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Everything posted by thefinn

  1. thefinn

    pre .59 hype

    Seeing that, you have to wonder - once again - why they didn't just use the arma 3 engine and modify THAT.
  2. thefinn

    pre .59 hype

    We discussed it at TOG on the AU side, we'd prefer the lag to no zombies. Not that the Z's don't need fixing, but would really prefer to have the Z's. Servers are empty 2 days after the patch because of it. Also the animals need to come back - the grazing ones, like pigs, etc. 2 things you can really have some fun with alone, dodging the Z's and hunting. Both are gone meaning no real content when you're not in a group and even when you are the server pop's are really low now.
  3. thefinn


    The lag around barrels and campsites, anyone else? Is there an explanation of how it works? Can I avoid it?
  4. thefinn


    I think it's a pretty well known issue - there's a huge desynch type of lag - where you right-click an item and "Receiving" comes up for 30 seconds. You put your gun down, wait 30 seconds, you want to drink a canteen, 30 seconds... etc.. Can take up to a minute, or be as low as 15 seconds I've noticed.
  5. thefinn


    Good to know, thanks for the info.
  6. Tend to agree with this, they just don't have the balls for it.
  7. thefinn

    Killing Rukuss.... Oops.

    I got offended at a condescending attitude. It was you who chose to defend it - stupidly. The fact that you decide to be blind to that fact only shows I was right in the first place. You feel the need to throw your own ego around and anyone who thinks otherwise is supposed to be either inferior or wrong. Fact is the dude got slammed and rightly so. Fact is so have you. Fact is no one cares what you think the game is "supposed to look like". If you're trying to argue that peoples' settings are not a matter of opinion, then you're pushing shit uphill. If you don't want to watch my videos fucking don't. IDC - what you gonna do about it ? Are you gonna internet-pout?
  8. thefinn

    Frags Compilation

    Wish I could understand french better, but good videos thanks!
  9. thefinn

    Killing Rukuss.... Oops.

    Look better - IN YOUR OPINION. How am I misconstruing you telling me I have a poor attitude because I don't care about his decided condescension. And you seem to think that that opinion is the ONLY OPINION. And that I should or even WOULD change it to suit you and YOUR OPINION. As I said, a completely and utterly overinflated sense of self. IDC about your opinion about what my graphics should look like and neither should I nor anyone else. Everyone will play with whatever settings they like. Like his condescending attitude "I can accept your low resolution" wasn't bad enough. But the fact that you were actually willing to jump in and defend it, is ... well... kinda stupid. Had he merely said "Hrm looks kinda stretched" I might've just replied "I prefer it at 4:3 - to me it looks kinda squished otherwise.", but he didn't. Let me reiterate... Too Fucking Bad. Pretty sure YOU can't misconstrue that right ?
  10. thefinn

    Killing Rukuss.... Oops.

    Luckily he respawned about 200m away ;) It was only after that, that I started to think it was funny haha.
  11. thefinn

    Killing Rukuss.... Oops.

    Pretty sure you guys just have a slightly over-inflated sense of self. Why the hell would anyone putting a video up for free give a crap about what you consider "acceptable settings" ? These are the settings I play the game at, you just figure I'll adjust the entire way I play the game and see the game in order to fit in with your notion of what's acceptable (to you) ? And this is reasonable ? Yeah let me get right on that dude! Or perhaps I'll just reiterate ... IDC.
  12. thefinn

    Killing Rukuss.... Oops.

    Yeah IDC. That's Rukkus laughing, me I was mortified.
  13. thefinn

    Warzone Elektro

  14. Yes, however, you know not everyone will do that and it will still end up with tents slowly building up on the server. It's really easy to forget to do also (even for me) and then you lose the tent and all its' contents.
  15. I did a small test for our server owner tonight regarding tents. Just checking the persistence and then restarted the server. All seemed well. However, the tent suffers from the same bug as medic kits seemed to pick up a couple of patches back - where the kit contents disappear and cannot by any means (?) be accessed or have items swapped out - with the medic kit you can just pick it up in your hands to display the contents. Tents you cannot. This means someone filling their tent up, leaving it for a server restart and coming back will find the tent looking empty and no slots available. This also means the tent cannot ever be picked up again - as they need to be empty and you cannot empty it - meaning the tent stays forever. You can add an item to the tent - this then shows all the items in it, however if it's full you cannot do this. I think everyone involved would be a little concerned about suddenly having tent after tent being put up and them having to stay there forever. Unless someone knows of a fix for this? Is this fixed in 0.50 ? Any replies would be helpful, thanks!
  16. Not sure, at present it's boring as hell once you are geared anyhow. So having a mechanic that might randomly cut your life short the longer that life goes on might be a blessing (at present). Later on I'd like to see the stat come back over time - even if it's long long periods of time - while in healthy condition.
  17. thefinn

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    I do kinda wish there were more blazes tho I must admit - seems SKS is the gun of the patch from all the SKS I keep finding.
  18. thefinn

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Game needs umbrellas. Raincoats is nice, but I would think umbrellas would be common. Cause... you know...
  19. thefinn

    .49 Is not an improvement

    Yeah I'm not really finding this playable personally. I spawn in vybor on our server every time, I am naked, no rags, nothing. Die within 15 minutes - maybe 20 if I get some clothes near the end of the hypothermic stage, but by then it's too late anyhow. On the odd occasion I do live because I got lucky and found decent clothing, I usually get some other glaring bug on server restarts - doors cannot be opened etc.. I don't see how melee was fixed. Still getting hit after zombies are dead too. Going early access you really need to think about marketing and what you're going to provide people to play during the alpha - personally I see DayZ as a perfect example of why not to do it. I can understand the development cycle and everything, but in terms of playability. What good is a zombie apocalypse shooter where the zombies are so bugged ? 40 ppl per server and the single thing that alleviates the boredom and monotony of just running from place to place are the zombies. Sure perhaps the other one is loot (at least until you are kitted up) but the loot has had huge issues too. Get the zombies fixed and you'd fix 50% of the complaints. Loot would be next - if we still have melee issues, people could forgive that kind of thing. Zombies and loot are why we're here in alpha right now. We understand there's no vehicles, no base building, etc.. The glaring bugs in this build just seem to overwhelm any sense of gameplay imo. Take a look at the NPC's in "the forest" alpha, they are 10x better and they have a 4 person team, so please...
  20. thefinn

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Bleh Double Post
  21. thefinn

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Katana, more and interesting melee weapons... Maybe a Lee Enfield or something in terms of guns... Outfits... Cargo Shorts, Hawaiian Shirts ;)
  22. If you've lost faith in DayZ don't worry... ...there's always religion! Jesus Saves. (But not in Svetlo).
  23. thefinn

    So has there been a wipe yet or not?

    I agree, just fkn do it and give zero f**** about the whiners. Jesus if some game developer goes "hey dude I'm just going to work, we're gonna be playing our development build today, you wanna come take a look?" most people would say yes. That is what this is, nothing more. Although seeing all the bs from various early access games, I'd have to say allowing ppl into alphas is probably just bad marketing in the long run.
  24. thefinn


    I know you are correct but historically alpha's have been closed too! If you're asking people to come back week after week and play your alpha in order to test things - some level of playability has to be there or you're plain asking them to work for you ;)