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Everything posted by craig1

  1. Same shadow thing didnt work for me
  2. ill try that next time im in that area last time i disabled shadows but didnt enable them again so thanks for tip
  3. alright mate this happens to me but only in certain places ive experienced it twice now once at stary sober and the second time berezino but not all of stary sober and berezino only when i looked at a certain building or object dunno what is was that caused it as i couldnt see but the rest of stary sober and berezino were fine but yours looks grey mine was still in colour all i did was just move away from the building or object it carnt be my graphics card as ive tried it in the editor running around stary sober and berezino as it was fine i put it down to an object they have placed there on the dayz map.
  4. Im Running the latest versions and i was on EU 2 server and all my loot in my tent Disappeard on a server restart but my tent was ok i was still able to pack up and move on i thought this bug was fixed. LU232 server and my 2 tents Disappeard with my loot after 3 days been logged off i thought it was 4 they got deleted. Anybody give me answer cause im lost i know its still early but i thought these 2 problems were fixed.
  5. craig1

    Tents & Loot Disappears

    Thanks for your reply About a month ago i owned 1 tent which lasted for 2 weeks with no problems loot was always there on server restarts and when i logged on and off the only reason i lost this tent and loot was when i was killed but like i said my last 2 attempts at owning a tent and loot as failed which you have explained just couldnt get my head round it why i owned a tent for 2 weeks running without 1 single problem then my last 2 attempts have been bugged. Question does the server host or owner have the ability to see or know were are all the pitched tents on the map are and have the option to delete tents and items from tents etc just askin as EU 2 server had about 7 clan members on it which 1 of them were the host and they part owned it not sayin they were to blame but just wanted to know how much the host can do.
  6. just wanted to get the feel of it being day and nite without switchin servers
  7. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.23

    i dont know yet mate lol i wouldnt mind playin 1st person view if i could see atleast 10 feet infront of me but at the moment i carnt even see my feet unless i use a flair then i can see my feet. i got the impression that makin it more difficult was adding more zombies and makin them faster etc well at the moment its very very diffiicult for me anyway im bumping into trees fences ive even gone swimming in the sea thinking it was a little pond/lake.
  8. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.23

    theres no 3rd person view only 1st person view so at night the flairs are usless in 1st person view they are only useful in 3rd person view guys why have you turned 3rd person view off i havnt read no complaints about playin view no i carnt play at night like i said the flairs dont light nothin up in 1st person view lol
  9. I myslef would also like to see a day / night cycle 2 hours of day 2 hours of night for us day workers who only get the chance to play at night lol (its just a Suggestion)
  10. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.17

    just like to say 1.4.17 is all good for me i havnt played since 1.4.6. and it also saved all my gear weapons etc from my last game
  11. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.11

    its not worked for me v1.4.9 and 1.4.11 still no luck lol
  12. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.11

    I would imagine tents and cars etc should be tied to the character so u lose them if you character dies
  13. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.9

    ill listen to that while i wait for the next patch lol
  14. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.9

    I carnt even connect now with 1.4.9 update lol never mind
  15. craig1

    DayZ Update 1.4.3

    Yes Servers Keep Going Down I would imagine that they had a testin server for the new updates
  16. craig1

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi im Craig both here and ingame You will see me on the EU1 or EU2 servers