSI Z68a-GD55, i5 2500K, 8GB Corsair RAM, Geforce GTX580 *Timeline of events before/after error: Logging in and the error happened about every other time i picked up equipable item. No special events before or after
  15. Hi! This has happened to me a few times and i think its a known bug therefore im not reporting it in the bug thread. Just now i was looting a supermarket and i found a Remington 870 with flashlight on the ground. I thought well that be more use than my secondary shotgun that i had in my backpack. So i figured i'll just drop my primary, take out my winchester and drop that a few feet away then i can pick my M4A3 CCO back up and put the remington in my backapack. But as soon as i dropped my M4 it along with its ammo just disappeared. I know this happens but is there a way to go around it? Is there another way to pick up new gear that doesn't involve me dropping my gear? Im not the best at the gear system yet :P
  16. So youre saying that if i open up a lootpile and then drop my M4 in there it will just end up in the loot pile and not disappear?
  17. I agree that you break bones often in the game as it is now. However when i do it i mostly do it because the game is still in alpha. For instance i cant tell you how many times ive glitched off a ladder and fell and broke my legs. I think that with just some patience its gonna get better. When you say you logged in and were unconsious for 5 minutes. Did you log out while your character was in shock? I believe that can cause thats how its supposed to be.+